
My cousins lil one had a tv in her room at 2ish. I'm sure there was a sensible reason for it at the time, lol - cos I'd have been about 8 and wasn't allowed one in my room till I was 13.

But I'll be damned if I can remember the reason. Lol. - I'm not sure if it was to do with drowning out noise - that's why we have a tv in ours - to keep out daytime noise if I'm on night shift.

I never had one till I was 16 and always said my kids wouldn't have one till they were old enough to ask for one! Well that happen this Xmas just gone I gave into pressure from my oh to get one. It is only set up for DVD and the remote is on our room out of their reach during the week they r allowed to watch a film before dinner but still have stories at bed time. Allowed to watch a film before bed 1 night at the weekend. And it does come in handy when I mop my floors !! They go up to watch a film while I do them and the dry !
I am still very adment that they should have books before bed and don't agree with lo being put to bed every night with tv on which my sis and sil both do xxx

Never. I would not allow LO to have a tv in her bedroom for as long as she lives with us. We don't actually have a tv in our house anymore as we use a projector to watch pre-recorded (commercial free) programmes. We want to keep tv a family occasion and therefore much more supervised.

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