Long termers 6 months or more

Got to be honest ladies I don't think AI would be for us but great idea if it works for you. Guess it's not different to IVF/IUI really of a fashion. End of the day it's just about swimmers in the right place at the right time.

Off to the docs shortly for blood results. See where we go from here x

Good luck at the doctors Nikki. Xxx
So all clear at the docs ladies. All results normal no diabetes concerns and all hormones normal as would expect so suggest ovulation is ok.

Sort of a relief and sort of mixed emotions. So been referred to the QE appt first week in June for further investigations possibly ultra sound or whatever they do next. Hubby also referred to get his SA done. So just waiting on a date for that.

So another cycle at least of playing beat the doctor. I think I'm happy no issues yet but just got to get used to playing the long game now x
So all clear at the docs ladies. All results normal no diabetes concerns and all hormones normal as would expect so suggest ovulation is ok.

Sort of a relief and sort of mixed emotions. So been referred to the QE appt first week in June for further investigations possibly ultra sound or whatever they do next. Hubby also referred to get his SA done. So just waiting on a date for that.

So another cycle at least of playing beat the doctor. I think I'm happy no issues yet but just got to get used to playing the long game now x

Glad the tests were okay. x
Thanks Sunflower, that would be really helpful if you could share xx

If the bits needed are all here soon for this cycle we could try it in a couple of weeks.

I’ve spent the afternoon reading up a few things and watching videos, we were considering trying some iui’s at some point but I don’t feel like throwing loads of money at something that might not work anyway. It’s so depressing.

This seems almost as good of an idea, should take the stress off.
Even though I keep telling myself we’re not really trying but not preventing.. deep down I still get worked up each month hoping that it could be the month.

from what I've read intrauterine has about the same sucess rate as AI at home - if you read the forums tons of women get pregnant.

Only ever use each item once.


The seller for the syringes has left, but here are the same ones. You want 10ml ones. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MULTIPLE...hash=item2a3ca1abe0:m:mrOOLE4GW21vnqQSRrGKqsQ

I tried with Conceive Plus and without, and without worked for me.

Thanks Sunflower xx

After talking with hubby about it last night he had basically already gone and ordered everything we needed off Amazon (he’s obsessed with prime delivery lol) and everything came today! Also I got more cheapie opks because some people doing AI seem to think clearblue are crap and with cheapies you get line progression, there always are 2 darkish likes on the clearblue tests. Feel like I’m already back to obsessing.. I’ve got days before we can start as only cd2. :(

We’ve got 10 syringes and 10 pots so enough for 2/maybe 3 cycles (if we decide to do it again after the 1st one!).

Really never thought it would come to something like this.. but it does feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted. I won’t have to force ‘getting in the mood’ to cover ovulation.

My only issue, after some reading, some say they had success the time they orgasmed after inserting. My sex drive is pretty much zero these days so that might go against us. :(
Thanks Sunflower, that would be really helpful if you could share xx

If the bits needed are all here soon for this cycle we could try it in a couple of weeks.

I’ve spent the afternoon reading up a few things and watching videos, we were considering trying some iui’s at some point but I don’t feel like throwing loads of money at something that might not work anyway. It’s so depressing.

This seems almost as good of an idea, should take the stress off.
Even though I keep telling myself we’re not really trying but not preventing.. deep down I still get worked up each month hoping that it could be the month.

from what I've read intrauterine has about the same sucess rate as AI at home - if you read the forums tons of women get pregnant.

Only ever use each item once.


The seller for the syringes has left, but here are the same ones. You want 10ml ones. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MULTIPLE...hash=item2a3ca1abe0:m:mrOOLE4GW21vnqQSRrGKqsQ

I tried with Conceive Plus and without, and without worked for me.

