Long termers 6 months or more

Good luck at Docs. I was hoping it would just have happened this month. I think with the fertility clinic saying our best chance was the 3 months post hsg test and its been 2 full cycles since then I think I've lost hope now. I can't keep falling from great heights like this every month. I don't think I will be joining in on the testing threads anymore as no point, it's just not happening. I think its time for me to start accepting ivf and the possibility of not having children. I don't think any women should have to face this.

Try not to read too much into being more fertile after the HSG. There's a lot of mixed opinion on whether it actually helps or if it's just coincidence. I've been told both by 2 different doctors and obviously it didn't work for me. Others will say differently.

Taking a step back might be a good thing as it my help manage your expectations and you'll be less stressed if there's less pressure. It doesn't mean you're giving up. It just means you're making a conscious decision not to let it consume you.

Yeah we were planning on taking a step back after the next cycle . We have already in a way took a step back as stopped all charting... I don't think there is much more we can step back from other than not try ...and that isn't going to happen seeing as the goal is to make a baby.

For us, stepping back is no more opks, dtd less so that we might have a hope of actually enjoying it again rather than the forced every other day or more for about a week routine, I never got on with temping anyway, essential vitamins only, good general diet but no pressure, aim to be more active but no pressure, non smokers + low caffeine + low alcohol anyway, ditch the acupuncture. I'm still recording my cycle lengths as I think it will be useful for IVF planning and it still gives me an idea of my fertile window. That was from last cycle and it was the best we've felt in months. We know we most likely covered the key days but didn't feel utterly drained by the end of it.
Thanks moomin and pidge

Docs feels like a step forward. Will keep you all posted.

Hubby suffers from anxiety more so than depression but it can manifest as some very blue days. It seems to be pinned to financial worries and he feels that once our credit card debt is cleared he will feel stronger and more in control. That should be the case by June. Bar the last bit of debt that's solely mine for buying my horse so hopefully he will continue to feel better as the next couple of months progress.

We have managed to DTD CD#8/9/10/15 (today) so hoping we can manage a couple more over next 2 or 3 days as CM seems to point to me ov. Anytime now.

Started temping yesterday...too late for this cycle but going to see if it helps me pin point ov. And see the pattern x

Glad you're getting off to a good start this cycle. Even though you're probably too late to start temping for this cycle, it's probably a good idea to get used to it and get into a routine. I never got on with it but lots of ladies do but I get the impression it can take a few cycles to establish a pattern.
Hi ladies, I just wanted to pop in and say it took 15 months for us to conceive our little boy who is now 19 months old and fast asleep in his cot upstairs! I found ttc the hardest thing I have ever done but someone told me that it is only those who give up who don't end up with a child one way or another, which I found really inspiring so I hope it helps you also. I wish you all the best of luck and we have just started trying for number 2 and I really hope that doesn't mean going through everything we did last time, but we will if necessary because It's all worth it in the end xx
Hi ladies, I just wanted to pop in and say it took 15 months for us to conceive our little boy who is now 19 months old and fast asleep in his cot upstairs! I found ttc the hardest thing I have ever done but someone told me that it is only those who give up who don't end up with a child one way or another, which I found really inspiring so I hope it helps you also. I wish you all the best of luck and we have just started trying for number 2 and I really hope that doesn't mean going through everything we did last time, but we will if necessary because It's all worth it in the end xx

Did you conceive naturally in the end?
Yes, with the help of Clomid, hcg injections and progesterone supplements, so I'm really hoping that won't be needed again this time! Xx
Yes, with the help of Clomid, hcg injections and progesterone supplements, so I'm really hoping that won't be needed again this time! Xx

Ah fingers crossed for you. Hopefully your body has now got the hang of things enough to get there more easily.

I still have hope as we are just at 12 months ttc altho 4 months were ntnp. But have to admit this hope is fading fast into acceptance that this may be a long road x
Thank you. I think we're probably on for the long haul again as well, but we will all get there in the end, one way or another! Xx
Well slept ok but been awake since 6am. Docs here we come. Can't imagine there will be much to report but will let you Ladies know nonetheless. Appt at 8am so thankfully haven't got to wait all day stressing x
Well slept ok but been awake since 6am. Docs here we come. Can't imagine there will be much to report but will let you Ladies know nonetheless. Appt at 8am so thankfully haven't got to wait all day stressing x
Hopefully something will cheer you up, my DH dropped his SA sample last week when he got out of his car, cracked the pot and went everywhere, so he's got to go back. Frustrating at the time but now I'm seeing the funny side of it, hope it gives you a giggle.
So ladies....probably to be expected for those of you who have been through it already. Doc just asked the basics, didn't pry lots into sex and frequency which surprised me ...i had prepared myself for that. Did feel like it was me in the spotlight but I suppose that just cos of all the cycle questions.

