Little Diva is driving me crazy!!!

I don't know all these drugged up babies!!!! :rotfl:
Glad to hear that everyone seems to be on the up - hope I ain't jinxing us there!!!!!
hmmm yes I've decided I'm going to try and have Otis sleep in his cot at around 12:30ish for an hour, I started on Sunday and he slept for 30minsand whinged for the other 30mins, but I thought 'nope you're staying in there till your hours up' - I'm a right witch of a mother!!!! :rotfl:
However that all went to pot today as we were in London all day - hit Baby Gap and you know I just HAD to buy some stuff for Otis!!!!
Tomorrow we're back to the routine though, also I'm going to try dream feeding him as well at 11pm - did that last night and he woke up at 4:30 moaning left him till 5:30 when it went up a couple of levels and though it best to feed him, he then thought hmmm this is cool and decided to start nattering away :roll: , finally managed to get back to bed at 6:15 only to have to get up at 7am as we were going into London!!!! :?
Will keep it up for a week and see what happens. However there sooooo much different info out there re napping and sleeping through the night, it seems that it's more the exception to the rule for your LO's to sleep all the way through, and for a baby under 8months to wake twice in a night is fairly standard, so I don't feel to bad if Otis does keep waking :| , she says!!!
Tina Otis has also been reaching for my drinks and the occassional bit of food, like Skatty I've been introducing the odd bit of food (solid) in his baby safe feeder, he'll generally go for the fruit (it's sweeter I guess) but he's not to keen on the veg, man you should see his face when he first tastes anything, one of utter disgust :lol: . Still I'll keep trying I hope to keep this put until he's old enough to chew (6 months?). Do let us know how you get on if you do decide to start weening.
Kelly what an awesome pic of Jack, he's a lovely little fellow!!!
Well hope both mommies and babas have sweet dreams... :sleep:
Morning everyone, I hope you all had a good night :wink:

Daggers i totally agree with you that it is very normal that breastfed babies wake during the night, breastmilk is digested so much quicker than formula. I have been reading a bit on the BLW yahoo group and it seems there are babies much older than ours still waking 3 times a night. Leorah has started to go to bed between 7.30 - 8.30 every night recently ( :cheer: ) and she sometimes wakes up around 5am hungry so I feed her and then she sleeps until 8am. If she wakes at 6am we get up. When she went to bed at 10pm or later she'd sleep until 8am so she obviously can't go 12 hours without a feed at the mo' and I totally understand that. Last night she also woke up at about 3am, moaned a little and went back to sleep. Hve you tried feeding Otis more in the day? I find if I cluster feed Leorah from the afternoon onwards she sleeps very soundly. As for naps if otis only sleeps for 30 mins try putting him down for his nap a little earlier, I think I mentioned before this woman had a tehroy that when babies are overtired they wake after 30 mins, I tried it with Leorah and for her its true.

Alfiesmummy I am so glad i am not the only ne drugging their baby! It just seems cruel to let her suffer when a half dose of calpol can keep her from suffering. I am just wondering when this teething session will end. I did read that the first lot of teeth tend to bring the most disruption and the others aren't so bad until the molars come through, lets keep our fingers crossed that this is right :pray:

Daggers, I am so excited about going to BabyGap and all those other shops. Have you seen any nice colourful clothes? I like Leorah in bright colours like red, dark pink and orange. She has loads of baby pink, good job it suits her!

I have mother and baby group this morning with 2 new mums. I have decided to be pro active in meeting some new people and have 3 mums to meet from a yahoo group for english speaking women in Denmark. I am also going to meet a girl who had her little boy the day before I had Leorah that I met a few times at the hospital.