Thanks Sunflower xx

After talking with hubby about it last night he had basically already gone and ordered everything we needed off Amazon (he’s obsessed with prime delivery lol) and everything came today! Also I got more cheapie opks because some people doing AI seem to think clearblue are crap and with cheapies you get line progression, there always are 2 darkish likes on the clearblue tests. Feel like I’m already back to obsessing.. I’ve got days before we can start as only cd2. :(

We’ve got 10 syringes and 10 pots so enough for 2/maybe 3 cycles (if we decide to do it again after the 1st one!).

Really never thought it would come to something like this.. but it does feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted. I won’t have to force ‘getting in the mood’ to cover ovulation.

My only issue, after some reading, some say they had success the time they orgasmed after inserting. My sex drive is pretty much zero these days so that might go against us. :(

I'm not sure that any studies have been done that prove orgasms are necessary. To be honest, if it was necessary for women to orgasm after a man I think the human race would have died out.

Make sure the syringes are rubber free and latex free. I found some hard to compress and therefore it tended to shoot out too fast - you have to be able to compress the syringe plunger very slowly so as not to damage the sperm apparently.

Personally I found that I ovulated the day before a cheapie pos opk, but I am in my 40s. If you can work out what day you tend to ovulate then it's best to start before the positive opk to make sure you have the best chance.

I had success with hips raised and gentley rocking from side to side to help move it about for 30 mins.

Good luck!!
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Thanks Sunflower, that would be really helpful if you could share xx

If the bits needed are all here soon for this cycle we could try it in a couple of weeks.

I’ve spent the afternoon reading up a few things and watching videos, we were considering trying some iui’s at some point but I don’t feel like throwing loads of money at something that might not work anyway. It’s so depressing.

This seems almost as good of an idea, should take the stress off.
Even though I keep telling myself we’re not really trying but not preventing.. deep down I still get worked up each month hoping that it could be the month.

from what I've read intrauterine has about the same sucess rate as AI at home - if you read the forums tons of women get pregnant.

Only ever use each item once.


The seller for the syringes has left, but here are the same ones. You want 10ml ones. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MULTIPLE...hash=item2a3ca1abe0:m:mrOOLE4GW21vnqQSRrGKqsQ

I tried with Conceive Plus and without, and without worked for me.

Thanks Sunflower xx

After talking with hubby about it last night he had basically already gone and ordered everything we needed off Amazon (he’s obsessed with prime delivery lol) and everything came today! Also I got more cheapie opks because some people doing AI seem to think clearblue are crap and with cheapies you get line progression, there always are 2 darkish likes on the clearblue tests. Feel like I’m already back to obsessing.. I’ve got days before we can start as only cd2. :(

We’ve got 10 syringes and 10 pots so enough for 2/maybe 3 cycles (if we decide to do it again after the 1st one!).

Really never thought it would come to something like this.. but it does feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted. I won’t have to force ‘getting in the mood’ to cover ovulation.

My only issue, after some reading, some say they had success the time they orgasmed after inserting. My sex drive is pretty much zero these days so that might go against us. :(

I'm not sure that any studies have been done that prove orgasms are necessary. To be honest, if it was necessary for women to orgasm after a man I think the human race would have died out.

Make sure the syringes are rubber free and latex free. I found some hard to compress and therefore it tended to shoot out too fast - you have to be able to compress the syringe plunger very slowly so as not to damage the sperm apparently.

Personally I found that I ovulated the day before a cheapie pos opk, but I am in my 40s. If you can work out what day you tend to ovulate then it's best to start before the positive opk to make sure you have the best chance.

I had success with hips raised and gentley rocking from side to side to help move it about for 30 mins.

Good luck!!

That is true! They just say it’s meant to help suck everything to where it needs to be.. we’ll have to wait and see.

I didn’t check if they were rubber/latex free, he’d already ordered everything! I’ll have to look. If not plenty of time to order more.

