Long termers 6 months or more

No I enjoyed having a wee read through it! I loved your hair with the blue bits through it! :)
Great blog....how odd I I.agined you as a brunette....weird how you see things in your minds eye. Very brave to chart your story and just hope we can all get that happy ending soon x
I'll give it a read now lol just read the comment avove and I sooo imagined you as a brunette too!!

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I'll give it a read now lol just read the comment avove and I sooo imagined you as a brunette too!!

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Haha I am brunette now but I've been a blonde most my life and also a red head and I had lilac silvery hair too... but naturally I am brunette !
How is everyone doing? I'm due AF any day from today really according to my app. Have quite a large window cos my cycle has ultimately varied from 23 days up to 37 although seems to be sticking around 30 ish last couple. Is it stupid that I'm frightened to have sex in case it brings on AF. Really don't want to be on for out little trip away Thurs to Sat...want some much needed fun time x
I just read a old thread I found via googling 'how many days did you dtd to get bfp crazy things you google. All the women were saying we dtd every day for 1 week or we dtd twice a day for 10 days....Maybe I am going wrong cos we can't dtd that many times ..we normally dtd between 3 and 5 times in fertile week...no way could we do any more than that....anyone else dtd 5 days in a row or 7 days in a row or twice a day for a week...??
I just read a old thread I found via googling 'how many days did you dtd to get bfp crazy things you google. All the women were saying we dtd every day for 1 week or we dtd twice a day for 10 days....Maybe I am going wrong cos we can't dtd that many times ..we normally dtd between 3 and 5 times in fertile week...no way could we do any more than that....anyone else dtd 5 days in a row or 7 days in a row or twice a day for a week...??

No way! We usually manage a few times across the 2 week middle of cycle or at best I think we managed about 10 days of every other day. We just get exhausted after that. It can't be delivering quality sperm to be DTD every day or days on end. It would put far too much stress on us to even attempt this.

We have had nice relaxing night at hot tub lodge really chilled and has done us the world of good to have a change of scenery. Off to Edinburgh this morning.

We have discussed and gonna give one more cycle a go and try to give it everything. Then if no joy will start docs enquiries x
I just read a old thread I found via googling 'how many days did you dtd to get bfp crazy things you google. All the women were saying we dtd every day for 1 week or we dtd twice a day for 10 days....Maybe I am going wrong cos we can't dtd that many times ..we normally dtd between 3 and 5 times in fertile week...no way could we do any more than that....anyone else dtd 5 days in a row or 7 days in a row or twice a day for a week...??

No way! We usually manage a few times across the 2 week middle of cycle or at best I think we managed about 10 days of every other day. We just get exhausted after that. It can't be delivering quality sperm to be DTD every day or days on end. It would put far too much stress on us to even attempt this.

We have had nice relaxing night at hot tub lodge really chilled and has done us the world of good to have a change of scenery. Off to Edinburgh this morning.

We have discussed and gonna give one more cycle a go and try to give it everything. Then if no joy will start docs enquiries x

Yeah we nornally only manage CD #10 cd#12 #cd15 sometimes maybe 5 times across 10 days ...we are both so tired ..one cycle we managed 6 days in a row and it was not enjoyable at all. Totally forced efforts.

So far we have cd#9,11,13 and going for cd15 16 and 18 then that's us . Yeah we have this cycle then 3 more before Thailand - dam fertile week is going to land week we go away so won't be when we are away. Then we are going on ivf waiting list in May which will be 1.5 years trying and then ivf will be from November time which will almost be 2 years ttc. At least we have a plan and hopefully a bfp before the year is out.

Have a nice time in Edinburgh , my hubby is from the East Coast and we got married at Edinburgh Zoo!
I just read a old thread I found via googling 'how many days did you dtd to get bfp crazy things you google. All the women were saying we dtd every day for 1 week or we dtd twice a day for 10 days....Maybe I am going wrong cos we can't dtd that many times ..we normally dtd between 3 and 5 times in fertile week...no way could we do any more than that....anyone else dtd 5 days in a row or 7 days in a row or twice a day for a week...??

We definitely didnt dtd ever for 7 days in a row or 5. Theres no way, I don't have a high sex drive anyway and id have lost the plot if my husband had had like 3 or 4 days in a row then wanted more, hed be on the sofa :P hahah x
I just read a old thread I found via googling 'how many days did you dtd to get bfp crazy things you google. All the women were saying we dtd every day for 1 week or we dtd twice a day for 10 days....Maybe I am going wrong cos we can't dtd that many times ..we normally dtd between 3 and 5 times in fertile week...no way could we do any more than that....anyone else dtd 5 days in a row or 7 days in a row or twice a day for a week...??

