Little Diva is driving me crazy!!!

Well fingers crossed Alfie has 'only' got teething problems then and that his cold symptoms are on there way out!!! :pray:

Skatty one other thing you could try to help unblock Leorahs nose is boobie milk, I tried it with Otis and I think it worked?! I put a wee bit in a syringe and then put a few drops up each nostril, he wasn't to pleased about it but it did seem to help his breathing fairly quickly (by the way he was lying down at the time).

I do hope all the babas are on the up!!! Enough with all this sickness :evil:
Didn't have good night myself either last night, I thought that the DFs would help regulate Oat's sleeping but heyho sure enough after his 11pm DF he was up at 2ish so gave him his dummy then again at 3am!!! Left him until he was getting a bit to loud and fed him (again!!), finally got back to bed at 4am!!!! :? Then slept through till 7:15, he was up chattering so I left him to it (but the monitor under my pillow and went back to sleep), I eventually woke up at 8:15 and realised he must have put himself back to sleep, he then woke up at 8:30 and that was the end of our sleep - what a night!!!! Hope we don't have a repeat of that again :roll: :pray:
Tina's been fairly quite hope all is well with Gabriella!
Well hope y'all manage to have a decent nights kip :pray: :sleep: :pray:
I'm so glad Alfie's lungs are clear, what a relief :hug: Such a shame he is suffering so badly with the teething though :(

I think I can actually say Leorah is on the mend :cheer: I will have to join you in the bad night though Daggers as she woke at midnight so my DH went and comforted her and then at 2am. I just couldn't settle her, I checked her nappy, gave her dummy and rocked her but she wouldn't go back down. It didn't even occur to me to feed her :doh: I eventually offered her the breast and she ate ferociously, I then put her down awake and she didn't even whimper, bad mummy starving my baby!! She then woke again at 6.20am ravenous! What a piggy! I don't know whether its a growth spurt or if she's rebuilding her energy or what. I thought she may have had a growth spurt around the time she was teething but its so hard to tell with everything else that's going on. I will feed the little munchkin up today :) Do you think Otis could be having a growth spurt?

Daggers I tried to unblock her nose with BM but it didn't seem as effective as the saline but perhaps this is because it was very congested.

Well Leorah has a new favourite sound and its a proper shout like she's being tortured, she has always been a squealer but this is awful! She does it for everything she wants to communicate and sometimes just for fun! She can't control it and does it while she's nappping :lol: The HV said if babies find a noise they like making they'll do it over and over again until they find another one so unless she finds another quick I reckon I'll be getting a lot of *bad mother* looks :lol: Please don't do it on the plane :pray:

I can't believe she is down having a nap just an hour after waking, I hope she's going to get back in her routine too. Yesterday everything was higgledy piggledy, she pooed and cat napped in the morning and then took a 2½ hour nap in the afternoon, she likes to keep me on my toes!

I hope we all have a good day today, its about time we all had a good one at once!
Hello Ladies

That is great that Alfie's lungs are clear hun; what a relief.

Daggers; sorry you had such a bad night hun; it takes it's toll doesn't it?
It seems that the DF doesn't work for all babies; it does nothing for Gabriella. Otis could be having a growth spurt!!

Sorry you had such a bad night also Katt but that is great to hear Leorah is on the mend. Oooh hope she doesn't make the new noise on the plane.....

I am taking Gabriella to the docs today; she is very wheezy so just want to get her lungs checked. She is generally happy in herself but so snotty and wheezy.

She is lying on her mat right now playing with some toys, very unusual for her; she normally gets bored after 2 minutes but she has been playing for 10 minutes, bless her. She is chattering away.

I am also getting her weighed today so hopefully that will be ok; I will let you know.

Re the sleeping; well the most Gabriella goes at the moment is 5 and a half hours. I put her down at 8pm last night and she woke at 1am and had a long feed and then she woke again at 5.30am and then at 8.30am, she was chattering away in her cot so I left her to get to know her animals on her mobile for 10 minutes :D
I really don;t know why she doesn't sleep that long! She went 8 and 9 hours again last week but hasn't done it since. I wonder what I could be doing wrong!!!! I feed her really frequently during the day and she cluster feeds in the evening but still she wakes :wall:

Also I have not done myself any favours; I haven't really given her the bottle that much and I offered it to her the other night and she was not happy! I put formula in it as I thought that may fill her up more but she was not happy at all. She had 1 0z and that was it!!!! I put her down and she woke again 40 minutes later so I fed her myself. Again last night I gave her a bottle but a bottle of EBM and she fussed for a while and then guzzled the lot down, so I was very happy. I am going to give her a bottle of EBM every night just to get her used to the bottle as she will be on it all the time in a few months.