I’ll be trying hips raised and gently rocking. I’m sure I’ll feel like an idiot lol but worth a try xx
That's great hubbie is on board Millie. Hopefully it works! I have EWCM tonight and ovulation pains cd#11 So getting on it tonigjt and then again Saturday and maybe tmrw too...will see ... not done any opk tests as only have 3 cheapy sticks left so going to start testing tmrw and then once they run out not buying more as already said this and bought more so this is final ones I am using .
Lol I always say no more Alexis.. then I end up buying more!!!!
Really hope you get back from your holiday to a bfp xx

It’s all so stupid as it doesn’t matter when we dtd or how often..
I guess we did get pregnant once naturally so some sort of slim chance we could again?
So all clear at the docs ladies. All results normal no diabetes concerns and all hormones normal as would expect so suggest ovulation is ok.

Sort of a relief and sort of mixed emotions. So been referred to the QE appt first week in June for further investigations possibly ultra sound or whatever they do next. Hubby also referred to get his SA done. So just waiting on a date for that.

So another cycle at least of playing beat the doctor. I think I'm happy no issues yet but just got to get used to playing the long game now x

Pleased to hear your blood test was okay, hopefully it's just a matter of time. For us all! :)
Exactly Millie you know your body can. I just have a feeling it will happen very soon for you. I have no feeling about myself ..
All I can visulise is ivf. I don't know what to do about 2019, make plans or not. If I knew I wasn't going to have a baby next year I want to visit my friend in Aus but I thought it would happen this year at some point last year and it won't now as next due date hits January . I booked thailand 7 months ago knowing in my gut it be okay as it woukdnt happen. I have saw so many ppl I know annouce they are pregnant I have never got pregnant so it feels hopeless. I just wish I knew why my body can't do it. It drives me insane not having an answer. I know I can't go on like this as its making me miserable. DH said to not let it change my behaviour as I am not sure I can keep trying sometimes I just want to quit. I saod if I didn't try then I have no disappointments , no tears and no heart ache ..when we try I dream about our baby.
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Alexis, it’s horrible isn’t it :(
The amount of people I’ve seen get pregnant multiple times while trying baby no.1 is just stupid.
I still hadn’t even been pregnant once when I got to trying as long as you have, and at that stage I did feel like it never could happen to me and it’s an awful feeling. Really hope you don’t have to go through it much longer, wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

Being pregnant just once gives me this tiny bit of hope but I’m certain there must be some implantation issues or something else not quite right? I spoke to my doctor a couple of months after my miscarriage and tried to get more help (no idea if there’s anything else they could do..) I reminded her I’d been trying 4 and half years and only been pregnant once in that time and she said it was normal for some people and sadly miscarriages happen but if I get pregnant again it’s unlikely I’ll miscarry. I honestly don’t believe that.

The great part about ivf though is finding out your eggs and his sperm can actually come together to fertilise.
But then the worst part is when embryos don’t stick around..
I actually have a weekend off work and the sun is shining. So I'm not gonna let anything bring me down we gonna DTD for fun not for babies. And I am putting out of my mind the thought of AF due next week.

I hope u can all enjoy a good sunny weekend x
That’s great Nikki

The sun cheers me up sometimes too but find it hard as our neighbor has a little girl and when the weathers nice they’re always out in the garden playing ball or pushing her on her swing.. Reminds me of what we don’t have.

I’m feeling really confused today. Cd1 was on Wednesday, it wasn’t too heavy but it was super painful. Yesterday there wasn’t much at all and now Cd3 I’ve had one drop of blood on a pad and that’s been it. I just don’t know what to think of this as normally I’ll bleed 1-3 days with spotting til day 7. I’ll see what happens tomorrow I guess.
I am cd#13 and had a temp spike this morning which is early for me so only managed to dtd twice so slim chance again. It's annoying as af is due half way in to my holiday in Thailand so that be amazing if Af didnt show but I know she will and it will be crap- no pool for me. I think having onlt tried twice this cycle we will try every day on our last cycle before our next fertility appt. Good luck everyone. I'm not even going to think about it as I know I can't get pregnant!
Aww Alexis can you not use tampons. AF wouldn't stop me swimming I love the water.

