Long termers 6 months or more

Thanks GG

Your whole first paragraph is the conversation we have had this morning and frustratingly the conversation we have had a few times over the last few months.

He genuinely seems to believe that when we are debt free he will feel fine about everything. But i know there is deeper issues that he resents my time spent with the horses if he is off work.

We have never been a super co dependent couple as in we always have had our own hobbies and our own time. And I've always found that means I enjoy our time together so much more because it's special.

I am trying to encourage him to do more hobby wise. We are coming back into golf season so I am hopeful that it might help to get him out and about more x
Thanks GG

Your whole first paragraph is the conversation we have had this morning and frustratingly the conversation we have had a few times over the last few months.

He genuinely seems to believe that when we are debt free he will feel fine about everything. But i know there is deeper issues that he resents my time spent with the horses if he is off work.

We have never been a super co dependent couple as in we always have had our own hobbies and our own time. And I've always found that means I enjoy our time together so much more because it's special.

I am trying to encourage him to do more hobby wise. We are coming back into golf season so I am hopeful that it might help to get him out and about more x

Oh Nikki, I get it. Dan used to go on about my horse time so much. Eventually I snapped at a snide comment from him and listed all the times he'd been out for whole days on the bike in Wales or beyond or spent days and weekends in the garage with friends fixing their bikes. I went a bit mental on him and told him to stop being such moany twat, open his eyes and realise how fucking lucky he is.

A few years back, he was in a very dark place as he has debt we are paying off as well. I left him to hus funk for months as he wouldn't talk, then one night, asking him what he wanted for dinner and being grunted at for the 18 millionth time I snapped. I basically told him that being down was fine but being blatantly fucking rude would not be tolerated so to fucking tell me what was going on before I started to believe he was just a twat.

His issue was all around so many of our friends buying houses and being on the property ladder. That he'd be unable to do that for years. He was really upset bless him. Until I asked him to tell me what friends. As he named them, I told him the truth. One got £25k deposit from his nan. One got £75k off his dad to buy a coach house. Then he said, "okay, but what about Phil...he earns £150k a year and has been able to buy that gorgeous house". Um, no, Phil earns £46k a year and he could only buy that house because he had £125k left to him by his nan and he got another £100k off his dad because the family are all about status. If he told you he's on £150k he's a lying ******* because I recruited him in to that role...even the company director doesn't take that much home.

Dan couldn't believe it. I told him to stop comparing the worst version of his life against the best version of other peoples as they never advertise that shit stuff.

Now, we rent here and will shortly be moving into a massive 5 bed farmhouse with the yard here just off the driveway. We'll still only be paying the same £625 a month rent that we pay on this 2 bed bungalow. We get to raise our baby in the most idyllic setting, with a long tree lined driveway, huge garden orchards, the yard right next door that we overlook. We'll have huge rooms and loads of them, a massive kitchen, walk in pantry, loads od outbuilding in the garden. It's a stunning property we could never buy but we don't care. Why would we live on an estate when we can be here. We will do buy to lets when the debt is gone so we own property but we will never leave this farm.

Sometimes, it's just too easy to get caught up in what we think our lives should be. Happiness is not giving a shit what other people do and just doing what gives you joy. Your horse is part of that for you Nikki. He needs to have something for him.


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Thanks GG for all the advice.

Better day today. He went out with the lads yesterday while I was working so chilled a bit. Although he did smoke Grrrr however I seem to have my husband back tosay. Lovely day out for a walk and just had afternoon yummy sex not about DTD just about having fun which has lifted my spirits massively. Hopefully we are back on track for now at least.

How's everyone else doing? Alexis must be holiday countdown now?

I am on bloods countdown week on Monday. Will try and keep covering what days we can this cycle. We have now covered CD 7/9/13 and glow is predicting ov. On CD 17. Sort of getting the hang of temping and I think that is helping me with more accurate ov. Prediction so all hope is not lost we will keep DTD while we wait for doctors take on things x
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Yeah 3 weeks today! AF arrived today . No brown discharge like I normally have so hoping that is a positive thing but still sucks big time that I'm on to cycle 17....going to get more accupunture when am back my holidays and then count down to having ivf at least we will be on the waiting list from 30th May. Today I went to the kennels to get my baby dog as he was in for a trial run for us going away. He didn't eat and didn't leave his bed. He wouldn't go a walk or anything. It's made me even more worried about leaving him there. I went up to the yard for a wee hack out and then made some salads for my lunches for next few days. I've had bad cramp today so had to pop the pain killers. Feeling so bloated and horrible. My skin is a riot. I was thinking today that I will be so mad with myself if I sit and mope about like this for the next 5 years and don't end up having a baby then I will regret being like this so I am trying to just stop feeling sorry for myself and just get on with it. I didn't cry today for 1st time in ages when the witch showed up. I think I have finally got to the place where I am all cried out. Don't get me wrong, I am still gutted but at same time I feel I have built up a thick skin now when it comes to ttc. I have accepted that not everyone gets to have that family they want and daydream about. I think so many ppl take it for granted and assume that couple with no kids don't want kids...

