Little Diva is driving me crazy!!!

when hayden was about 3 months old he got a cold and for about a week he wouldnt sleep unless attached to me, i had to have him in my bed it was a nightmare..when i let him fall asleep and put him in his cot he would scream again. just go with it hun if she needs her mummy when shes feeling'll ride it out! and medised is a mummys best friend :)
Thanks fran, she seems much worst tonight, not feeding and has been screaming and screaming and nothing is making it better even baby paracetomol. She keeps grabbing and rubbing her ears. She's worn herself out now and is asleep on DH. He called the out of hours doc but he said they are really busy so it would be a long wait and to give her paracetomel :wall:

I will give her a full dose of medised tonight, she normally only gets half. We'll see the doc n the morning just to make sure there is nothing else but teething going on.

aw bless her, has she had any especially messy nappies? haydens just got his second tooth and hes had really messy nappies, bad nappy rash and been a bit grizzly..and is more sleepy than usual.
poor little princess i hope she gets better soon!
its horrible seeing little ones poorly :(
Yes her nappies are much more liquid and nearly every nappy is soiled, even the morning one. She's also got bright red cheeks and keeps chewing her hands but all this has been going on for days. She actually seems very unwell tonight. There is no way I'm going to be able to sleep :(
hi Skatt iv only just read this PLEASE can i join? my normally so happy man is driving me completely insane and ians away, he normally sleeps for 14 hours a night and 3 naps but its all gone cookoo and now its as and when wakling in the night screaming inconsolably and the same as you around the shops the other day it was so stressfull not becaus eof him i feel so sorry for him but because i was in argos and everyone was staring and sum little boy (about 10) started copying his cry i wanted to punch them all he seems a bit better today but dribbles like a fountain and its just so painfull for him, hes worse when im dressing him as hes not a fan anyway but he is hating it, he is known by everyone as the smiley baby and content and hes just so sad now. Im sorry your all going through it ladies its so hard, every night im put him to bed i think thats another day over and its horrible thinking that but i just think one day closer to getting my boy back :cry:
skatty- i've replied to the other teething thread, but i want to say plz call the docs again & say it cannot wait until the moring, you'll only worry your selfs sick all night.
plz call the docs & explain the Leorah is a very young baby & needs attention.
don't want to worry you atall, but thats what they are there for.
good luck hun. :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh Alfies mummy, not Alfie too :( god these sept/oct babies eh?!
that boy in Argos, what a horrible little shit!!! :rotfl:

read all our other posts on this thread & see if anything helps you with Alfie.
bless him, hope he perks up :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Leorah wore herself out with that last episode and fell asleep. When she woke again she was smiling a bit and I washed her (she hates baths at the best of times so I didn't attempt that!) and put her PJs on and my DH fed her 4ozs of EBM. I feel much happier now. Thank you Foxy for your concern, I think maybe I am being a bit of a paranoid mum but she seems so young to be having this bad a teething episode especially considering she was 3 weeks early.

Alfiesmummy I really feel for you, its terrible isn't it? i realise now what a happy content baby she normally is. Its so sad that she has lost all interest in playing and today was the first time I couldn't get her to smile at me, she always has a big beam for her mum from the moment I get her up in the morning to her last sleepy smile before she nods off. i would have punched that boy who copied his cry, I don't know how you held your temper, there is nothing more upsetting than hearing a baby in distress :cry:

I am still seeing the doc in the morning even though I am sure its just teething, its better to be safe than sorry isn't it?

Hugs to you all and your lovely babies :hug:
you definatley go to the docs 2morow skatty, Foxymums orders :rotfl:

good luck & pass on any tips :wink:
Katt, I replied on your other post hun; hope Leorah has a better night, bless her.

Alfiesmummy, poor little Alfie. I can't believe how many of our babies are going through the same thing. Everyone keeps telling me it's too early for Gabriella to be teething but if she isn't then I dread to think what it will be like when she is.

Gabriella had a better day today and was so much happier. She had 2 crying episodes but her teething ring and A & P seemed to help.

I am getting Gabriella weighed tomorrow, hopefully her weight will be up a bit. I have a feeling she will be fine as she has been a hungry baby this past week.

A friend let us borrow their baby door bouncer and Gabriella is in heaven with it; she absolutely loves it and dances all over the place and she cried when we took her out of it last night :rotfl: (mmmm that was a bit off topic but just wanted to share).