AF has arrived today for me great timing with hideous hangover from hen do last night. I haven't drunk like that in a really long time. So we officially onto cycle #12 and making our year of TTC.

Just waiting game now for us until hospital appt referral. Will keep trying but staying relaxed. I feel accepting at the moment that it's going to be a long game for us. This last month I feel like I've reached a stage where I am not letting it consume me anymore and trying to enjoy the life we have. We don't have any answers yet and might not get any so I guess trying to stop worrying about what we can't control. My doc said again when I went for blood results that I'm 31 not 41 so we have time on our side. So I'm gonna hold onto that thought.

I'm going to give blood again on Tues. Something I can do while not pregnant and give something back x
Having a bad day today :-( I’ve always had optimism each month and a hope that’s I might get a bfp, but this month, I just know it’s going to be the same disappointment I get every month. I’m on CD26 today, so I’m due on anytime from tomorrow and I’ve had all the usual pms symptoms that I always get. When we first started ttc I used to look forward to this time cos it was exciting and now I just dread this time. It’s like I’m almost scared of it cos I know how upset I feel when af arrives. It’s not helping that I’m not enjoying work either. I’ve been putting off looking for another job since ttc but if I’m not pregnant this month, I think I’m just gonna start looking. And I’m gonna book a holiday! So fed up of all this now.
Having a bad day today :-( I’ve always had optimism each month and a hope that’s I might get a bfp, but this month, I just know it’s going to be the same disappointment I get every month. I’m on CD26 today, so I’m due on anytime from tomorrow and I’ve had all the usual pms symptoms that I always get. When we first started ttc I used to look forward to this time cos it was exciting and now I just dread this time. It’s like I’m almost scared of it cos I know how upset I feel when af arrives. It’s not helping that I’m not enjoying work either. I’ve been putting off looking for another job since ttc but if I’m not pregnant this month, I think I’m just gonna start looking. And I’m gonna book a holiday! So fed up of all this now.

I know the feeling so well. I hope you a have a surprise instead xx
Having a bad day today :-( I’ve always had optimism each month and a hope that’s I might get a bfp, but this month, I just know it’s going to be the same disappointment I get every month. I’m on CD26 today, so I’m due on anytime from tomorrow and I’ve had all the usual pms symptoms that I always get. When we first started ttc I used to look forward to this time cos it was exciting and now I just dread this time. It’s like I’m almost scared of it cos I know how upset I feel when af arrives. It’s not helping that I’m not enjoying work either. I’ve been putting off looking for another job since ttc but if I’m not pregnant this month, I think I’m just gonna start looking. And I’m gonna book a holiday! So fed up of all this now.

Hi Peony, remember me from another thread? I can relate to everything you have said! Ttc almost 2 years now. Just wanted you to know that you're not alone in how you're feeling :hug: xxxx
Hi peony you are not alone the down days are just awful. I've been on an up of late but the doubt and pain still creep in.

Having a heavy uncomfy AF day today and just makes me feel sad that it's yet another AF. Trying to tell myself that it is a positive thing as means things are working but still have that element of disappointment that it's not doing what I want it to do.

Just wanted to let you know that we are all here to support each other. I def couldn't do this alone and as much as OH tries to help I think we all need a woman to confide in from time to time x
Thank you everyone for your replies, it really does help. I haven’t told anyone that we’re trying other than my mum and she conceived easily, so she can only listen, but hasn’t been through it herself.
Woke up to af today. Even though I was expecting it this month, i’m devastated. I can’t stop crying and I just don’t know how to cope with this disappointment anymore. But then there’s no way I can have a break cos I’d give myself a hard time for not trying when af arrives. Our tests have all been good but there’s a part of me that worries the docs have missed something. I just keep thinking, surely I’d be pregnant by now?!
I also hate that I feel like I’m wishing my life away, because as soon as af arrives I’m wishing the time away until the next month. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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