Long termers 6 months or more

I feel the same Alexis. Every damn month. :(
The only time I could be bothered again was after the MC as you can be more fertile after.. clearly not the case for me as nearly 9months down the line afterwards I'm still not pregnant. Due dates been and gone now. We should have a baby in our arms but we have nothing xx

Good luck Nikki xx

I'm 14dpo today and zero hope. :(

It is so unfair, why can some women pop out as many as they want or dont even want and then others can't even have 1. My mind is boggled by the fact they cant find a reason for it happening and regular cycles means ovulation is happening and I have positive opk every month and ewcm and I have ovulation 8oain and temp spike. It's all textbook ... why the heck isn't it happening when DH has excellent sperm...everyrhing is in our favour on paper yet it hasn't happened on 17 months. I have watched really obese unhealthy women pop them out.... if its about having a healthy body etc these ppl would not get pregnant. It's a mind field for some women and others a walk in the park.

I wish there was something I could say Millie. All we can do is not give up but then to make some of this pain go away acceptance and moving on would be the only way. It would always be there just not so much at the front ? I am not giving up till I have tried my 3 rounds of IVF then I will be almost 40 so will prob call it a day then. You are still much younger than me so you still have time on your side. Don't give up just yet. What is your horoscope? I read Moomins in Jan and said she would have a baby this year ! Mine said I would be expecting this year so still having hope but it is fading month by month.

I ovulate before the pos opk...are you dtd the couple of days before the positive just in case? I got pregnant after taking spatone iron water regularly and after my OH started hydrating properly.
Sunflower, did your OHs have a SA test before he started hydrating properly? Wondering if his results were good..

Because my hubby is a bugga for not drinking enough and he won’t even try drinking more because his SA results have always been perfect.. :(
It’s just not fair being unexplained.. a reason could help maybe change or fix something.

2 perfect embryos from ivf and then 1 not so perfect embryo and none wanted to stick. :(
It always makes me think some months that the egg fertilises but doesn’t stick.

I’m a Virgo, august 25th. xx

Virgo star sign for April has a lot about sorting finances out, also about new career promotion and also says April is a good time for Virgo women to fall pregnant! :dance:
Sunflower, did your OHs have a SA test before he started hydrating properly? Wondering if his results were good..

Because my hubby is a bugga for not drinking enough and he won’t even try drinking more because his SA results have always been perfect.. :(

Same for my DH..he drinks lots of coffee and not much else ...some beer at the wknds.
I feel the same Alexis. Every damn month. :(
The only time I could be bothered again was after the MC as you can be more fertile after.. clearly not the case for me as nearly 9months down the line afterwards I'm still not pregnant. Due dates been and gone now. We should have a baby in our arms but we have nothing xx

Good luck Nikki xx

I'm 14dpo today and zero hope. :(

It is so unfair, why can some women pop out as many as they want or dont even want and then others can't even have 1. My mind is boggled by the fact they cant find a reason for it happening and regular cycles means ovulation is happening and I have positive opk every month and ewcm and I have ovulation 8oain and temp spike. It's all textbook ... why the heck isn't it happening when DH has excellent sperm...everyrhing is in our favour on paper yet it hasn't happened on 17 months. I have watched really obese unhealthy women pop them out.... if its about having a healthy body etc these ppl would not get pregnant. It's a mind field for some women and others a walk in the park.

I wish there was something I could say Millie. All we can do is not give up but then to make some of this pain go away acceptance and moving on would be the only way. It would always be there just not so much at the front ? I am not giving up till I have tried my 3 rounds of IVF then I will be almost 40 so will prob call it a day then. You are still much younger than me so you still have time on your side. Don't give up just yet. What is your horoscope? I read Moomins in Jan and said she would have a baby this year ! Mine said I would be expecting this year so still having hope but it is fading month by month.

I ovulate before the pos opk...are you dtd the couple of days before the positive just in case? I got pregnant after taking spatone iron water regularly and after my OH started hydrating properly.

