Long termers 6 months or more

Oh ladies I am weak and hopeless. Caved today and poas. This strange right ovary pain is still niggling away. Not sharp..just there. AF due on Mon according to glow but anytime from Fri according to my previous app. So knew it was early to test. Kinda feel like now though I can stop hoping for this cycle and just wait for AF then move onto next cycle and hopefully blood tests.

So sick of the waiting game. Keep telling myself it will be worth it in the end but having up and down days at the moment x
Oh ladies I am weak and hopeless. Caved today and poas. This strange right ovary pain is still niggling away. Not sharp..just there. AF due on Mon according to glow but anytime from Fri according to my previous app. So knew it was early to test. Kinda feel like now though I can stop hoping for this cycle and just wait for AF then move onto next cycle and hopefully blood tests.

So sick of the waiting game. Keep telling myself it will be worth it in the end but having up and down days at the moment x

I had niggling ovary pain just before my brown bleeding started. Convinced it was a failed implantation.... I think I need to focus on stuff to help implantation ? Hope you get that BFP soon Nikki!
Sounds like a plan Alexis. I think I need to stop stressing and just put it down to a pulled muscle or something altho I have no recollection of doing that.

I don't think I have ever been so concious about every thing baby body is doing x
@Wilson followed your thread on March testing. I'm so sorry you sound like you be been to hell and back. Pleased it sounds like you are trying to work through things. I hope you can find a way to make your peace and we stress can't imagine that will be easy with deadlines. Hope he starts to see things from your point of view. Xx
So the weekend is here again. I'm working all weekend but had lovely st off plying ponies today and I'm off on Monday too so it's not all bad.

I hope everyone is doing something good over the weekend and having a nice relax. I'm feeling chilled today hubby is in one of his grumps tonight but I'm not even letting that being me down. Sunshine has really lifted my spirits today....hope it has for you too ladies x
So the weekend is here again. I'm working all weekend but had lovely st off plying ponies today and I'm off on Monday too so it's not all bad.

I hope everyone is doing something good over the weekend and having a nice relax. I'm feeling chilled today hubby is in one of his grumps tonight but I'm not even letting that being me down. Sunshine has really lifted my spirits today....hope it has for you too ladies x

What a lovely and positive post. Glad you had a good horsey day. We had two put down here today, one of whom was ours, belonged to my friend who died 18 months ago. Hard day but relieved they are both now out of pain. Mickey had joint fluid coming from coffin joint after an abscess but it escalated his shivers dramatically and a 5% chance of ever being field sound so definitely the right call and the livery I've been asking to owner to come to for months. She finally came and agreed it was his time bless him. Dan has been hit really hard by Mickey going though, first horse he really bonded with and it was a beautiful bond as well.

Hope you have a good horsey/Nikki day on Monday too. Xx
So the weekend is here again. I'm working all weekend but had lovely st off plying ponies today and I'm off on Monday too so it's not all bad.

I hope everyone is doing something good over the weekend and having a nice relax. I'm feeling chilled today hubby is in one of his grumps tonight but I'm not even letting that being me down. Sunshine has really lifted my spirits today....hope it has for you too ladies x

What a lovely and positive post. Glad you had a good horsey day. We had two put down here today, one of whom was ours, belonged to my friend who died 18 months ago. Hard day but relieved they are both now out of pain. Mickey had joint fluid coming from coffin joint after an abscess but it escalated his shivers dramatically and a 5% chance of ever being field sound so definitely the right call and the livery I've been asking to owner to come to for months. She finally came and agreed it was his time bless him. Dan has been hit really hard by Mickey going though, first horse he really bonded with and it was a beautiful bond as well.

Hope you have a good horsey/Nikki day on Monday too. Xx

Awww GG how sad. It's always awful even when you know it's the right decision. It really is the final gift we can give them though.