I don;t think she likes the formula either; can't say I blame her, I smelt it and it smelt horrible!

Anyway; enough of me waffling on.

Hope you all have a great day and I shall speak to you soon :hug: :hug:
Just got Gabriella weighed and she is 13lb 1 and a half oz. She has put on 12 and a half oz in 2 weeks, so I am really pleased.

Going back to docs at 4.30pm to get her lungs checked.

Bye for now :hug:
That's a fabulous gain especially when she has been so under the weather, good girl Gabriella :cheer:

I am having to tell myself that Leorah is having a growth spurt for a coping mechanism. She has been feeding every 1½-2 hours today and wouldn't nap for more than 30 mins. She has now been sleeping for an hour and a half this afternoon thank god! She just seems so discontented at the moment, nothing amuses her for more than a few minutes and she is miserable and keeps shouting and screaming. I am so down about it today. I am dreading travelling with her and am even worried she'll be ratty at the meet. Since being ill she seems to have such a fiery temperament and I'm worried this is how its going to be from now on :(

I hope Gabriella's lungs are clear. I thought Leorah was getting better but she seemed so wheezy again earlier. I feel like spending a whole day in bed just reading, watching dvds and eating milk chocolate (which I can't have :cry: :lol: )
Oh hun, you are not having a good day are you? Big hugs for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

It's amazing how the babies can be so happy one day and so unahppy the next. Gabriella had a fantastic day today and was so happy but just like that she can change and be unhappy and miserable!

I am sure Leorah will be fine at the meet hun; us Mum's do worry don't we?

Sounds to me like Nan & Grandad need to look after Leorah for a couple of hours so that you can have some ME TIME!

I hope you have a better day tomorrow; I feel it in my bones that you will have. Leorah will be really jolly; she will nap and play with her toys!

Oh, Kat I used my nursing pillow today to put Gabriella on her front. Brilliant! Thanks for telling me about that. She actually loved being on her front!

Got back from Docs and her lungs are clear; thank goodness! He did say she has viral bronchitis but it's ok and she doesn't need to take anything. He said if she is still the same in 2 weeks :shock: (I hope she isn't) then she may need some antibiotics.

I mentioned to the HV today about Gabriella waking in the night and she said I need to not feed her when she wakes as she may be waking out of habit. Gosh it is going to be hard as she really has a good feed in the night. I will let you know how it goes.

Hugs to you all :hug: :hug:
Evening ladies, good to hear that your babas seem to be on the mend!!! :cheer:
Tina, I'm sure you must of hear this before but it is more the exception to the rule that babies sleep through the night and it sounds like Gabriella's sleeping pattern is not to dissimular to Otis (when he has a good night!). I nsaying that Otis had a good night last night, he slept until I woke him for his DF and then he woke up at 4am - after his feed he did decide he was going stay up and chat away so I just left him to it (stay outside his door) and I was back in bed by 4:30 so no to bad mi thinks he then finally woke at 8:15, so I'm well pleased with that, maybe is is/was going through a growth spurt?!
Katt Otis also does the high pitch squeal, it's soooo loud, the nieghbours must think I beat him or something!!! :roll:
I've also noticed as Alfiesmummy mentioned once that he now starts doing his loud squeal/screaming when you walk out the room!!! Most annoying, but I ain't giving in to that, he also so it when he's getting tired which is a great indicator for nap times. Also thanks Katt as Otis is napping much better own, I put him down at around 10:30 and 2pm for about an hours kip which is so much better than his cat naps on his playmat!
Can't believe my little man is 5 months today, good god where has the time gone! This evening while giving him his bath OH came in and started singing Happy Birthday Otis was chuffed at first but by the end was balling his eyes out :shock: ??? Why? We it could be because I was cleaning his gummy left eye (which he HATES) and with the distraction of the song he got frustrated and let rip - most unlike him, any way it sent him into a sound sleep after guzzling his 5oz of EBM in about 3mins!!!! Little piggy :rotfl: G
You must be well please Tina with Gabreilla's weight, I'm getting Otis weighed tomorrow, at his last weigh in 3 weeks ago he was 13lbs 14.5oz, so hopefully he'll be over 15lbs now :pray:
Well I'll keep praying for Leorah, Gabriella and Alfie to make sure they make a full recovery this week :pray:
In the mean time hope y'all sleep tight!!!! :hug: :sleep:
hmmm little amn is awake already??? And crying??? Must go attend..... :?
Doh! Sorry to waffle on but just wanted to mention Katt, last night after Otis's DF he started chatting away in his sleep and quite loudly!! He was asleep as his eyes were closed... how bizarre!
Also Tina re HV comments about baby's falling into a routine I sort of agree with that but I won't recommend letting our LO's cry a way, especially as I can now tell Otis's different crys /sounds and if he gets to a certain point then I know i can't just leave him to it, however trust me there have been times were I have just but the monitor under my pillow and gone back to sleep!
That's it I'm done for... honestly!!!! :wave:
Morning girls :wink:

I'm glad all was well at the docs and Gabriella had a good day yesterday. I agree with Daggers that if Gabriella is waking hungry she needs to be fed. The last 2 days Leorah has woken around 2am really hungry :roll: She has been not napping well in the morning and then sleeeping for 2½ - 3 hours in the afternoon when i'd normally be cluster feeding and she'd have a couple of power naps. If she ges 4 hours without a feed in the afternoon she misses 3 cluster feeds so I am guessing this is why she's waking in the night again. I also listen to her calls and I can tell if I need to get up or if she'll go back to sleep and I am sure you know if you have to get up to Gabriella.

Today I am working on getting back to our old routine of long morning nap in the pushchair and afternoon catnaps in the living room on my lap in front of the TV!! The problem with her waking at 2am is that I am having trouble getting back to sleep for a few hours and then she's up again at 6am! If she wakes at 2am tonight I may try a DF but will probably wait until we get back from London, i will be able to get more rest there as Martin will be with me as well as Nan and Grandad keeping her amused!

Tina I would definitely get gabriella used to the bottle again. Can you get neil to satrt doing her evening feed from it first? Leorah didn't used to take the bottle from me but now she associates it with going to bed so if Martin isn't in will take it from me too.

Daggers you have made me feel so much better about the squealing/shouting thing! At least its not Leorah turning into an aggressive baby :lol: Perhaps it's their age?

Isn't it wierd when they chatter and cry in their sleep? The other day she fell asleep on Martin and she suddenly laughed! what do they dream about??

Good luck at Otis's weigh in. He looks mighty fine in his pics :wink: Happy 5th month birthday Otis, I can't believe how fast you are growing up!

Before i go on a good note leorah's cold seems to be getting better but not the wheezing. At least she can breath now.

Hope you all have a great day :hug:
Morning Ladies

How are we all today?

Happy 5 month birthday Otis! Gosh it's going to fast!!!
Daggers that is great that he is napping better and great that he is sleeping better at night also. Bless him for having a cry when daddy was singing to him. Awww his poor eye. They hate having their faces touched don't they?
Gabriella makes the loud squealing noises as well; it's hilarious, very loud sometimes though and ear piercing!!!
Good luck at Otis weigh in tomorrow; let us know how you get on.

Katt; that is great that Leorah is getting better; hopefully she will be right as reign for her flight on Saturday.
I hope you get back into your old routine and that helps a bit.

I did end up feeding Gabriella last night; there was no way I could leave her. I let her cry for a little bit and then I went into her and tried to shhh her and pat her chest but she was getting louder; then she grabbed my finger and shoved it in her mouth and was sucking frantically. I let her do this for a while until the cries got louder and then I just fed her and she really did need it.

I am going to try her on the DF again and see if this helps.

Katt I have started giving Gabriella a bottle of EBM every night now but the problem I have is Neil works shifts and isn't always around at bedtimes. He will do it when he is around but it isn't going to be consistent for Gabriella.

