Little Diva is driving me crazy!!!

Katt so glad that all went well with our journey over, and that Leorah is doing fine, I'm sure she must be keeping her fan club well entertained!!!
Tina also good news that Gabriella is in the clear, at long last!!!
All being well OH may go into London on Thursday as well, so may get him to drop me off at the nearest tube station (probably Archway) and will get the tube from there, I will most likely just use my sling to carry Otis but just in case I'll make sure to put the push chair in the car - to nervous of using the push chair in the underground, it is such an unfriendly place for push chairs!
Unnfortunately I don't think I'll be staying for to long as while we're in London we'll probably do the rounds and visit a couple of other friends - one couple have just had their little baba a couple of weeks ago so really need to go by and congratulate them in person!!!
Can't wait to finally meet you all and your LO's, it will be nice to names and faces together!!!
Mummykay definately be able to spot you with your new push chair - nice one!!!
we arent goin on the underground but I dont wana lug my chunky monkey about in a sling so got a cheapy fold up stroller lol!!
seein as itl b taken abroad i didnt wana waste money on it bein ruined by baggage handlers lol!! :x :lol:
Hello everyone! I am so excited! I also have a new pushchair but it is not a very lightweight one as I needed to get one that will last a few years and recline for Leorah to be able to sleep. I'm going to fold it at the station and pop her in the sling.

Shame Steph and Alfie aren't coming, maybe one day we can all have a massive reunion that's very well organised and planned far in advance so we can all meet up.

I must go already, more visitors due! See you on Thursday :wave:

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