Lots of hugs to you all and your little ones :hug:
hi ladies how are we all today? we had a better night only woke once and woke up smiling im thinking things could change any time though sat on edge of seat waiting
:hug: :hug: :hug: to you all and your lovely babies
lol like a support group this :rotfl:
Morning everyone! I went to see the doc as ordered by Foxymum :lol:

Leorah has an upper respiratory virus which is putting pressure on her ears as well as referred pain from theteething also causing discomfort. I have to keep an eye on her in case it gets worst (which it already has as we went to the doc over a week ago about her cough and it wasn't a virus then). He only advised she munches on a cold carrot for the teething and said if baby paracetomel will make her more comfy then give it to her, it doesn't matter if she sleeps a lot during the day as it helps them get better.

I'm glad Gabriella and Alfie both appear to be getting better. I do have to say nearly every morning Leorah seems better and it all kicks off in the afternoon so I am prepared today!

Tina I really wanted to get leorah a bouncer as all she wants to do is stand and jump around but when I mentioned it to the mums at babygroup I got another lecture on how its no good for their legs :evil: I think I'll get one anyway, I read that they are fine because baby wont put weight on their legs if they aren't ready, christ I hate know it alls who put a dampner on all the joys in life! My legs are fine and I had a bouncer!! I'm glad that Gabriella had some fun in her day while feeling so pants :)

Lets hope aour bbabies are happy and smiling today :hug:
brilliant, i'm so glad you went today!
thats good that at least you have a reason for Leorahs unhappiness, not too sure about what he prescribed though doesn't sound anything different that you have already been doing :think:
if she gets even a tiny bit worse, then go back & if poss see someone different, who may suggest something different.
did no one mention antibiotics?

carrot for teething sounds good but if it was for Louie he would shove it down his mouth until he gags :puke: :lol:
Louie seems a bit happier today, he now cries if i go out the room though & when everyone else is here ie kids & hubby, then hes fine.
he has a door bouncer too, but hes only been it it once, might try again tomorrow.

glad you all ok :hug:
thought id give an update on jack, dont think he was teething just suffering from wind, i was using infacol and dr browns but ive brought faster teats for my normal bottles and he does seem better with these. gonna try changing his milk aswell as hes still unsettled half way through a feed and for about half an hour after, and is constipated and always has been really. hes still awful at about 5pm but think he gets overtired!

cant believe how many of our babies are little monkeys!! hope your all ok!
Hi Ladies

Katt, I am glad you know what the problem with Leorah is and I hope she gets better quickly!

I was a little worried about the door bouncer and her legs but I looked into it and found what you said; they won;t put weight on their legs unless they can. She only has about 5 or 10 minutes in it anyway and I think it's good for her. She loves it anyway :D

FoxyMum, I am glad Louie is doing better, shame he cries when you leave the room, bless him, he misses his Mummy!

AlfiesMummy; that is great that he only woke once last night, hope you are having a good day.

Kelly; glad you sussed what was wrong with Jack and I hope the new milk helps him.

Gabriella woke 3 times again last night; it really is like having a newborn.
I took her to be weighed today and she is 12lb 5oz (gained 5oz in a week :cheer: ) and I mentioned her waking to the HV; she said that she is a hungry baby, going through a growth spurt and that I need to add more calories and fat in my diet as she needs more from my milk now she is a little older. The HV said she is draining me and probably not getting enough calories from me, so I am off to have a chocolate bar now, it's great :D
HV said to just go with her at the moment and feed her when she needs it (which is what I do anyway :roll: ) but it's so hard getting up 3 times in the night when I got used to her sleeping through, oh well, hopefully she will be back to sleeping again soon.

Hope you and your little bubbas are well :hug:
Hi everyone :wave:

Kelly I am glad you worked out what was causing Jack's discomfort.

How is Louie Foxymum?