Wants me to book in for 21 day bloods and says they can do the other general blood checks at the same time for thyroid diabetes etc. Sods law day 21 falls this Saturday....he said that always happens. So to wait for next cycle and see when that falls. He said if it's still on a weekend they can get all the other checks done in the meantime.

Hubby got a stern talking to about smoking. I have been nagging him cos he is only a weekend smoker when he has a drink. But doc said basically they won't entertain testing him until he stops. He has been trying....found some lozenges in the house the other day. So hopefully if he keeps it that way by the time it comes to his tests he will be ok. Doc didn't seem in any hurry to check sperm sample he seemed to want to check me first.

So now the waiting game. My cycle averages at 28 days so might take a couple months for day 21 to shift onto a week day. Fingers crossed for once that I get a shorter of longer one this month.

Hope everyone else is doing ok. Any updates from Anyone? Feel like I need some positive news...just feeling bit numb. Tears been had this morning x
So ladies....probably to be expected for those of you who have been through it already. Doc just asked the basics, didn't pry lots into sex and frequency which surprised me ...i had prepared myself for that. Did feel like it was me in the spotlight but I suppose that just cos of all the cycle questions.

Wants me to book in for 21 day bloods and says they can do the other general blood checks at the same time for thyroid diabetes etc. Sods law day 21 falls this Saturday....he said that always happens. So to wait for next cycle and see when that falls. He said if it's still on a weekend they can get all the other checks done in the meantime.

Hubby got a stern talking to about smoking. I have been nagging him cos he is only a weekend smoker when he has a drink. But doc said basically they won't entertain testing him until he stops. He has been trying....found some lozenges in the house the other day. So hopefully if he keeps it that way by the time it comes to his tests he will be ok. Doc didn't seem in any hurry to check sperm sample he seemed to want to check me first.

So now the waiting game. My cycle averages at 28 days so might take a couple months for day 21 to shift onto a week day. Fingers crossed for once that I get a shorter of longer one this month.

Hope everyone else is doing ok. Any updates from Anyone? Feel like I need some positive news...just feeling bit numb. Tears been had this morning x
Oh Nikki chin up sweet, at least something is happening. Also if your day 21 is a Saturday they told me to have the blood test on the Friday and if on a Sunday have it done on the Monday.

With my tests Month 1 was a Saturday, I was blood tested on the Friday and they confirmed ovulation, Cycle 2 day 21 was Sunday and blood tested on the Monday results were not consistent with ovulation, Cycle 3 day 21 was Tuesday and confirmed ovulation. So don't put it off for months and months as they can test the day before/after day 21 and still confirm ovulation. I hope that's helpful for you.

My husband is a heavy smoker and drinker, he has been cutting down a little but still smokes a lot, I'm going to move him onto an E-Cigarette which I know isn't proven to be any better but with a view to him quitting completely as loads of people we know have done that successfully. Drinking is an up hill battle though but the smoking I'm certain is the biggest problem for us that and he had a hydrocele operation about 8 years ago but he'd had the hydrocele for about 10 years before that so its possible it's cost him his fertility.
Thanks Wilson. I feel positive for taking the step just a bit emotional for saying it out loud to a doctor I guess. He did say that the QE our local hospital are pretty good and if we need referral following blood tests it would be a matter of weeks not months. He also said age is massively on my side being only 31 so that made me feel better x
Thanks Wilson. I feel positive for taking the step just a bit emotional for saying it out loud to a doctor I guess. He did say that the QE our local hospital are pretty good and if we need referral following blood tests it would be a matter of weeks not months. He also said age is massively on my side being only 31 so that made me feel better x
A bit better than my doc then, telling me with my husbands sperm health we'd be incredibly lucky to ever conceive naturally! I guess didn't want to get my hopes up. Husband is back for his second SA today results next Tuesday so fingers crossed.
Hi ladies, I just wanted to pop in and say it took 15 months for us to conceive our little boy who is now 19 months old and fast asleep in his cot upstairs! I found ttc the hardest thing I have ever done but someone told me that it is only those who give up who don't end up with a child one way or another, which I found really inspiring so I hope it helps you also. I wish you all the best of luck and we have just started trying for number 2 and I really hope that doesn't mean going through everything we did last time, but we will if necessary because It's all worth it in the end xx

Thanks hunni. We are on month 16 now...seems like it won't happen but signing up for ivf in May for the waiting list. I just have had hope every cycle then its washed away by af. So tired of ttc feels horrible now.
Thanks Wilson. I feel positive for taking the step just a bit emotional for saying it out loud to a doctor I guess. He did say that the QE our local hospital are pretty good and if we need referral following blood tests it would be a matter of weeks not months. He also said age is massively on my side being only 31 so that made me feel better x
A bit better than my doc then, telling me with my husbands sperm health we'd be incredibly lucky to ever conceive naturally! I guess didn't want to get my hopes up. Husband is back for his second SA today results next Tuesday so fingers crossed.

