Little Diva is driving me crazy!!!

Doh! that's daddies for ya!!! In saying that I'm the fog horn around the house and the one flying / throwing Otis around the house just after having a feed!!!!! :roll:
Like Leorah I don't think Otis is that keen on anything other than BM as yet, I'll try some sweet potatoe again this weekend but there's no rush I guess. Think there maybe more demand for other foods in maybe a months time???
Glad to see Leorah is feeling better, hopefully y'all will get a good nights rest :sleep: .
I've been doing a bit of your power pumping as my left boob has been lagging - due to my own fault, so hope it picks up soon, in the meantime I've also ordered some of this super tea! I just want my boobs to be ouzing with milk so I can pump Otis up a bit :rotfl: :roll:
Guess like others I just fear running dry....which I'm sure won't yet!
Have you tried eating oats for breakfast? I have had oats all week and have a really thick layer of cream on my milk, much more than normal! I also have BF tea but hate it but drank a cup yesterday with a rooibus bag added and it was better. I am not worried about my milk drying up now as I have plenty but I worry about it when I start weaning, I don't have the formula option if it dries up. I think I read somewhere that once baby starts regular solids they only need 16oz of milk a day (but can have more) but I want to get this confirmed. If this is the case I will only need to do 1-2 feeds a day as she has 8oz from her dad in the evening from a bottle and as a creature of habit she now associates this with bedtime. She has 4oz, then has a chilled out play, gets her sleeping bag on and has another 4oz then drifts off to sleep.

I know he's not too interested yet but when you feed Otis solids do you do it at a seperate time to BF? I am thinking of maybe offering her first solids after her usual BF. The way she is now Ican't imagine her being ready before 6 months so even thougfh I'm impatient I think I'll wait because I have a feeling she has a tender stomach hence the intolerances.

BTW keep up with the power pumping, I have just expressed 4oz from one boob in about 5 mins. I am going to try and keep up with pumping 8oz a night so I don't have the pressure of doing it in the day. :)
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Oh my gosh; I think I must be tired. Skatty I just read the first line of your post and I read it as "Have you tried eating OTIS for breakfast""" Oh my...... I can't stop laughing :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I need some :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

Hope everyone is ok.

Daggers Otis weights is fine. What is this tea called; I have heard about it.

Foxy hope Louie gets back to his happy contented self soon.

Gabriella had a much happier day today; although she can still go from being very happy to crying just like that :roll:

Big hugs to you all :hug: :hug: :hug:
ahhh hun, tina thanks.
bought some Medised earlier & some of that ashton teething powder stuff, will see how that goes.
going to try to give Louie some sort of food everyday now & see if this makes a difference.
hope you & gabriella are well :hug: :hug:
:rotfl: Tina you must have been tired, that's so funny!!

How is Gabriella today? I know what you mean about the smiling to crying in 0.1 of a second, exhausting or what?

Touch wood Leorah seems better today :cheer: We have been singing lots of songs and played on her mat and she hasn't cried. I also got her to stay awake about 45 mins longer than she usually goes down for her nap to hopefully extend it past the 30-45 min mark. I can't believe that just over a week ago she used to sleep 3-4 hours in the morning!

Foxymum, good luck with the powders and medised. Medised is brilliant but I can't work out if the powders work. They must tasted good though as Leorah licks it of my finger like a seasoned junkie :lol:

Oh and BTW the overstimulated tantrum happened about 9.45pm last night as I predicted! I took her and within 5 mins she was asleep in my arms, I am the magic mummy :lol: I think my DH was quite upset that I was right and that I calmed her down but I am with her all the time, I should know her best :)
Uh oh, it all went horribly wrong around lunchtime, the pain must have kicked back in so me an Martin are taking it in turns to carry her around the house :roll: I took this pic of my grumpy baby! She's having a pyjama day, look at her frown and red cheeks :lol: I don't know why I'm laughing its hard work, do any of you give baby paracetomel in the day?