Tina I also replied to you on the other thread, I hope the growth spurt ends soon, babies usually sleep more after one so try and get some more sleep too! As for the extra snacks, lucky you but also have you tried eating oats? They make my milk really creamy :)

Leorah has had a better day today. She slept through again and has been going to bed at about 8.30pm (getting earlier :cheer: ) it looks like 6am is her new wake up time though :wall:

I also mentioned this on the other thread, we are nearly at a full moon so maybe our babies have been effected by the moon cycles and will be back to their good little selves soon? I may do a bit of research on that. Instead of them turning into monsters I hope they'll change back :lol:
hiya :wave:
bad day today :( Louie seems to cry all morning & won't let me do anything, just feed him & hold him, only time hes quiet is in the pram walking, or a drive in the car.
when everyone else is around hes not so bad.
bought some calprofen yesterday & some vapour rub for his chest coz of his cold.
gave him the medicine this morning with a syringe thingy, he was laying down & i thought theres no way he can spit it back out, did it in bits gradually, he spat most of it out :wall: couldn't believe it.

glad Leorah has had a better day.
tina-i'm glad you know the reason for Gabriella getting up in the night for feeds coz of a growth spurt, you must be so :sleep: tired.
you're doing so well, i don't think i could cope with that at the moment!
hope all other teething babies are well & not being to naughty!! :hug:
Oh poor Louie and poor you Foxymum! I hope he starts to feel better soon. You will have to let me know how thw vicks is, my Mum has sent some but it hasn't arrived yet. :hug:

Tina I am presuming Leorah is joining Gabriella with a growth spurt :roll: She was up twice for a feed last night! At 12.30 and then at 4.30! Last time she had a growth spurt she didn't wake in the night but just went to bed REALLY late every night for a week (3.30am new years eve and then was up at 5.30!!). I had suspicions yesterday as even though she didn't have any extra feedings she did feed for longer each time. She will go back to sleeping through after wont she?????????

Also what do you ladies advise in this situation. Since Leorah has bought her bedtime forward to about 8.30pm she tends to wake around 5am and call but I leave it 5 minutes and she always goes back to sleep for an hour and I get up and start the day with her. This morning she woke at 4.30am so i fed her and she then slept until 8am. Do you think I should feed her at 5am and go back to bed and start our day at 8am or get up at 6am??? I am trying to be consistant with her wake up times so not to effect her bedtime.

I am praying our babies all get back on schedule soon and start smiling and being happy again :)
Hey Skatty looks like your on my schedule now!!!! :lol:
Those are the sort of times Otis was waking up, however (hope I don't jinx this now) lately he's been waking around 1:30ish and then again around 6am - when I just put him in our bed for another short sleep till about 8am. I have set a limit in that if he wakes before 6am I'll feed him and put him back in his own bed, which he did a couple of nights ago and then he didn't wake till 8am which was fab for me.
maybe Otis has been going through a growth spurt?!!! hmmm could it be that maybe he'll only wake once for me during the night? He does go down by 7pm so for him to get up at 1:30am isn't to bad!
Tina think Otis maybe taking more milk as well cause recently I just seem to feel so tired and drained or am I just finding another excuse to have more CHOCOLATE!!!!!! :roll: :wall:
I do eat oats - granola for breakfast and I've now got a few oat bars in my snack draw - naughty!!!!
Foxymom sounds like Louie has a case of the mommy blues!
Oh yes in case you're interested I just found out about Bob books ( ) you can create your own books, thinking of doing one for OH's birthday pressie ( calling it 'My dad and me'), I think it's an awesome idea and just had to share it with y'all in case you thought the same :D
Hello everyone :wave:

Daggers that book is so cool! I think you are right about Otis getting up once isn't too bad if he is going to bed at 7pm. Now Leorah is going to bed at 8.30pm I can totally understand her waking up early because she's hungry and don't mind once in the early morning because she will eventually make it through without.

I am very happy to say we have had giggling, smiling and playing going on today :dance: I bought her a lamaze frog and her little eyes almost fell out of her head when i gave it to her, bless! She also watched a Baby Einstein while I made some lunch and she got really excited kicking and squealing because it had some children singing "head, shoulders, knees and toes" her absolute fave song in the whole wide world!! By about 4pm the cheeks started to get a bit pink and there was some dribble action but then DH got in took her mind off it, phew! We did it all without medicine today :)

I think she is definitely going through a growth spurt though, boy the girl can eat :lol: Since i have been signing milk to her she has made up her own sign, a big wide mouth that she only does to me and it means "get the boob out" :rotfl: That mouth has been continuous today and if the boob is not out quick enough there have been little whinges :lol: I do know I would take a growth spurt even with the night wakings over the teething any day!

I hope you have all had pleasant days with your Bubs :D

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