Does your LO watch tv?

No I think the weird ones are people who can't turn it off. I quite offer turn it off and we have a boogie to my iPod
I obviously dance like a crazy person lol
I dance like a crazy person too......and so does DS! Though he's got immense rhythm! He can pick up a beat on his drum really quickly! I'd rather put music on too!
It's brilliant watching her laughing at me! I may change my mind about that in about 14 years time though
In 14 years she'll be pretending she doesn't know you ;) lmao! Ditto DS!!! I intend to embarrass my children as much as possible!!! :D
No I think the weird ones are people who can't turn it off. I quite offer turn it off and we have a boogie to my iPod
I obviously dance like a crazy person lol

I used to do that all the tune before Tyler! That's how my house got broken into when I was in.... And I didn't know!

I think age is a very important factor. Older children can understand that tv time is tv time. What breaks my heart is babies that are plonked in front if a telly all day instead if being interacted with.

I have the telly on in the day and I hate to say it, but B is fixated by it if he is facing towards it! I usually don't have him facing towards it though at all.

However, I have to admit, I do use it to get him changed in the morning. When he wakes up, by the time we're downstairs, he is cranky for his bottle. I always top and tail him first though. If I do this on living room floor and put on gmtv, he'll stop crying and watch it whilst I get the job done lol. Bad I know! But it gives him something to look at.

I've put on baby tv a few times just to get washing up done for 5 mins etc.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want him to be a kid that never plays outside and just watches telly, I'll not encourage that, but I think why he is so young, and doesn't even know what he's watching, it's not so bad. He's just looking at the flashing light and colours.

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Lily was obsessed with the tv when she was littler - like glued to it, ignoring people talking to her to look at the tv if it was on. But from being about 5-6 months she hasn't bothered with it at all, doesn't 'watch' anything now she just ignores it.
Lewis likes the Glee Project thing on cbbc on bbc1 and never mind the buzzcocks must be the music and colours. Haven#t put him there purposely but used to stick Charlie in front of a bear in the big blue house DVD so I could shower when he was about 10+ months.
Sophie was dead whingy the other day so I decided to put Disney jrs. On for her for 5 minutes while I managed to get something done. She was absolutely fine until these penguin things came on and then she screamed the place down lol! Don't think we will be doing it again anytime soon xx
I tend to watch a bit of This Morning but end up turning it off halfway through. I sometimes put on Baby TV or CBeebies, but we generally don't watch a great deal of TV, especially during the day. I tend to have the radio on more than the TV. But if it's on and Poppy's watching it, it doesn't bother me. Televisions are a huge part of 21st century life after all, and she's not going to escape it, so I don't see the point in purposely NOT letting her watch it.
O stares at the tv if he is facing it cos of the colours but that's usually first thing and evening in the day we go out for walks and play on his mat and stuff. I don't think it hurts
I have the tv/radio on for most of the day. When we get up in the morning I always put Milkshake on and have it on in the background for changing her, feeding, breakfast etc and if I need to go for a wee, make her lunch etc I put In the Night Garden on (it's a blessing! Thank you whoever creates this!)
I probably have the tv on most of the day, but not really watching it iykwim, I just don't like a silent house.

At moment I give G music to listen to.

But I don't see the harm in tv as long as its balanced with interaction, time playing outside, etc. there are some advantages, my neice could count to 10 in spanish before she was 3, having learned from Dora the explorer, and that's not something her parents would have taught her, so I think in the right context it can be useful. Xxx

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