Yeah we have been most cycles start at cd#10 and dtd every 2nd day but last cycle we dtd on day of 1st positive opk so prob missed the boat. I have ovulated on cd#11 once then a few times on cd#14 but mostly cd#15 -17 the past wee while
Sunflower when in your cycle did you start spatone? I will try it but prob too late for this cycle as cd#8 today. I was thinking of trying less this month and before cd#14 so cd#10 and #13. I think I ovulate on same day as my positive opk but I do get ewcm earlier at times on cd#11 but not always.
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Sunflower when in your cycle did you start spatone? I will try it but prob too late for this cycle as cd#8 today. I was thinking of trying less this month and before cd#14 so cd#10 and #13. I think I ovulate on same day as my positive opk but I do get ewcm earlier at times on cd#11 but not always.

I took it for a couple of months...my fertility doc was really keen on me keeping my iron up. It's one sachet a day and you don't eat food half an hr before or after. When I got pregnant we dtd every day when I was fertile...but it's worth mixing it up a bit if you've tried that already.
Sunflower when in your cycle did you start spatone? I will try it but prob too late for this cycle as cd#8 today. I was thinking of trying less this month and before cd#14 so cd#10 and #13. I think I ovulate on same day as my positive opk but I do get ewcm earlier at times on cd#11 but not always.

Obviously don't take any other iron at the same time.
Sunflower when in your cycle did you start spatone? I will try it but prob too late for this cycle as cd#8 today. I was thinking of trying less this month and before cd#14 so cd#10 and #13. I think I ovulate on same day as my positive opk but I do get ewcm earlier at times on cd#11 but not always.

I took it for a couple of months...my fertility doc was really keen on me keeping my iron up. It's one sachet a day and you don't eat food half an hr before or after. When I got pregnant we dtd every day when I was fertile...but it's worth mixing it up a bit if you've tried that already.

We have mostly dtd every 2nd day. We have dtd every day maybe two cycles or maybe 3 max but we find that challenging with me being on 24/7 on call once a month which leads to me being to tired if worked a long shift etc...s usually every 2nd day is best for us. One of my friends said maybe if you did too much it could be why? I dunno...we have tried every pattern of dtd going tbh
It’s just not fair being unexplained.. a reason could help maybe change or fix something.

2 perfect embryos from ivf and then 1 not so perfect embryo and none wanted to stick. :(
It always makes me think some months that the egg fertilises but doesn’t stick.

I’m a Virgo, august 25th. xx

Virgo star sign for April has a lot about sorting finances out, also about new career promotion and also says April is a good time for Virgo women to fall pregnant! :dance:

Well I already feel like it’s going the opposite way for me lol!

We’ve done nothing but spend money this month. Decorated the living room, got new furniture.. spent lots of money here and there instead of going into savings.. cheers me up for a short while.

We’ll have to see if I’m pregnant.. I ovulated on the 2nd so I’m 14dpo today. Would normally have started spotting by now.. haven’t even seen a drop yet. Think it’s just a cruel trick, I’ll wake up to af probably.
Even if I did get a bfp I can’t even be excited. It sucks.
I’ve got a nice bottle waiting for me if it does show up!!!

I’m honestly so scared of getting a bfp.. I feel like it wouldn’t stick around for long. There’s no way I’m testing until at least cd34.. if I end up not getting af. So 4 days to go..

Just kidding myself here lol
Sunflower when in your cycle did you start spatone? I will try it but prob too late for this cycle as cd#8 today. I was thinking of trying less this month and before cd#14 so cd#10 and #13. I think I ovulate on same day as my positive opk but I do get ewcm earlier at times on cd#11 but not always.

I took it for a couple of months...my fertility doc was really keen on me keeping my iron up. It's one sachet a day and you don't eat food half an hr before or after. When I got pregnant we dtd every day when I was fertile...but it's worth mixing it up a bit if you've tried that already.

We have mostly dtd every 2nd day. We have dtd every day maybe two cycles or maybe 3 max but we find that challenging with me being on 24/7 on call once a month which leads to me being to tired if worked a long shift etc...s usually every 2nd day is best for us. One of my friends said maybe if you did too much it could be why? I dunno...we have tried every pattern of dtd going tbh

Yes, my OH had a sperm test before he started hydrating - they said he was dehydrated and the motility was ok but lower than ideal....now it's better.

