LO and TV

Ella is only interested in mens voices on the tv!! i think its because she doesnt really hear many deep voices, but she loves jeremy kyle!! i usually just have the music channel on throughout the day though x
I let Will watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse too which i think is fine, the only problem with it is that i have constantly had the hotdog song in my head for the past fortnight :roll: xx
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I had the tv on all day as I'm generally feeding him most of the day lol so I'd be so bored if not as don't have enough free hands to read! Only prob is now lo is more aware of his surroundings he is completely mesmorised by the tv and won't be distracted from it. I am now having to turn it off even when feeding him as he will pull his head off me to get a better view. I will purposely sit him in his bumbo infront of the babytv channel while I make a cuppa and my porridge on a morning or I'd have no chance but its 10mins max, then I try read him books, tummy time, nursery rhymes etc to make up for it after!!!!
Rhea loves a bit of jezza too !! Was even screeching at the tv the other morning ! The boys love peppapig and Ben and holly !! I'm so sick of them !!! Love something special too it's fab xxx

The TV is on most of the time we're in the house, but to be honest we go out quite a bit!

Linzie watches In The Night Garden, and she likes Jeremy Kyle too! She probably watches far too much TV for 'guideliners' liking, but she's happy, healthy, and it gives me a ten minute break every now and then - cup of tea, here I come!

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Ben an holly is ok for the first few hundred times it's on !!! Lol I've now downloaded I player and itv player on my phone so can watch something else !! Xxx

I also turn LO away from TV we have one of those rediculously big tv's thats right on middle of wall & I think its just a bit too big/bright for LO. When my 1st was a bit older i'd stick cartoons on for an hour in mornings while I got changed but that was it.

I bloody hate the hot dog song, thanks, now its in my head

Has anyone ever seen baby tv. Its hillarious, & so annoying.


Oh gosh I saw this for the first time in my life two weekends a go as a 'friend' of ours puts her baby in front of it nearly all the time she's awake :( whilst we were there DH and I had baby with us instead!
I have the telle on for some part of the day. Lo watches it when I'm making his lunch. He likes Waybuloo, baby Jake and small potato's xxxx
Personally I never use it as a "babysitter" at the moment, as I worry (maybe unnecessarily) that the baby won't be able to play by himself as he gets older. Whilst I'm making his lunch or dinner, he sits on the floor or in his high hair and plays with his toys. The only time he ever sees the tv is when we are watching football.

My opinion and what works for me, is that 7 months is too young to be watching baby tv. But that's in my house, what others do is up to them, obviously!
Has anyone ever seen baby tv. Its hillarious, & so annoying.


Oh gosh I saw this for the first time in my life two weekends a go as a 'friend' of ours puts her baby in front of it nearly all the time she's awake :( whilst we were there DH and I had baby with us instead!

It is the most funny thing. My friend said there was also a cat tv that you had to pay for, for your cats to watch...:shock: (maybe she's taking the piss) lool

I kinda agree that if they watch too much at a young age, they may find it hard to entertain themselves when older. No proof about that obviously, just a thought.
Its a channel in its own right. Its american. Its on Sky but not Virgin.

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