Front Facing Car Seats


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2011
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Im not sure if this has already been posted but i cant find it if it has...

My little girl is now just over 9kg, so is safe for us to turn her car seat round and put her front facing... a quick question.. is it safe for her to be in the front of the car with me with the seat pushed as far back as it will go?

I know they say the back is best, but i find that im having to turn around a lot and soothe her when shes kicking off (i cant leave her to cry as it puts me off driving even more) so thought it might be safer to put her in the front where i can see her properly and not havign to turn around all the time...

Please dont judge and i dont want this to turn into an argument - ive just read on another forum some mum calling all mums who put their kids in the front a dumb ass... so i dont want that.. i just want opinions and advice on what you mums have done :)

Not sure about being in the front seat but I know they can be front facing from 9kg.
you can put lo in front but airbags need to be turned off. I wouldnt rush to turn to forward facing, I turned my lo at 1 years, the seats say from 9kg but it depends on lo neck control etc. You will be the best person to decide that.

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I thought they only couldn't go in the front if they were REAR facing because of the airbags, so i guess if she's front facing it would be ok. Are you able to turn your passenger airbag off just to be on the safe side? Maybe double check in Halfords or Mothercare, see what they say?
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Well ive just had a text of my LG's grandma who took her to get weighed today and she meant to say 8.25kg not 9.25kg so she wont be going in front facing just yet...

Ive heard that if they are front facing as long as they are quite far back the air bag can stay on... i think you have to measure the distance from where the air bag comes out to and then see where the head is from there or something..

Ill go to the local police station they might be able to advise me - i can do without being stopped :)

Thanks for your help ladies!!
guidelines are 9kg(20lbs) or 9 months old and must be able to sit unsupported for 30 mins throughout the day for 6-8 weeks xx
guidelines are 9kg(20lbs) or 9 months old and must be able to sit unsupported for 30 mins throughout the day for 6-8 weeks xx

Well shes been able to sit up since about 4 months old and has had strong neck muscles from pretty much the day she was born - shes a nosey little thing, and is 9 and half months now.. my MIL just text saying she got the weight wrong anyway so she will have to stay rearfacing for a bit longer!!

guidelines are one or the other babe if she's nearly 10 months then she will be fine :-) you don't have to be both, go and have a shop around and see what you can find :-) xxx
We had the road safety advisor at post natal group the other day, and she was saying the first size car seat really should go by length - once their head is above the seat you can move them,

She also said the BEST place for any child under 12 is the back seat.

I personally think its a bit risky to have them in the front that young, but I understand about the unsettledness.

Small children or people under 4 foot should never be in the front with an airbag on so when they go in the front airbag needs to be off. Otherwise its a suffocation issue xx
Thanks for all your replies and advice! I think I'll keep her in the back for now!

Thanks everyone! X
Small children or people under 4 foot should never be in the front with an airbag on so when they go in the front airbag needs to be off. Otherwise its a suffocation issue xx

I find that quite funny as I am 4 foot 11 so I'm only just allowed in the front seat :shock:

lol was good job your just past the guidelines for a booster seat then lol x
Small children or people under 4 foot should never be in the front with an airbag on so when they go in the front airbag needs to be off. Otherwise its a suffocation issue xx

I find that quite funny as I am 4 foot 11 so I'm only just allowed in the front seat :shock:

Lol...booster seat? Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.

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