Little Diva is driving me crazy!!!

Awww poor Otis Dags; it definitely sounds like teeth to me. Luckily they don;t suffer all day long with it. Gabriella seems to have set times (ish) when she does suffer.

I am so glad ha hasn't got a cold as well and I hope that he doesn't get one :pray:

I gave Gabriella Calprofen yesterday and it seemed to work well but she was back to feeling the same again today and you can't use it past 24 hrs for a 3 to 6 month old, so we were back on calpol and medised today.

I ordered a baby safe feeder the other day as well ; so I look forward to that arriving.

Oooh I hope that the sleeping is down to more food. Gabriella slept 9 hours; I was so pleased :D

Take care everyone :hug:
Night Night x :hug:
Hi everyone, I hope you've all had a good night.

We are off to the docs to get Leorah's lungs checked again today. Daggers unless Leorah took a turn for the worst nothing could keep me from visitin London! My HV was surprised that she is still cheerful and smiley even though she has a cold. I do actually think the worst is over so now she is coughing and sneezing all the mucous up (TMI!!)

I do hope the dreaded teething has stayed away from Otis. Leorah can go from laughing one minute to screaming the next when she is teething.

Tina I think you are right to give Gabriella medicine while she's ill. MY HV reiterated what the doc said yesterday that as long as you follow the dosage guidelines its better to relieve them and let them have some comfort and if they sleep more all the better as their bodies fight better when resting.

I do hope Alfie is better today too, let us know how the doc visit goes .

Leorah is going to bed earlier and earlier! By 7pm yesterday she was falling asleep but she hadn't had her evening feed so we waited until she stirred and fed her half before she fell back to sleep. We were sure she's have me up in the middle of the night but she didn't wake until 5.40am! I fed her and she went back in her cot and straight to sleep but woke at 6.30am :wall: I want her to start getting up at 7/8ish again as she is so tired I have to put her back down after an hour and 15 minutes!

We got the snow now, I'm not happy :shakehead: Hope you all have a great day today and the evil colds and teething stay away!
am staying at my mums for now and because im still not well either so called her doctors and the snotty receptionist wouldnt book us in as they have a "full surgery" today and "besides Mr.Partington is NIT one of opur patients" just spent the last fifteen minutes arguing with the snotty cow over my sons health for her to reply "if you believe your son is THAT BAD i suggest you take him to the hospital as we simply cannot fit him in, if however its just a doctor you want then i advise you see the pharmacist in Barton as HE is a QUALIFIED doctor" if i was there id of spanked her on her chuffin snobby nose! to make matters worse the poor souls pegs are hurting again, i think its because his immune systemsd down so we're off to see the pharmacist and im going to try keep him sleeping today between feeds and keep him hydrated.

Hows Otis's pegs daggers? Hope that youve had a good night and they arent too bad

Let us know what the doctors say Skatty I hope shes ok poor little lady, I know what you mean about the smiles, it tugs at my heart when Alfie gives his bug gummy smile even thought hes poorly sick :hug:

I hope Gabriella is feeling better today too, ill see what the doctor pharmacist says and let you know if theres anything worth getting hun.

kell i hope jack has just a good a day today as he did yesterday,

Take care mummies must go little dude is up, not making any noise just looking at me with his big blues :cry:
Poor Alfie, what a snotty bitch, I hate bloody receptionists that think they have the right to be rude and condescending! I hope you are both feeling better when your mum is looking after you both :hug:

Well Leorah's good nature has dissappeared today :( She seems to have taken a turn for the worst and doesn't want to play, only want to be picked up and keeps coughing, sneezing and crying. She is also being sick constantly even though she's not eating much and its not new milk coming up but smelly curdled milk that smells like sick. She vomited and sneezed at the same time and sick came out her nose, it would have been funny if she didn't get so upset :cry:

Thank god we are seeing the doc today but I already knowe they are going to say nothing can be done and she needs to fight it off herself. It just seems strange how it seems to get worst not better. Maybe she is teething again :? She is dribbling and chewing her fingers but i thought this had just become a regular habit now. It seems differnet than when she was teething.