Evening ladies!!! thought I'd just quickly drop in and see how everyone is doing - I'm completely exhausted!! I think all these mid night feeds are catching up on me :? , think I may go to bed at 9pm tonight so I can catch up on some zzz's before Oats wakes up for his feeds.
Oh dear Tina sounds like you weren't doing to well yesterday either - 'eating Otis'!!! :rotfl: But to answer that I do eat granola generally every morning...hmmm might have some for dinner?!
Skatty what a lovely pic of Leorah - even though she may not have been on form! She looks so much bigger and gorgeous, how they do change sooo quickly!
Tina the tea I bought is ... ... 8300736433
I'm still waiting for it to arrive, will let you know how I get on once I've recieved it.
Skatty I do try the baby feeder only after I've BF Oats (or a bit afterwards), but I haven't feed him anything in ages, well since much earlier this week.
Just to change conversation, OH is sitting with me in the living room having just feed Otis his dinner bottle, I told him he's probably best of doing this in Otis's room as Otis gets so distracted nower days with the slightess thing, and sure enough Otis will just not fall asleep - presently he is chatchering away :roll: , bet you OH will eventually give in and go and sit in the nursery so Oats can go to the land of nod :roll: , yes Skatty moms do know best...oh it looks like OH is finally giving in and heading upstairs...hehehehe :rotfl:
Evening Ladies

Just a quick one; hope you are all well. Awww Skatty Bless Leorah; even though she is grumpy she still looks absolutely adorable.
Did you have a better day?

Daggers; Mummies definietly know best.
Thanks for that link. Hope you enjoy your early night and get lots of :sleep: :sleep:

FoxyMum how is Louie? The medised is fab. A&P seems to work for Gabriella; it seems to calm her more than anything and she gets distracted by the pain when I put it on her.

She's had a bad day today; we had a bad night aswell; she was up 4 times!!!!!! It's like having a newborn again!
Her Nanny was round today and she was so grumpy! She always seems so grumpy when we are around people; they never get to see the real, happy baby that she is :(

We are off to her Grandads tomorrow; so hopefully she will be happier :pray:

Night night all :hug:
hi all, Louie is still quite grumpy :( hes still very snotty & a bit chesty too, gave him some medised last night before bed, but to be honest even though i used a syringe thingy & shot it down his throat , he still spat loads back.
also i only gave him 2 ml as hes never had it before, so i dont really think it did anything.
he was awake at 6 am today :roll: but i shouldn't complain not when some of you girls are having to get up in the night!

havn't tries the teething powder yet though,might do tomorrow.
i am so tired, don't know how i did it when he was a newborn! he needs so much entrtainment all the time or he gets fed up!!!
hope Gabriella, Leorah & Otis have good nights tomight & let us mummys get lots of :sleep: :sleep: !!!
night girls xxx

also tina just seen the part about you saying how grumpy Gabriella is with other people, Louie is always like that with everyone too, even my mum wgho was there when he was born!! i think we are just their favourite people & thats that!!!
Morning all!!! Feeling a lot better having had some decent kip last night, Otis was also good and only woke up once for a feed at around 3:30, so can't complain as he's usually up twice!!!
Oh dear Foxymom!!! Hope Louie is on the up today! Have you tried slightly elevating the top of his matrass so he is lying completely flat, apparently this help to drain any fluids rest at the back of their throat while they sleep - thus preventing them from waking up during the night. I did this when Otis was teething as he too was a bit snotty, I just folded a towel in half and put under his matrass (it's still there now!).
Tina, Otis can be the same around strangers think it's just the age. Yesterday we were visiting some friends and of course they want to hold Otis and sure enough 5 min later the water works are turned on. I sort of feel bad as I don't want one of these kids who will only be held my mom or dad but I've been told that now it's just a phase.
Good luck at grandpa's today hopefully Gabriella will be more herself, it's funny but as soon as we get home Otis knows as he suddenly becomes smilely, talkative naught self again!!! Little minx!!!
Hi girls, hope all your babies are better today. Leorah is having a terrible time and has just started crying again so I must go already :( I'll catch up with you all later :)
Wow what a day!!! Leorah has been really suffering with her teething, I just hate not being able to make it better. She keeps grabbing my fingers to bite but doesn't like a teething ring for some reason.

Foxymum, does Louie have a dummy? If so you can put little bits of medicine on it so he can't spit it out or it can be put in a drink. I don't know how well that works, Leorah likes the taste.

I am very much hoping leorah isn't going to go through the moody with other people phase as she is going to meet all her english family in a few weeks. She's usually a right little flirt as long as she can see mum or dad she'll sit on anyones lap and act charming (then gets home and has a major tantrum because she overtired from being passed around!)

:rotfl: about mums knowing best again!!!
aah bless her!
Louie does have a dummy but doesn't like it anymore, he just spits it out, i offer it to him sometimes, but hes having none of it :wall:
hes STILL got a bit of a cold today, doesn't want to be put down either which as you probably know is hard & frustrating for us!
luckily my DD who is 10 holds Louie a lot, shes like his 2nd mummy!!