Our clinic told us DH has excellent sperm so he's so chuffed but so far still not pregnant..all my tests were normal too just so frustrating its not happened all this time !
Well it sounds like you have got very good chances then, i.e nothing is against you. I've just had lunch with my mum and told her that I don't think we'll be making her a grandma, don't think she knew what to say. Everyone always thinks its soooo easy....until you start trying and nothing happens.
Well it sounds like you have got very good chances then, i.e nothing is against you. I've just had lunch with my mum and told her that I don't think we'll be making her a grandma, don't think she knew what to say. Everyone always thinks its soooo easy....until you start trying and nothing happens.

You would think yet it has never happened.

Can you not try IVF? There is lots to do to improve sperm .. I think life has a way of surprising us. I am just trying to hope there will always be a chance.
Where there is life there is always hope. And I think where TTC is concerned this is def true. Lots of people who go down IVF or adoption route you hear about conciveing naturally when all hope has been lost.

I hope for all of us we get their the biological way even with a bit of help from the docs whether that's IVF or otherwise. But if we don't and it's right there are plenty of children wanting a loving home. I don't know if that would be right for me but I certainly am not ruling it out x
So ladies....probably to be expected for those of you who have been through it already. Doc just asked the basics, didn't pry lots into sex and frequency which surprised me ...i had prepared myself for that. Did feel like it was me in the spotlight but I suppose that just cos of all the cycle questions.

Wants me to book in for 21 day bloods and says they can do the other general blood checks at the same time for thyroid diabetes etc. Sods law day 21 falls this Saturday....he said that always happens. So to wait for next cycle and see when that falls. He said if it's still on a weekend they can get all the other checks done in the meantime.

Hubby got a stern talking to about smoking. I have been nagging him cos he is only a weekend smoker when he has a drink. But doc said basically they won't entertain testing him until he stops. He has been trying....found some lozenges in the house the other day. So hopefully if he keeps it that way by the time it comes to his tests he will be ok. Doc didn't seem in any hurry to check sperm sample he seemed to want to check me first.

So now the waiting game. My cycle averages at 28 days so might take a couple months for day 21 to shift onto a week day. Fingers crossed for once that I get a shorter of longer one this month.

Hope everyone else is doing ok. Any updates from Anyone? Feel like I need some positive news...just feeling bit numb. Tears been had this morning x

Well done for getting through the doctor's appointment. It feels like a big step so being a bit emotional is understandable.

As someone else said, don't put off going for the bloods if you feel you want to be getting on with things. GPs will always insist it has to be day 21 but that's assuming a textbook 28 day cycle with ovulation on day 14. Mine tend to be 26-27 days so last time when my day 21 fell on a Saturday, I just went on the Friday. My progesterone was in the 50s so definitely confirmed ovulation. I didn't even mention it to them. I just went on the Friday.

If the other bloods include things like LH and FSH, make sure you go on day 2-5 of your cycle. They usually ask for these and the reason I mention it is that it really is shocking how little GPs know about fertility. I say this as someone who had to practically hand hold their GP through which tests needed ordering :roll:

Also, just another thought. I'm sure someone with more experience may be able to to comment further but I'm not sure they should be refusing to test your hubby simply because he's a smoker. Of course it's better for his health and fertility if he stops but I'm not sure he should be excluded from a sperm analysis on that basis. Yes it would possibly restrict any treatment offered further down the line if he was still smoking but I think he should still be able to be tested at this point. We also found they didn't seem in that much of a hurry to check OH but in the grand scheme of things, it's one of the easiest tests. My OH got one no problem but we needed to ask for it.

Hope this is helpful.
See that's totally different from my GP. They wanted DH checked 1st as easier and quicker to rule out so he got tested right at the start of all our tests. My day 21 ovulation bloods were on day 24 as day 22 was a Saturday and day 23 was a bank holiday and mine was 45 so not sure if thatvwas good for day 24 or what. I kinda wanted it done Monday 21 again but the doc said it didn't matter.

Am pretty sure lifestyle choices don't rule your OH out for SA. That's not right. I would complain and get the test done!

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