Can I just sream for a few secs AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I feel a bit better now, you should give it a go :wink:

Sending a big group hug, we all have cooties anyway :lol:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I know how you eel hun, poor little leorah i really hope shes feeling better soon, if you still doubt the doctor take her to the hosp to get seen they are usually better there,

the pharmacist had a look at alfie said it wasnt his chest it was his throat so advised we used a cough mixture and also medised as that would help with pain of throat and teething and the cough mixture would line the throat he said he should make an improvement soon, to get him down for alot of naps and give him at least an ounce of cooled boiled water between each feed to keep his throat hydrated he said it looks quite nasty but luckily caught it before it gets worse and it should ease up now, its already made a big difference, fingers crossed i get a better night i really cannot wait to see ian hes so worried about his little man heard him cough yesterday and the retching noises he was making and he was gutted, almost in tears, we both fear that hell end up with bronchilitis again and petrifies us but i can relax more now knowing its just his throat
I'm so happy Alfie seems a bit better, I can understand why you are so worried. When does Ian get back, I bet you miss him like crazy :hug:

We went to the doc and he said he still thinks Leorah's chest infection is viral rather than bacterial so they can do nothing. He did prescribe a medicine that will help her air passage and hopefully control the night coughing. He also suggested we keep her windows open and her room cold :shock: Its been snowing all day, I don't think so! He also said she has secretions in her right lung :? I'm presuming he means phleghm. I can't help think that they seem a bit more laid back about stuff here, her wheezing is bad and getting worst. I am in London next week and may go to the NHS drop in center in Soho just to see what they think. I think I am worrying so much because I always used to get bronchitis after every cold I had when I was younger and it never just goes away.

On the bright side she has cheered up a bit and I just herad her giggling while dad rubbed her vicks on, so cute :lol:

I do hope you all have a goodnight tonight, I can't believe all these poorly babies. Lets pray for a good nights sleep tonight :pray: :sleep:
Awww poor bubbas; I can't believe they are still poorly.
I really hope they all get better soon.

Gabriella is still sick but she was a little happier today; she is so snotty (sorry tmi) and hates having her nose wiped. Her cry is just so heartbreaking at the moment; she sounds so sorry for herself.
We put a towel under her mattress the other night and this seems to be helping her. She has been sleeping so much better now (8 or 9 hrs) so I hope she does again tonight.

My friend had a baby boy on Sunday and I am dying to get and see him but have to wait for this nasty cold to clear up completely :(

I can't believe you are coming over next week Skatty and the meet is the week after; it seems to have come round so fast.

Big hugs to everyone and lots of get well vibes to the poorly bubbas :hug: :hug:
Good god how times flys!!!! Skatty the reason I was asking if you would still be planning to come over is because my OH got a really nasty sinus infection when flying with a head cold over a year and a half a go and he still suffers with it today!!!! Poor Leorah (and Gabriella!) she must feel horrible being so muscusie and bonged up :( . Not sure either about leaving a window open in this cold weather!!! Even though I know what the doctor is saying as our house gets so stuffy with the heating on.
Tina I did the same tilting Otis matrass when he last suffered from teething as it did help stop the phlem from pooling at the back of his throat.
Gave Otis some frozen pear yesterday as he wasn't interested in his oats and he loved the frozen pear, he had 2 frozen sticks of it!!!! He seems alright today i keep checking his mouth but don't really see anything!!! So not sure what is going on, still as long as he doesn't get a cold :pray:
It's horrible Tina isn't it when you're trying to help your LO - like you cleaning Gabriella's nose and they just hate it, Otis since he was born has had a blocked tear ducted in his left eye it is slowly getting better but sometimes it gets really gummy :| and I have to clean it, he hates it now he's been starting to throw a wobbly bet he's going to grow up had a thing about people going near his eyes! :? But what can you do?!
Well hope y'all had a good(ish) night, ours was okay(ish) Oats did wake at 2:30 (I think!) gave him his dummy and he then slept through till 4:15 :? , put him down again after a quick feed and he then woke at 7:15 when I put him in our bed where he slept through till 10:10 :shock: , mi thinks he is liking our bed more!!!! Cheeky monkey :wink:
Hiya everyone :)

Oh no Daggers I didn't think about the air pressure on the plane, i hope she'll be ok. the only thing that helps her breathe is medised, I've tried vicks, eculyptus oil and saline drops but as she is completely blocked they don't really work. I wouldn't want to give her medised in the day though because of the drowsy effect. I am praying she'll get better this week though the teething has started up again this evening :wall: All I can say is thank god for the frozen pear! I don't know if it helps with the teething pain or if she just loves the flavour but it keps teh crying at bay for a while. Looks like its a baby fave Daggers, Tina you will have to try it out on Gabriella :)

Poor Gabriella still being under the weather :( Leorah also hates her nose wiped and also screams when I try and dry her chin where she is dribbling. I'm glad she's sleeping better, do you think its the baby rice?. We have tilted the cot legs one end of Leorah's bed as she has a sensor pad under her matress, I can't tell if its helped though. The cough medicine she was prescribed was crap, she still coughed and it woke her up as if we'd given her an espresso shot so wont be using that again. She then woke at midnight screaming because she couldn't breath through her nose and was having a coughing fit, it was horrid :cry:

It does sound like Otis is sleeping well too but of course he likes it with mum and dad better, aww bless him :)

I can't believe this time next week we'll be in London, I can't wait to meet you all, lets pray the babies are well enough :pray:

Have a good weekend :hug:
Oh my gooooooooood what a day, Alfie has just cried and cried alllllll day my poor little man I know hes ill but my head is pounding. Doctors tomrrow first thing his cough is worsening and hes so unhappy, he napped in total for 20 mins today, every time he dropped off, he just coughed waking himself up, and because hes not napping hes waking earlier we managed to force a few smiles out of him but it took alot of hard work. BRING ME BACK MY BOY I MISS HIIIIIM!
Oh no, poor Alfie. Sending him lots of get well vibes. I hope you get on ok at the docs tomorrow :hug:

Oooh, I will have to try the frozen pear! Waiting on my baby safe feeder at the moment.....

Awww bless Oats, I hope he had a good night last night too.

Katt; how is Leorah doing now? Poor little lamb; I hope she is better!

Gabriella still has this nasty cough. I think I will take her back to the docs to get her lungs checked. She didn't sleep as well last night but kept coughing so I think that was waking her up But she has slept quite a bit today; I wouldn't normally want her napping so much during the day but she is il and I feel she needs it. The blooming eczema has come back with a vengence as well :wall: As if she doesn't have enough to contend with!
She has turned her nose up at the baby rice the past few days; so it may be where she is not feeling great! I will try her on it again in a few days.

Hope everyone has a good night.

Take care all :hug: :hug:
I can't believe the poor babies are still so ill :( Definitely take them back to the docs, we were told that a viral infection can turn bacterial very easily. Poor Alfie and Gabriella :hug:

Leorah also had a very bad day yesterday, she wouldn't play at all and if I put her on her mat she'd just lie there. Saturday she cried real tears for the first time and ever since she's had very watery eyes and is a real little snotbag! This morning she woke at 5.30am, I know I'm lucky as she did go to bed at 7.30pm but i am not feeling 100% myself this morning so would have liked a bit o a lie in (ie 7am!). I fed her and put her back down but she was having none of it so I bought her in our bed where she played with my nose and practised her raspberry blowing! I gave up and moodily put on the light to the cutest smile in the world and ended up joining in with the raspberry blowing!

I am so worried now as we are due to fly on Saturday but she is so blocked up. The only thing that unblocks her airways is medised but I don't know if I should give her that before the flight as we fly at 10am. What do you think? I don't want her being in more pain because her sinuses are blocked. I am praying she has a fast recovery :pray:

BTW I agree with you Tina that its best babies sleep as much as they can when they are ill. Do you think poor Gabriella's eczema has come back from the stress of being ill? Poor little baby, its such a big thing for her and you to have to contend with on top of the regular baby stuff. Can I ask you girls if you worry about your LO's developement slowing down while they are ill so long? Leorah doesn't want to practise sitting up anymore and there is no way she is trying to roll over, she just lies the listlessly the only joy she gets is standing, that always gets a smile! I know I shouldn't worry about these things but I am starting to :?

I hope we will all have a better day and on a bright note just think of all the antibodies our babes are getting, hopefully they will be super healthy next winter :)
Morning Ladies

Poor little Leorah. She sounds like she is suffering like Gabriella. It's horrible isn't it I know what you mean about worrying about their development; I am the same. I put Gabriella on her front for the first time in a few days yesterday and she was having none of it (she hates being on her front at the best of times) I am sure that our babies will be fine though and bounce back. They are ill; so all they want to do is chill and who can blame them.
Gabriella is not a big one for toys or anything; she prefers to take in all that is going on around her. I like her to have mat time each day though.

Katt; I would say it would be fine to use the medised before you fly. If it works then why not. Better she has a comfortable flight. I am praying that you won't need it though and she'll be all back to herself by Saturday :pray:

Katt you are lucky with Leorah's sleeping but that said; you do get used to them sleeping a certain time; so if she is waking earlier that is going to affect you and you have every right to feel tired. Bless her, blowing raspberry's... cute.

Hope all bubbas are better today. :hug:
Tina I am so glad Leorah isn't the only one who isn't impressed much by toys! She absolutely hates her playmat with toys that dangle she just creams at them and wacks them really hard! She also hates anything that plays a babyish tune but loves pop music and hates her mobile but loves her disco ball! She doesn't like time on her front much either as she is always sick so I prop her on a breastfeeding cushion and she is much better.