DH has got less patience (not in a horrible way atall) & wont really sit with Louie & keep him entertained for more than an hour or so.
he didn't cry at my mum yesterday which was good.
hope Leorah is feeling a bit happier- bless her.
hope all the other teething tots are better today!
night. :hug:
Aww bless your DD being a second mummy, that's so sweet! I bet they adore each other :)

I agree about the cold, ther is just nothing you can do about it is there? Leorah was coughing all night last night. At 11.30pm she started screaming and I rushed in took her out the cot and she was still fast asleep :? It then happened again at 3am, I didn't take her out this time but went in and she was fast asleep crying and screaming like she was having a nightmare. It was so upsetting, what can a baby of her age be dreaming about to get upset like that? I hardly slept a wink myself listening out for her and we got up at 6am, usually she sleeps until 7/8am. We napped together this morning though she isn't napping well at all, I just want her cold gone and her teething spell over :roll:

Have you tried vicks for Louie's cold? The one that you rub on the chest. My mum is sending some over as its supposed to loosen the phleghm(sp). I'm hoping it will help her breath too.

I know what you mean about DH's mine will sit with Leorah but will be completely engrossed in the TV!! Does my head in when I spend all my time playing with her and singing songs!

I hope the babies are all feeling much better today :hug:
aww sounds like you (& Leorah) had a bad night, to see a little baby like ours coughing is just the worst, Georgia (dd) said 'mum you need to blow Louie nose & then he will be better! :wink: ' bless her, i had to explain that babies aren't capable like we are, so they must feel awful.
i can hear Louies phlegm & stuff rattling around on his chest & i can feel it too.
off to get some vicks later, had some before but its lost :wall:
he had a few screaming fits after we got back from school today (9am) & also he never seems to sleep much in the day.
yesterday he had 2 sleeps all day! is this normal or is he just so nosey to what we are all doing :lol:

he slept from 10 am til 10.45 am yesterday & then i took him for a walk & he slept from 3 pm til 4.15 pm, not a lot of sleep for a young baby.

i havn't really got any good advice for you, i'm useless! sounds like you're doing a grand job.
:hug: :hug:
Hey ladies, does sound like both Skatty and Foxylady have got their hands full!!!! Foxylady, Otis some times doesn't sleep very much during the day either, it really depends on what we're doing.
Also just another tip as it seemed to work for Otis was to put a bowl of hot water in his room (not to far from his bed) and put some Olbas oil (or menthol crystals, etc) in it, that should help clear their nasal passages and help them breath a bit easier.
Goodl uck ladies and hope your LO's start picking up again soon! :hug:
Hi girls, I know I'm probably being a paranoid mum but I am so worried about Leorah now. She screams in pain every afternoon now and I just can't console her. We had to go shopping and she was screaming at the supermarket and everyone was staring (not that I care!) and I just can't calm her down.

I have mothers group tomorrow and 4 new mums are joining but I don't know if I can face it if Leorah is screaming her head off. What do you think? Has anyone tried calpol during the day for teething? Does it work? I think the medised might make her drowsy but then again maybe that's a good thing?

Foxy, Leorah isn't sleeping much during the day either. I read on another forum ita a common problem with 4-5 month olds and does get better :pray:

Daggers I am definitely going to get some menthol. Do you know if euculyptus oil would do the same? I am sure have some somewhere.

I hope you are all having a better day :hug:
oh dear Skatty! I used calpol with Otis when he was teething - I only gave it to him when he seemed most upset, which would usually be once in the morning and usually again before bed time - not keen on pumping him full of medicine.
The eucalyptus should work fine as well by the way.
Good luck and hope y'all have a good night tonight!!! :hug:

Mi still tired so think it's off to bed nice and early again for me :sleep: :sleep:
I know what you mean about the medicine Daggers, I try not to give it during the day and only just before bed. I froze a piece of pear and gave it to her in the babysafe feeder and she loved it! I think it was really cold on her gums and plus it tastes nice. She spat up a little after (liquid obviously) and it smelt like pear but she always spits up after a feed so I don't think it was because of any other reason.

She is now with Martin and we can't even coax a smile out of her. I don't think we'll be going to baby group tomorrow and will probably see the doc just to check she hasn't got an ear infection as I have noticed her grabbing her ears alot the past day or so.

BTW does the calpol work? I have been using medised as she only has it at night but I don't really want to give her that in the day.

:sleep: Sweet dreams to you and Otis

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