Have a good day everyone :D
woohoo...possibly the best night yet!

i have been dream feeding jack at 10-11pm for a week now but he was still waking between 2 and 3 like he used to, so last nite i decided to give up because i would rather go to bed a bit earlier and miss the dream feed if im gonna have to get up at 2 or 3 anyway, so last nite i missed the dream feed and jack woke at 12:30 so i fed him and then he went right through to 7!!! i know i still had to get up to feed him at 12:30 but its starting to look like he will sleep through soon! yay!! so glad im over that miserable stage! hope you all had good nights xx
Allo, allo ladies! Kelly glad to hear that (fingers crossed) Jack may start sleeping longer for you! Otis seems to be getting into a routine now, goes to bed by 7pm then I wake him at 11pm for a dream feed and then he seems to wake around 5ish the first time I feed him and put him back in his cot but this morning as it was quite cold and the heating hadn't kicked in as yet I put him in our bed and feed him he then slept through till 8am, so not bad will see how the rest of the week goes.
Day time naps are still sproradic, this morning we had signing at 11am and by around half passed he had crashed out on his blanket for probably around 30mins. Since then he hasn't had a nap so may try and put him down for a late afternoon siesta :think: .
Skatty BabyGap was great got some really cool bits and pieces - some cool jeans and a few tops, and had to pop into Espirit for me :roll: , had a £5 voucher which I obviously had to use!!!!
By the way anyone elses LO's eating their toes as yet, Otis has just discovered them and I think we're getting to the stage were there will be a constant battle of socks on, socks off!!!
Skatty it's great htat your meeting mores moms out there in Denmark, though I had it bad but it's nothing compared to moving to a new country where you not flunent in the lingo and trying to be as out going at the same time!
Well done jack letting mummy sleep longer :cheer:

Daggers cluster feeding is feeding closer together. Leorah naturally cluster feeds in the evening, maybe once an hour rather than going 3-4. I now make sure I feed her at least every 3 hours in the day unless she is having a long nap and then in the late afternoon evening feed her every 1-1½ hours. She won't settle for the night until she knows she's eaten enough, babies are so clever aren't they?

Otis is great being able to crash anywhere! Leorah is much too nosy but today was feeling very unsociable due to her teething and slept outside in her pushchair for the whole of babygroup and didn't want to come in.

I bonded with a new mum at baby group. She is from Lithuania but has lived here for 10 years. I always find the foriegners have a connection.

I have to go leorah is squealing for me to go and feed her :lol:
It's very quiet here today. I hope all the babies are ok and the mummies are catching up on sleep :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
hmmm it is very quite here today isn't it?!
Skatty no I haven't try cluster feeding, could try? But I'm going to start giving Otis a bit of Oats every afternoon and will gradually start adding friut and such into it, will see how he gets on re chewing so my have to mash up some of the fruit into the oats. I'm still giving him his baby safe feeder, gave him some grapes the other day but he's not to keen on the veg - which I could actually put into the oats (eg peas?) and maybe then I'll just give him fruit in the morning in his feeder????
Yes fortunately he is good when it comes to sleeping, however I am making an effort to identify when he's tried and then I just take him into his room for a nap, he still only sleeps for about 30mnis at a time.
Good to here that your getting on with one of the other moms in your baby group. Definately there generally does seem to be a bond when it comes to meeting foreigners, I've also become friendly with a German lady in our baby signing class, it's because of her that I'll be going to baby yoga later this week!
So how is everyone else this cold winters eve - FREEZING I presume!!!! :roll:
That's cool Daggers, Oats will be having his oats :lol: I think putting some veg in is a good idea, maybe grated carrot? Are you using regular oats or baby cereal? I'm going to wait a while before weaning leorah so I can skip the cereal as all the ones over here contain milk powder.

I don't think you have to worry about where Otis naps, in fact being able to drop off anywhere is fantastic. Leorah will have a powernap in someones arms, she can shut everything out when very tired but if I want her to sleep for a bit longer its the pushchair. Otis sounds good with his sleep but Leorah gets overtired and can get very ratty by evening and then find it hard to wind down so I have to almost force her into napping sometimes :roll:

I actually think the Uk has worst weather than us! We have had some snow showers but nothing heavy, though that can change in a split second. Unforubately my dog loves the snow so i end up having to go out loads if DH isn't here!