Leorah had the dreaded dribbling and hand biting earlier so I gave her some frozen mango I had in the freezer, wow it was such a hit! She cried when I took the feeder away so I gave her it and she actually tried feeding it herself even though its quite heavy for her yet. She was so messy afterwards but it made her so happy :)

My cloth nappies came today just as Leorah has started pooing 3x a day :lol:
Afternoon ladies, sounds like it's all been kicking off with the babas!!! Soo sorry to hear your LO's are still suffering with colds, seems like they're all having a rough time with it and all! I heard from one of my friends who's LO one had phnomonia (god knows how you sp it!) that she was told to sit her little one in are really hot steamy room, i.e the bathroom with the shower on??? Could try that and may add some methol type stuff to help with the unblocking?
Skatty I do hope Leorah picks up before you fly out with her :pray:
Steph let us know how you get on at the docs, hope Alfie is on the up as well!
Tina until you get your feeder if you want you could chop large bits of pear into chip shapes and feed them to Gabriella, that's what I've been doing with Oats, he loves his pear and is so so with the Ready brek, one day he'll eat and the next he's not interested.
Fortunately Oats has been fine other than waking at around 3am! For and Laugh and a giggle!!!! So have had to get up and give him his dummy which does settle him but the idea of the DF was that he'd sleep through till 5am!!!! :roll: Little monkey, what can you do!!!!
Fingers crossed your LO's will be on the up these week, so they can be full of beans when we finally get to meet up next week!!!! :cheer:
how are our bubs today ladies?

well i phoned docs earlier to book appointment with the female doctor there she is fantastic and extremely hard to see and so guess what no appointments till wednesday, wasnt going to let him wait that longg, however no doctor was available today, iv ended up with an appointment tomorrow with a doctor who is completely rubbish and its because of him and his lack of knowledghe and negligence that we could have potentially lost Alfie last time so going in with all guns blazing tomorrow, I may be a young mum but i am NOT nurotic and i know my son I know when hes not well and he isnt, mind you he has been very good today and napped really well and been really happy so :shock: probably will get there and hell be all cleared up
Hello everyone :wave:

Good luck at the docs today Steph, I hope Alfie is feeling better today :hug:

I am so glad Otis has mananged to escape having a cold, you must have good antibodies in your mummy milk Daggers :wink:

I am fed up now! I feel like the last few weeks have been really draining. I don't get a chance to do anything and Leorah is so clingy. She does go to bed by 8pm but the day is so hard. She woke last night at 2am upset because her nose was completely blocked so my DH got up and gave her medised. I felt a bit bad as he is working but I always get up for her, even if it means a 5.30am start at the weekend whereas I let him lie in bed. I can't imagine his job can be anywhere as near demanding as Leorah! She is not napping well either and gets miserable very quickly and I'm sure its due to the difficulty in breathing. I have used saline drops but they literally only work for 10 mins. I might try the shower steam though, the menthol doesn't work because she cannot breath anything up her nose at all. She is napping now but I had to stand in the conservatory until she dropped off as she would scream if she couldn't see me. I must go, she may only sleep 20/30 mins :roll:

I hope the other babies are feeling better :hug:
Sorry to hear you've got it hard- have you also tried putting a big book under the mattress at one end so that she's raised up, i.e. the mattress has a slight ramp at one end? That really helps Mel when he has a cold, the midwife recommended that to me so it's ok etc- we use a large dictionary!

Hi Rosebay, we have put books under the cot legs so that its tilted as we have a breathing mat under the mattress.

I don't want to jump the gun but I think there has been an improvement today :cheer: She is coughing less and slept fior 2½ hours this afternoon. She is still a bit snotty but not so bad that she can't breath.

I do hope you've all had a good day. How was Alfie's doc appoinment?
hey hun oh i hope leorah is on the mend bless her and what a nice break it must of been for you aswell

well i went to the docs and it was the doctor i didnt want to see so i went all pumped up ready to argue, he checked his chest and both ears as i mentioned he was rubbing them,
he said his chest was clear and actually let me listen too as i went into oone and said "are you sure doctor because last time you said it was clear twice it wasnt was it and im not prepared to go through that again so can you make doubly sure" he said he was sure and got me to listen to my own and to alfies both were clear (just to compare) he said he did have a red throat and that was probably why he was rubbing his ear as they are conected, he also said it wasnt a cold but it was probabkly all down to teething as hes a bit off his food too (except baby yog with pear and banana he loved it) he said the sleeping is because he needs it hes trying to combat his sore throat and his teething and to let him sleep as long as necessary to stop gibing him tickylix (sp) but i havent because it does soothe his throat and thats it, i did add though that if it did turn out to be worse than it was i wouldnt be happy, so he assured me hes fine hes just building his immunity. Hes been so much happier the last couple of days but cough still bad

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