No way! We usually manage a few times across the 2 week middle of cycle or at best I think we managed about 10 days of every other day. We just get exhausted after that. It can't be delivering quality sperm to be DTD every day or days on end. It would put far too much stress on us to even attempt this.

We have had nice relaxing night at hot tub lodge really chilled and has done us the world of good to have a change of scenery. Off to Edinburgh this morning.

We have discussed and gonna give one more cycle a go and try to give it everything. Then if no joy will start docs enquiries x

Yeah we nornally only manage CD #10 cd#12 #cd15 sometimes maybe 5 times across 10 days ...we are both so tired ..one cycle we managed 6 days in a row and it was not enjoyable at all. Totally forced efforts.

So far we have cd#9,11,13 and going for cd15 16 and 18 then that's us . Yeah we have this cycle then 3 more before Thailand - dam fertile week is going to land week we go away so won't be when we are away. Then we are going on ivf waiting list in May which will be 1.5 years trying and then ivf will be from November time which will almost be 2 years ttc. At least we have a plan and hopefully a bfp before the year is out.

Have a nice time in Edinburgh , my hubby is from the East Coast and we got married at Edinburgh Zoo!

So pleased you have a plan Alexis and sound much more positive for it. I think maybe we need to get to that way forward too. Will see what the next cycle brings. Despite this cycle ruining our romantic weekend away by the witch coming early at least a short cycle means we can get back on it next week x
I find a plan really helpful especially once we found that we were going to be in this for the long haul. The few months before Xmas when it felt like we were in limbo were just a nightmare for me.
Do any of you long termed get brown spotting a few days before af? I have had that for a while and wonder what it means. An accupunturist told me today that isn't normal and means some sort of imbalance ?
Do any of you long termed get brown spotting a few days before af? I have had that for a while and wonder what it means. An accupunturist told me today that isn't normal and means some sort of imbalance ?

You should tell your GP of any changes to your normal cycle. This sounds like a change. Give them a call or bring it up at your next appointment. Xx
Do any of you long termed get brown spotting a few days before af? I have had that for a while and wonder what it means. An accupunturist told me today that isn't normal and means some sort of imbalance ?

I get a mix. Anything from pink to brown spotting before af.
Sometimes for 4 days.

Always been told it was normal and even my accupunturist didn't think it was an issue

No idea though :(
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Alexis 2017 I had this for years. I was told my many doctors it was normal. I would have a week of spotting before Af and I knew it wasn’t right. I had a lap a few weeks ago and I am currently on cycle day 24 with no spotting. This is amazing as I usually start at least 5 days before and my cycle is 25-28 days. I was diagnosed with Endo x
Do any of you long termed get brown spotting a few days before af? I have had that for a while and wonder what it means. An accupunturist told me today that isn't normal and means some sort of imbalance ?

I came off the pill in October 2016 and started getting spotting before my period in June 2017. Never had it before this and mentioned it to my doctor and the fertility doctor and neither of them had anything to say about it, so I just assumed it must be normal! It did happen after I started taking pregnacare vitamins, so I stopped taking them but the spotting did continue. Although this month was the first month since June that I didn’t get any spotting at all. So weird but all my tests have come back good so far so I’m hoping it’s not a problem. Plus it does seem to be quite common. Just annoying that I don’t know why I suddenly started getting it!
Do any of you long termed get brown spotting a few days before af? I have had that for a while and wonder what it means. An accupunturist told me today that isn't normal and means some sort of imbalance ?

After my periods finally cam back after coming off the pill, I had been spotting before each one. Sometimes just for a day sometimes longer. I just thought it was normal and didn't really think about it as I was just so thankful to finally have periods again. My first acupuncturist also told me that it wasn't normal. My periods at this point were painful, clotty and lasted 5-7 days with 3 of those being heavy flow. All of these things are not ideal she told me.

I never gave it a lot of thought at the time as I was waiting to have my polyp removed. After I had that done, I was really surprised by the change as doctors had never mentioned anything about it. I've not had brown spotting before af since and my period now lasts 4-6 days with only 2 of those being medium flow. Pain and clotting unfortunately are still the same but I certainly don't feel nearly as drained overall, probably due to less blood loss and the whole thing doesn't feel nearly as inconvenient. I was so heavy before that I was flooding pads and felt generally washed out.

So for me the pre af spotting was definitely due to the polyp. The acupuncturist was telling me that my new period was much healthier but that was the point where I decided it was time to try someone else as clearly she hadn't actually contributed to the improvement.

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