I have the HV coming in a min. I want to see what she thinks about Leorah's cold and cough because its getting woorst and she coughs all through the night and since yesterday has been coughing up her feeds, the docs tomorrow I reckon...again :roll:

catch you all later :D
Awwww Skatty I feel for you hun Alfies just getting my cold and is coughing mucus up in the night, his teething seems to have settled but I dont know if its not one thing its another.

How are all these babies today?
It's unbelievable isn't it? Leorah's teething has calmed down now (but for how long?) and I think its the mucous that keeps making her sick up her feeds :roll: Do you give Alfie anything for his cough? There is nothing you can give a baby for a cough in Denmark.

Well the Hv came and leorah weighs 13½lbs! She's also 62cm long which is wierd because she wears clothes for a 56 cm baby :? She's developing nicely and showed off how she can go from seated to standing in my lap without holding on so has very strong legs so my DH's dreams of her playing for Arsenal's womens team may come true yet :lol:

I printed out Gill Rapley's guidelines to baby lead weaning and tried to explain what I am going to do but it seemed to go over her head! Even though she advises I leave Leorah on a breastmilk only diet until 6 months she still banged on about purees :wall: I also had to point out that all the cereals contain milk powder and she said I can try them even though she knows about Leorah's intolerances :shock: I will definitely use my own instincts when it comes to weaning Leorah. We certainly know our little darlings best don't we girls?

Hope you are all having a fab day :hug:
Yaaaa Skatty! Glad to hear Leorah's teething has settled...for now!!! Re the Oats I give Otis Ready Brek with some of mommies milk, not sure if that is something you could try as I think that the only milk going into it would be what you choose to put in, hence your milk or water if you so choose.
Will give it till maybe Sunday before adding anything else intop the Ready Brek, good idea re the grated carrots, do you think I should steam them as well or just add them in raw?? :think:
That's brilliant that Leorah is able to go from seated to standing on your lap, Otis is sort of coping with sitting on his own however he still keeps tumbling over to either side!!! :doh: He's just woken up from about an hours nap in his room!!! And last night after his dream feed at 11pm he slept through till 5am and then after his feed I put him back in his bed till 8:15ish!!! Not bad mi thinks!!!
Funny you should mention the Arsenal ladies team as I'm sure my OH would be ovder the moon should Otis be the next Thierry Henry!!!! In saying that Otis does seem to have strong atheltic looking legs!!!!!
hmmm Otis has woken up with his left cheek bright red, please don't tell me he's going to start teething... he is also making a hell of a rakett!!!!!
Skatty there not much you can give them and i havent given him anything poor little mite. Apparently they can have ticklix (cant speel) but thats for tickly coughs Alfies is chesty and mucusy, I( think the only thing is keeping pillows raised so when they are asleep that lovely snot and mucus can come out. Im really worried about Alfie because last time he had a bad chest it turned in to bronchilitis and we almost lost him so now im ill hes ill his daddys away again and were all scared hes going to be really poorly again, I know i cant think like that but its just hard
Dags i would steam them first just to be on the safe side is he loving ready brek, we have to get normal oats as ian would eat all the ready break
Well done Otis :cheer: I bet he starts sleeping even longer now especially if he's napping longer too. they say the more daytime sleep the better the nightime and its true for Leorah. Right now she keeps crying in her pushchair because she is so overtired but just can't drop off because she has a blocked nose and keeps coughing.

Leorah might have strong legs but she's not good at sitting! sometimes she'll do a minute and sometimes she just wobbles around like a weeble! She's always liked standing for some reason, if she cries and you put her on her feet she stops :lol:

I do hope Otis isn't teething! Leorah is still dribbling but seems to be coping.

Poor Alfie, Leorah also has the chesty , musousy cough. I can understand why you are worried. Exactly the same happened to me as a baby, they thought I might die too. How awful, I do hope he doesn't get bronchitis. Leorah is back at the docs tomorrow to get her lungs checked again, they say its best because it can turn serious at anytime when they have a cough. Are you getting Alfie checked too, I am sure the docs understand that you want to keep a close eye after his last experience. I do hope you both feel better soon :hug:

Kelly, I am so happy we have one completely happy baby in our little club, its about time :lol: Well done Jack :hug: Lets hope Tina and gabriella are also better :)
Hi Ladies

Seems like everyone is coming down with colds!