I hope April brings some long termed a BFP. I will keep an eye out until I leave x
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@Alexis what a shame for your doggie. Are there no private dog sitters up your way? I know a couple round here that are really good. Hope he will settled poor boy.

I know what you mean about feel resigned and getting on with life. I know now that this will be a long game so I am really focussed on planning ahead for the summer. We having couple mini holidays at home. One down south visiting friends and family and one likely incorporating wedding in York so I think changes of scenery will do us both good. And I'm focussing on getting my jumping confidence back riding cos if I do finally get a BFP thats one thing I won't be able to do so I best make the most of it!

I don't want anyone to leave our little thread but I would be so happy if one of us finally got that BFP (as well as GG obvs ) xx
Yeah I have saw a lot of women on here I've got to know well get their bfp and I've been left behind. ...still here trying. I hoped I wasn't going to be a long termer ttc but here I am.

I havent done jumping since I was a teenager...and I didnt ride for over 10 years as I shared a pony with my mum 2nd she sold it and I couldn't afford my own and I lost interest. That would be good for you to get your confidence back and get it nailed! Would you still do any riding if you got your BFP? I dunno what to do in that situation as I've spent the past 6 months getting to know this horse and the yard etc so I'd be keen to keep hacking until around 20 weeks or so when the bump was there but then again I'd not like to risk it seeing how hard this is to make it happen. ( it will happen I keep saying over and over)
@Alexis if I do get my BFP I am dreading the conversation with hubby as I know already he wouldn't want me to ride. I would hope to keep riding at least hacking and flatwork for the first couple months at least. I guess every woman's body is different and I obviously know the risks if you fall. But then I think you have to weigh things up....you can fall at any time for various reasons but I've had my boy 4 years now and ridden him since he was an idiot youngster and had all sorts of close calls but only ever actually hit the deck once. (I am a fairly sticky bum rider it's being tall and having long legs I think lol)

But I know that if our journey continues to be a long one I may feel different. I just can't imagine me not having a little tootle out hack at least in the beginning.

I lost my nerve inexplicably for jumping 12 months ago and have been piecing it back together. Tbh I feel like I have turned a corner last few weeks and I think it's cos I have stopped stressing so much about TTC and have tried to get back to enjoying our life as it is and living for today. I'm sure TTC somehow psychologically played a part on me losing my nerve x
I am sick of the never ending cycle of the same stuff over and over again. I need to move on and just hope I can find happiness with or without our baby.
I'll be back with you long termers soon. The pregnancy didn't work out.
I'll be back with you long termers soon. The pregnancy didn't work out.

Oh no this is just not fair. Why does this happen to someone who has been trying for so long. I am so sorry sunflower I cannot imagine the sadness and pain from this. All I can do is say we are all here for you. Take some time for yourself to heal. Much love to you x
My patient asked me today of I have any kids...I said No, then she said what age are you? I said 34...then she said well some ppl just have animals? I saod yeah true Id like kids then she said your running out of time. Thanks!
@sunflower I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I can't imagine the pain you are going through. I hope you can take some comfort in the fact that you were able to conceive and when the time is right I'm sure you will again. In the meantime give yourself time to grieve x
@Alexis I don't get why in our society it is ok to ask these questions ?!?!
@Alexis I don't get why in our society it is ok to ask these questions ?!?!

It sent me in to a spiral whwn I got home. I think when someone else tells you your running out of time there's no way to deny it. My DH even agreed and said well she is just saying the truth. I then pretty much curled up in a ball like a hedgehog would and habe remained in hiding
@Alexis I don't get why in our society it is ok to ask these questions ?!?!

It sent me in to a spiral whwn I got home. I think when someone else tells you your running out of time there's no way to deny it. My DH even agreed and said well she is just saying the truth. I then pretty much curled up in a ball like a hedgehog would and habe remained in hiding

It's horrible. I was relieved when the doc said we have some time you are 31 not 41 when we went in to see him.

