london meet

its a good idea but not central london as the tubes arnt pushchair friendly :roll: i see you are in southend why not meet there as it would be a good day out and eaiser to get to by train or car.

just a thought. :D
hI GIRLS :wave:

Thanks Sam for letting me know! :hug: Sorry I haven't been on we changed internet supplier and have had huge problems :roll:

I will try and make the meet but to be honest it's likely I'll have to miss it this time because last time I was over I didn't see a lot of people so I am really busy when I come over and may even be going to Manchester to see my brother. I will try if you are in London, though I doubt it if it's a weekend as my mum books me up with family stuff!

Have loads of fun and I'll keep up to date with where it will be :D
aww katt. hope you can make it, if not hope you have a fab time with your family :hug:

1. Kay - Either
2. Sarah - Neither
3. Mica - Sunday 27th
4. Sam - Sunday 27th

marchmuma - if people wanted to come to southend they are more than welcome... london is more central to everyone thats all :wink: :lol: if you wanted to come i could meet you halfway and help with tubes etc :hug:
i know my way around the tubes just never with a pram before plus hubby would hate the idea and i would never hear the end of it :roll: when you have decided a location just let me know and i will see if i can make it, as i would love to.
i have a new user name now but i re registered i am now becky&willow
bless. You can always bring him with you. Il most prob drag my OH along. he is handy for lifting prams up stairs (and thats about it :rotfl: ).

il PM you when we know more details if you like. :hug:
that would be great thanks.

as for hubby comming you have more chance of seeing a pig fly. :roll:
I would like to come but now im in swindon i dunno how 2 get 2 london :( but i wuld love to come :D

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