Hoping my positivity stays! As long as the sun shines at least. Altho if AF rears her head next week I'm probably due some pms grumps lol x
Hello ladies,

Had a nice day today, went for a walk to local country park patted some ponies and goats and walked the dog. 1st nice day here in months. I am getting 3 silkie chickens for the back garden when we are back from Thailand so excited about that. Going horse riding tmrw... work is hell and I am onncall all Easter while everyobe else gets 4 days off to spend with their kids so prob working the next 11 days in a row so going to enjoy a glass of wine tonight. No positive opk yet but think am on cd#13 at a guess so bit bizarre as usually have some sort of line progression but all look very negative. We dtd last night..havent dtd for weeks due to me having the flu and the 2 weeks of spotting and bleeding. Not sure what's happening as worried I won't ovulate as its all been very strange. I hoped to have had a pos opk over this wknd but maye it will happen around cd#15 or 15l6 which has happened before but then again I am guessing the cycle day so who knows.

Going to dtd again tonight and tmrw anyway ! Hope your all doing well? I was to text the accuoibturist if I wanted treatment tmre if I thought I was ovulating but I don't really know. My cm is more creamy but not seen ewcm yet and cervix isn't open or soft or low so think its going to be another 2 days or so. Going to keep dtd every day for the wknd and hopefully it covers us .
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Glad you have managed some downtime before Easter onslaught Alexis. Hope u enjoying the sunshine today. It's beautiful here in Newcastle.

I will probably test tomorrow but really just to go through the motions. Felt but snappy last day or two so that usually means the witch is on route. Feel surprisingly calm about it. If she comes next few days that should line me up ok for day 21 bloods. So we will see x
So that's me out for March and cycle #10 I think although I'm sure I'm starting to lose count. Spotting started today so I think I'm lined up for tomorrow as cycle day 1 so have booked in for my day 21 bloods on the 16th April and docs for 3 days after to discuss results. Feeling quite ok about it. Sunshine and lovely day with the horses has helped my mood and knowing have foot on the ladder with the docs as well.

Hope everyone is doing ok x
Glad your feeling positive Nikki. In December when I first spoke to my GP about it she was lovely and it made me feel so much better, just like someone was listening to me and actually taking me seriously! I got sick of hearing the usual 'just relax', 'everything happens for a reason', 'its only been 9 months'... Blah blah blah.
Finally I have a positive opk this evening and ewcm. Haven't dtd since cd#11 due us both being so tired. Cd#15 today. Going to dtd tonight and tmrw but prob missed the boat as had a temp dip this morning to going to ovulate tonight at some point I reckon as always get af 2 weeks after 1st test.
Hey everyone. I had accupunture yesterday and was telling her all about the brown bleeding at 5dpo. She seemed to think its either a failed implantation or my body responding to the accupunture and trying to re set itself. I've had to buy more opks as no idea when I will ovulate as no idea where I actually am in my cycle. Still having some very pale brown bleeding. I am prob aroubd cd#7 at a guess but coukd be further who knows.

She left my pulse had picked up and was keen to treat me around ovulation if it falls this wknd but if not shes awsy forn1 month to India and then time she is back I am away so no accupunture for 6 weeks which is making me sad as I think I was just starting to get somehwere with the treatment. She wants me to keep a hot pack over my uterous during ovulation too

Went for lunch today with my mum and she kept going on about how she thinks it's stress thats stopping me and I am so sick of ppl saying it to me now its unreal. Hopefully I will figure out where I am in my cycle soon ! Never in my life have I not known this so feels a bit alien!

From what I've read there is no real evidence that stress stops you getting pregnant. Also stressing about being stressed never helps. Good luck with the accupuncture! xx
Glad your feeling positive Nikki. In December when I first spoke to my GP about it she was lovely and it made me feel so much better, just like someone was listening to me and actually taking me seriously! I got sick of hearing the usual 'just relax', 'everything happens for a reason', 'its only been 9 months'... Blah blah blah.

Thanks it has def relaxed me a bit just saying it out loud and asking for a bit of help.

I don't know whether to hope everything is fine or hope there is something straight forward they can treat. Time will tell I guess. We 'll carry on DTD next cycle but just staying relaxed like we have this cycle and just keep taking things one step at a time x
So watched one born tonight and gave me some perspective. One couple were having their 2nd child. Lucky them I thought. Then they told their story....9 miscarriages plus one that went to 21 week scan and then passed away. Finally conceived their little girl and they were having a boy on programme. Dad has a brain tumour and is on daily medication as op too risky.