Yet chatting to one of my team at work they were saying your turn next and I pooh poohed it like I always do on reflex. Then she said well your not getting any younger. I told her to piss off I'm 31 not 41 like she is lol.

Heaven help me if I do get a BFP cos between us we have all got super sick of girl at work due in May who is determined that pregnancy is some sort of illness/reason to be centre of drama. Her BF works for me (she does also sort of cos a concession manager) and she has him run ragged after her.

I get that it's her first baby but they fell pregnant within 3 months of trying.

Trouble is now cos I'm so unsympathetic my team have told me when I have a baby (I always correct them with If, although they think for a different reason) I will have to be some sort of super trooper and not complain about a thing lol. Uh Oh!
@Alexis I don't get why in our society it is ok to ask these questions ?!?!

It sent me in to a spiral whwn I got home. I think when someone else tells you your running out of time there's no way to deny it. My DH even agreed and said well she is just saying the truth. I then pretty much curled up in a ball like a hedgehog would and habe remained in hiding

It's horrible. I was relieved when the doc said we have some time you are 31 not 41 when we went in to see him.

Yet chatting to one of my team at work they were saying your turn next and I pooh poohed it like I always do on reflex. Then she said well your not getting any younger. I told her to piss off I'm 31 not 41 like she is lol.

Heaven help me if I do get a BFP cos between us we have all got super sick of girl at work due in May who is determined that pregnancy is some sort of illness/reason to be centre of drama. Her BF works for me (she does also sort of cos a concession manager) and she has him run ragged after her.

I get that it's her first baby but they fell pregnant within 3 months of trying.

Trouble is now cos I'm so unsympathetic my team have told me when I have a baby (I always correct them with If, although they think for a different reason) I will have to be some sort of super trooper and not complain about a thing lol. Uh Oh!

Lol...just wait. It's actually really fucking hard. Example tonight...I needed another wee but heartburn and crushed lungs made for a sudden bout of coughing, whilst weeing which basically I think broke my pee hole with each cough, I screamed in pain, couldn't stop coughing almost choking and Dan had to come in and pat my back while I cried, coughed and failed to maintain any dignity. There are good days and there are times where it is so uncomfortable/painful that it is all I can do not to repeatedly burst into tears.

I always used to get pissed off with moany pregnant women...until it was me dealing with it.

That said, we're not ill, we are fucking blessed and the only reason I get so sore sometimes is because I run a full time livery yard and a pub kitchen on my own and the weight of the bump is making it all much harder now...so when someone who sits on their arse all day moans about it, I want to punch them straight in the face, lol.

Off to google if it's actually possible to break your pee hole, lol
GG sounds like you are coping admirably. You are right it's not illness it's a blessing. I have never doubted that pregnancy will be very hard but I think it shows the character of the woman on how you cope and face the day.

It's all about attitude to life I believe xx
GG sounds like you are coping admirably. You are right it's not illness it's a blessing. I have never doubted that pregnancy will be very hard but I think it shows the character of the woman on how you cope and face the day.

It's all about attitude to life I believe xx

Absolutely. People also need to remember that it's not permanent. I don't know...I get so fed up of people having a go at Dan for letting me carry on with the horses, carry water buckets, hay, muck out, go in the herd. I'm like, If I wasn't capable or thought for one second I wouldharm the baby, i wouldn't do it. When I'm really huge, I will be limited and Dan will be having to prety much take over then. And the 6 weeks post c section...why shouldn't I keep it up as long as I can...it'll help me stay strong and recover more quickly.
GG sounds like you are coping admirably. You are right it's not illness it's a blessing. I have never doubted that pregnancy will be very hard but I think it shows the character of the woman on how you cope and face the day.

It's all about attitude to life I believe xx

Absolutely. People also need to remember that it's not permanent. I don't know...I get so fed up of people having a go at Dan for letting me carry on with the horses, carry water buckets, hay, muck out, go in the herd. I'm like, If I wasn't capable or thought for one second I wouldharm the baby, i wouldn't do it. When I'm really huge, I will be limited and Dan will be having to prety much take over then. And the 6 weeks post c section...why shouldn't I keep it up as long as I can...it'll help me stay strong and recover more quickly.

Absolutely GG. Crikey mine won't come near the yard let alone muck out and carry buckets lol

We are hopefully on a roll have covered CD 7/9/13/14 And gonna try and at least cover tonight if not a couple more days out of the next 3 or 4. Temp is leading towards ov. But not spiked yet so I don't think I have ov. Yet. Maybe this is why we have been unlucky as looks like my literal phase is longer than I thought. Worth a shot! Xx

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