You do feel a certain amount of pressure for your baby to sleep through; I think I am going ot just go with Gabriella and hopefully she will start sleeping longer and longer.

Hope Alfie is ok today.

Have a great day all :hug:
Thanks for the good vibes today Tina, they must have worked because Leorah has been rolling onto her side! Her napping has been bad but we have had no tantrums even though she is dribbling and she has two pink bumps on her lower gums!

I am tempted to DF Leorah tonight but I know that we will have a completely different routine in London so am thinking I might just suck it up and leave any big attempts at getting her back on track until after I get back. She may well be having a growth spurt as she is really draining the breast when she feeds at the mo. I honestly can't believe how long she's getting!

That's a pain with Neil working shifts, I had exactly the same until recently but luckily Martin was off for a week and Leorah made her own bedtime ritual which includes having her last two feeds from a bottle. Maybe you could try the bottle in the morning instead when she is not so tired and wanting the comfort of the breast?

I am so praying we all have a good night tonight. Today I have been battling with the naps but I didn't let her go to sleep in her pushchair this afternoon because I knew it would turn into a sleep marathon. I hope I have fed her enough so she can get through until about 5am.

Good vibes everyone :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
Yipppeeeee; I am glad Leorah had a good day :cheer:
Hope she sleeps well tonight.

Gabriella took the bottle so well tonight :cheer: She had some from me afterwards as well as she was still hungry so hopefully she will sleep through :pray:

I have given her mashed banana the past few days and my goodness she loves it. She gets all excited and kicks her legs and just can't get enough of it, bless her.

Night everyone and speak soon :hug:
Great keep the postive vibes coming, yeah all the babas seem to be on the up!!! :dance:
I agree Katt you many as well wait with the DFs until you get from London, unless of course you start now and just continue doing so while your in London?? I'm finding now that I think the DFs are working, the last couple of nights after having his DF otis seems to be sleeping through till around 4:30 - which is fine, and then till about 7:30ish. At least it's a routine of sorts, better than before. The day time naps are also brilliant, cheers for that as well Katt!
Tina glad Grabriella is liking her nanas! As you know Otis has been eating his oats for a week now, tonight I roughly mashed in some sweet potatoe and down it went, he's so funny sitting in his chair (bouncy rocker thing) watching TV and after each bite he just sits there staring at the TV with his mouth open waiting for me to shovel in some more!! Silly bean!!!
Sweet dreams ladies and babies!!! ere's hoping we all have a good night... :hug: :sleep:
Woohoo, Well done Gabriella for taking the bottle :cheer:

Bless Gabriella and Otis for loving their solids. I can just imagine cool dude Otis sitting with his mouth open to be fed while he enjoys the TV and Madam Gabriella kicking away squealing with delight, oh bless!! The open mouth makes me laugh because this is what Leorah does when she's hungry as if to say in her sweet, demanding way "hurry and get the boobie out!!!"

Leorah is sooo much better! She was crying at 1am really loudly but I went in and she was asleep :? Her nose was really blocked and I think it was distessing her so I got her up and used saline drops, as soon as she woke she started grinning so I ignored that put her dummy in and rocked her for about 5 mins until the dummy fell out and put her back to bed and she didn't wake until 06.45am, that's a lie in for us :cheer:

I'm so happy that all our babies seem to be getting better :cheer: Well must go I have loads to do today! Have a good day :hug:
Hi Girls!

I hope all is ok with you and your babes. Leorah has coped really well with all the fuss and flights, I am so proud of her. She has a huge fanclub and seems to love London!

I am really looking forward to seeing you on Thursday, it will be great. I hope you've had a good weekend :hug:
oooooooooooooh not long now!!!
so excitin, cant wait to see Jamie with all the babies! :D :D
ooo!!! i brought myself a new buggy just for thursday (and its PINK!! YEY!!).

i only have my big chunky travel system, so i wanted a nice little fold up jobby :)
i got the england flag buggy for 15quid to stick Jamie in for Thur lol and itl do nicely for when we go on hol in summer!!
So look out for us in our patriotic pushchair lol!! :cheer: :rotfl:
Hey There

Glad you had a good flight Katt and that Leorah was well.

Looking forward to meeting everyone on Thursday.

We seem to be bug free now :cheer:

Hope everyone is doing well :hug:

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