Made me stop and think not everyone who has conceived has had an easy road. I feel gutted sometimes and wonder why us what are we doing wrong....look at others and think they have no idea.

Tonight made me think maybe they do...and you guys remind me that we are not alone. Trouble conciveing is probably far more common than we realise xx
I actually thought this the other day when I saw a pregnant women... I thought 'she doesn't know how lucky she is'... But then immediately thought maybe she does, maybe she's gone through exactly what I'm going through or worse. It's a shame these things aren't discussed more openly by everyone experiencing them!
I actually thought this the other day when I saw a pregnant women... I thought 'she doesn't know how lucky she is'... But then immediately thought maybe she does, maybe she's gone through exactly what I'm going through or worse. It's a shame these things aren't discussed more openly by everyone experiencing them!

When Dan and I announced this pregnancy, I put up a very open post on Facebook about our losses and the fears they led to and basically said that we only know of others what they want us to know. I had really close friends come forward to say they'd had losses or very ling hard journeys but nobody had a clue. To the outside world, they just announced a pregnancy one day and all appeared fine.

It doesn't mean you still can't justifiably feel that life is unfair when you do see pregnant women or another work colleague or friend announces. It's bloody hard to swallow when you're so aware of your own pain.

But yes, I think far far more couples struggle than society will ever really know about.
I def still get that kick in the guts feeling but it has made me think twice to maybe look differently from time to time.

I'm feeling a bit in limbo today. We seem to be stuck in this rut of 10 days to 2 weeks of sexy time then waiting for AF so then like another 5 days while AF is here of no sex. Hate that it feels like our sex life is ruled by my period and that's even with us relaxing and not 'trying' so hard.

This is why I was on contraception with limited periods for years lol. Just want to get that us time back without it being about babies cos think this is gonna be a marathon rather than a race x
I def still get that kick in the guts feeling but it has made me think twice to maybe look differently from time to time.

I'm feeling a bit in limbo today. We seem to be stuck in this rut of 10 days to 2 weeks of sexy time then waiting for AF so then like another 5 days while AF is here of no sex. Hate that it feels like our sex life is ruled by my period and that's even with us relaxing and not 'trying' so hard.

This is why I was on contraception with limited periods for years lol. Just want to get that us time back without it being about babies cos think this is gonna be a marathon rather than a race x

Would it be easier to just dtd every 2-3 days all month or maybe every other day during fertile period but also carry on the rest of the time every few days, even if you're not fertile? Might make it less about babies and more about you?
Hey everyone. I had accupunture yesterday and was telling her all about the brown bleeding at 5dpo. She seemed to think its either a failed implantation or my body responding to the accupunture and trying to re set itself. I've had to buy more opks as no idea when I will ovulate as no idea where I actually am in my cycle. Still having some very pale brown bleeding. I am prob aroubd cd#7 at a guess but coukd be further who knows.

She left my pulse had picked up and was keen to treat me around ovulation if it falls this wknd but if not shes awsy forn1 month to India and then time she is back I am away so no accupunture for 6 weeks which is making me sad as I think I was just starting to get somehwere with the treatment. She wants me to keep a hot pack over my uterous during ovulation too

Went for lunch today with my mum and she kept going on about how she thinks it's stress thats stopping me and I am so sick of ppl saying it to me now its unreal. Hopefully I will figure out where I am in my cycle soon ! Never in my life have I not known this so feels a bit alien!

From what I've read there is no real evidence that stress stops you getting pregnant. Also stressing about being stressed never helps. Good luck with the accupuncture! xx

I'm with Sunflower. Of course reducing stress will help you overall but I don't think it would directly stop you from conceiving.

My mum had no concept of our struggle and in the end I just stopped talking to her about it. We were just going to fall out otherwise. People who haven't experienced it think they're being supportive with their comments that imply the outcome is directly within your control. Don't get me wrong, my mum is great but she really wasn't the best source of support in all of this.

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