AlfiesMummy; I am sorry that Alfie is poorly hun and I can understand you being worried. I hope it doesn't turn into bronchitis and I hope he gets better soon.

Skatty; I hope Leorah gets on ok at the doctors tomorrow.
Her weight is really good. How has she been today?

Daggers that is fantastic that Otis slept for so long :cheer: :cheer: The DF obviously helped him.
Oh, I hope he doesn't suffer too much with his teeth.

Kelly; Jack is doing so well; what a good little boy and what a cute picture of him.

Gabriella has a nasty nasty cold and she has lost her voice also. She tried to cry and it's as if someone has turned the volume down (normally this would be a good thing but it's so heartbreaking :( )
We took her to the Docs yesterday and were basically told she has a cold and could be like it for up to 2 weeks :shock: They checked her lungs and they are fine. I feel so bad for her!

On a good note; we tried her on baby rice and she seems to like it.
She is sleeping better as well and I am still not sure if this is down to her cold or if she is now getting more food.

Fingers crossed that all babies get well soon.

Bye for now everyone :hug:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

isnt it ironic how all our bubs are teething at same time now the poor little mites have colds,

Well Alfies in bed after throwing up over half his bottle, the poor little mite im thinking it could be a trip to the doctors tomorrow he defineately needs looking at, hes got a sore throat and chesty cough and to top it off round bout 4 o clock looked at him and his cheeks were burning red. Nobody ever tells you that your kids will get poorly its heart breaking

I really hope Leorah is feeling better soon Skatty you must be feelign so down I know I am and Leorahs not been well for a bit hasnt she? As long as she has you and your cuddles she'll get a little better every day.

I hope that Gabriellas cold doesnt last for two weeks :( and she perks up a bit soon, Its amazing how when they cry and cry and cry we all think pleeeeeeease be quiet and when they cant cry its heartbreaking, i remember when alfie was in hospital and the poor little stud muffin couldnt do anything he just looked so depressed it broke me.

Im really glad that Jacks been good today Kelly I just hope it rubs off on our bubs soon, big cuddles for him.

Daggers hows Otis been has he settled down or arer them peggies playing him up?

BIG :hug: to all poorly (and non poorly babies) and especially BIG :hug: to all Mommys as even though its our bubs suffering we all are too, Id do anything to take away the pain from Alfie and i feel so guilty cause its me whats given him this blasted chest infection :cry:
I don't want to depress you all but Leorah has had her cold for a month and my HV told me today that they can last up to 3 months :shock:

I would definitely take Alfie to the doc, it must be awful if he has a temperature too :(

I hope Gabriella's cold leaves quickly. I reckon her sleeping will be down to the food because I think colds generally make sleep harder for babies with blocked noses and coughing.

Oh our poor babies, lets hope they will have super immune systems after this :D
Oh dear!!! This seems to have become the teething & cold thread :? !!! Fortunately Otis hasn't come down with a cold - please let me not have jinxed him now, I dread having to go through this as it sounds like you've all had a nightmere with these damed colds!!!! :evil: Eventhough like Alfie Otis has had a bright red left cheek for most of the day - I hope it's teething :pray:
Tina glad to you managed to post again, poor little Gabriella wish there was some kind of miricle drug you could give her :( I really hope she greats better soon!
Skatty, the same for your little Diva, I can't believe she's been ill for a month!!!!! You think with them being so small they would get over these colds quicker.
Steph I didn't realise Alfie was in the hospital, you must have pooped it! No wonder you're overly concerned, I agree with Skatty and would definately get yourself to the docs tomorrow.
So far Otis is okay but he just seems to srceam when he would normally be chattering away, however he is happy to play and laugh so not sure what's up with him.
Skatty if Leorah is still like this towards the end of the month are you still going to come over? Would be a bit risky wouldn't it?
Well hope all your LO's have a peaceful night and that they're all a step closer to getting fit and happy again :hug: :sleep: :pray:

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