You know that your OH drinking coffee and beer is bad for fertility? It's worth getting him to stop all alcohol and go to one coffee a day. That's what is recommended, especially if you are having trouble. I don't think it's just about the sperm quality either. There are suggestions that too much coffee causes sperm DNA damage. He needs to drink lots of water and cranberry juice is great for male fertility. I don't think it's just about the sperm test....don't let a good sperm test make you think that his lifestyle isn't important. We got pregnant after my OH started on the cranberry juice and exercising.

I really recommend AI ... it doesn't matter how tired you are, you can still time it perfectly. And dtd with it every day didn't deplete the amounts for us at all. We only started because we were desperate after 2 yrs and it did work, even though we lost this one.

Here is an article about caffeine causing molecular damage to sperm (it says a bit of alcohol is fine though) https://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/act...oo-much-coffee-damages-fertility-for-men.html
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So Cycle 16 and I'm out, don't know what is going on with me atm, last month I had a 36 day cycle which was out of the ordinary for me from the last 8 cycles, this month started spotting CD27 which was Saturday and AF arrived fully last night so a 28 day cycle which has got to be the shorted I have ever had! Convinced there is more to our issues than just my OH bad SA results - which I know are as bad as they can get but doesn't explain what's happening with me. I ovulated around CD18 if I am to follow the OPKs. Don't know think maybe I'm just clutching at straws but no point going back to docs as they won't listen now with OH SA results.

Hope everyone else is keeping their chin up, AF = severe depression for me. Have day off with DH tomorrow to try and take my mind of things and got him building me some garden furniture!
Wilson, I’m sorry :(
Af drags me down as well.. and I’m already pretty depressed after ttc so long!!
Screwy cycles do not help.. do you think there’s any reason for your cycle to have changed this month? Have you been ill or worried?

Mine keep getting longer, I’m cd31 today, af is due as I’m 15dpo...

I’m sure any normal person who hadn’t been trying over 5 years would have tested by now but I just think there is no point. Af will show up the moment I go out to buy a test.
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Wilson, I’m sorry :(
Af drags me down as well.. and I’m already pretty depressed after ttc so long!!
Screwy cycles do not help.. do you think there’s any reason for your cycle to have changed this month? Have you been ill or worried?

Mine keep getting longer, I’m cd31 today, af is due as I’m 15dpo...

I’m sure any normal person who hadn’t been trying over 5 years would have tested by now but I just think there is no point. Af will show up the moment I go out to buy a test.
We've got a lot of financial stress in our lives at the moment, on top of obviously finding out our "news" from the doctor last month. I'm tired and fed up. Also looks like my husband is now trying to avoid making this furniture for me which has pissed me off even more, seems he doesn't do anything for me, if he's not interested then it's not happening. Just had enough of my whole life to be honest with you, there's got to be more than this miserable existance!xx

I'm nowhere near 5 years, you have great strength although you probably don't feel it at times. Thanks for your message xx
I think you are all incredibly strong. I'm just finishing cycle 11 this month so May marks our official 12 months. Ignoring our ntnp. I am in awe of you ladies that are much further down the road and still hanging in every month.

I do feel the last cycle taking a step with docs has helped me psychologically. But also mentally not putting stuff on hold anymore....i am enjoying my hobby with my horse and planning nights out to get pissed without worrying will I be able to drink and how will I hide it if I can't. I think the only way to play this long game is to ensure that the rest of your life continues alongside. I realised I don't want to wake up in 3 years time maybe still without our family but also having missed out on the last 3 years. Xx
Well pinky discharge has started.. which always means af is on the way.
it’s just not fair. :(
Sunflower, did your OHs have a SA test before he started hydrating properly? Wondering if his results were good..

Because my hubby is a bugga for not drinking enough and he won’t even try drinking more because his SA results have always been perfect.. :(

Yes he had a test and the dehydration showed up plus the results weren't great. It's definitely worth drinking water...not everything is known about fertility yet as it's not a well funded area so who knows what effects dehdration has...it will definitely result in less semen and sperm. It will also run him and his kidneys down and make him tired and make it hard for his body to get rid of toxins. lifestyle is really important to fertility.

We'd been trying for 2 and a half years and the first month my OH was really properly hydrated I got pregnant. He also produced so much more sperm (sorry if tmi) - we were able to dtd every day with no diminshment in quantitiy.

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