Little Diva is driving me crazy!!!

awww bless sounds like you guys have had a brill day today Skatty! We've got the same Baby Einstein, JM managed to get a whole load of the tinternet, so we've been playing them for Otis and we have had the odd giggle from him - still think he prefers the footie though! :roll:
Skatty it's great that Leorah is picking up on the signning, I'm still trying to sign away with Oats, but it gets complicated as every week there are more to learn :roll: , so far we've got milk, up, down, mom, dad, light, wash, sleep, tired and a few others!!!!
I also got Otis a Lamaze Bee on a flower thing when he was only a couple of months old and it's funny as it's his FAVOURITE toy now, no matter where it is on his play mat he'll spot it and try and get it.
So how has everyone else been today, it's been fairly quite on the forum. As per my saying 'no news is good news', so I'm going to presume that everyone is fine :pray: ?
That's funny daggers as leorah loves watching fotball! I think its because since she was born she'd lie on Martin's chest and they'd both fall asleep together.

Lamaze toys are the best aren't they? Actually Leorah has some Baby Einstein cubes too and she loves them also.

As for the signing i only do the milk one and this morning I did it to her and she opened her mouth wide, so i did it again and she did it again! I now I always know if she's hungry, its amazing!

Leorah is so much better. I am sure she's having a growth spurt as she has been drinking LOADS but I made sure I filled her up as much as she wanted yesterday and she slept from 8.30pm until 6.15am :cheer: She only woke up then because Martin got up and is so noisy :roll: I could tell she drank a lot last night as I could only pump 2 oz before bed whereas I've been pumping 6-8oz since my power pumping!

I also hope it is quiet because all the babies are being delightful :)
Hey ladies.

Good girl Leorah; that is great that she slept so long.

How is everyone doing today?

I am having a complete nightmare. Gabriella is still waking every 3 to 4 hours. She just has her milk and then goes straight back down. Surely growth spurts don't go on this long. I feed her really frequent during the day aswell. I posted in the feeding section saying I am thinking about giving her a formula feed at nigth time; I really don;t want to but if sh eis not getting enough from me.......

Also DH is really unwell; he has a fever and has been really sick; I have the start of it and I also hurt my back last night putting Gabriella to bed.
It is agony. DH had to crawl out of bed to get Gabriella for me so I could feed her; I had to do it laying down as it hurt so much!
We were supposed to have a photographer come today to do some pics but I had to cancel. What a right old state we are in :wall:

Gabriella has also decided that she doesn't want to nap during the day; it's just such hard work. She steals a little half an hour here or there! My little girl doesn't like sleep, she is afraid of missing out I think!

It's the night times that are getting to me, she is definitely not in any kind of pain just hungry; it probably doesn't help where she doesn't nap during the day!!!!! HELP!!!!

Hope everyone is well and we all get through this full moon tonight.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good God Tina sounds like your house has become a little house of horrors!!!!! :shock:
If your back still isn't any better try having a hot bath and take some ibuprophen (sorry for the spelling!!), that may help settle your back a bit.
I can only but sympathis with on the late night feeding as Otis is still waking twice a night :x , but it keeps changing last night he woke around 10:30pm and then again at 3:30, while before he was waking around 1:30 and then again around 4am and occassionally he'd only wake once say 2am and then at around 6am. I haven't got a clue what's going on any more!!!! I was contemplating on starting to dream feed him, if I was to feed him at around 10:30 every night before I go to bed and then maybe he'll only wake once at around 3/4am and then probably again at around 6:30/7, hoping that eventually he'll go longer without waking!!! I may start trying this as of tonight and just see how it goes for a week or so.
tina I just hope that both you and your OH start feeling better soon, there's nothing worse then feeling pants and having to look after a LO!! :( :hug:.
Skatty haven't seen any Baby Einstein toys, may have a look around on Monday as OH is going into London to do some work so thought Otis and I'd go with him so I can pop into work and MAYBE the odd shop - i.e. baby gap!!!!!
Oh no Tina you poor things :hug: There really is nothing worstb than being ill while having a young baby to look after. Do you have anyone that can help out?

As for the growth spurt, Leorah had one that lasted a week :shock: She has been feeding excessively again today and keeps sicking it back up :roll:

As for naps I read something really interesting the other day and it said if your baby consistantly wakes after 30 mins they are overtired and if they wake after 45 mins wide awake then they were put down for the nap too soon. Leorah had constantly been waking up after 30 or 45 mins for her morning nap (this is the only one where I make sure she has a decent sleep the others she has in the car seat or on my lap etc) so the last 2 days i watched her carefully and I can tell when she's getting tired as she gets red around the eyes and it worked and she goes down for up 2 hours.

Daggers I would definitely recommend trying a DF, lots of people swear by them. Leorah now goes to sleep about 8.30pm and has only woke in the night once since but if she does start waking up I will definitely do DF. We have tried before and she does wake up but by the end of the bottle she is falling asleep again.

My bro' bought the Baby Einstein toys, he went on a massive shopping spree in the Disney Store when Leorah was born so I guess they came from there. I bought Leorah another toy today, now she has started playing with toys I can't stop buying them :lol: I love Baby Gap too, my friend has just bought Leorah a snowsuit without legs there, kind of like a gro-bag for outdoors and some other stuff but it hasn't arrived yet. Another mate also bought her baby pink converse from there, so cute!

Tina I do hope you are feeling better by now and Neil too :hug: Good luck with the DF Daggers and I hope both your babies sleep well and long tonight (fingers crossed Leorah will too!) :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
ha, Skatty funny you should mention Leorah being sick as recently Otis has been doing this as well, he hasn't been sick after a feed for months then suddenly over the past week or so he's been a bit sick after some of his feeds!? I wounder if it's an age thing??? I wasn't going to post anything as some times after he's eaten I'd start playing with him chucking him around, which obviously doesn't help I'm sure :oops: :roll: !!
Also reading what you said about the napping Otis general only nap for approx. 30mins - 1hr seldom any longer, he usually just naps on his playmat. Either he just puts himself to sleep or I'll help him along by stroking his face and shhhhhing (usually does the trick), hmmm think he generally sleeps okay maybe should start looking at setting up a day time nap routine???
I haven't started the DF as we got back late tonight so the bed time routine went out the window and just had to pop him straight into his PJ's and give him his EBM, he was in bed by 8:30 / 9ish which is late for him, so will see how he gets on tonight!!
Tina hope you guys are doing okay, did read your other post re calpol and medi.. put had no advise for you. Just hope y'all get better soon!
Well hope you're all having a good night otherwise, heading of to bed myself now! :hug:
Hi everyone :wave:

After two good days it seems as the teething pain has come back again :roll: The worst part is that unless I give Leorah medised before bed she wakes up screaming in pain or just cries in her sleep. To make matters even worst I think she is also intolerant to nut proteins as well as milk and soy. Since doing the elimination diet I slowly reintroduced everything, especially the proteins that are most allergenic but never did nuts. I kind of took for granted that it was just milk and soy and the other day had a few hazel nuts and then a handful of mixed nuts. Yesterday she woke with a red scaley, eczema like rash (I haven't seen this since the elimination diet) and last night she was screaming around midnight and had a nappy full of not right poo (I wont go into details!) and her poor stomach was making all sorts of noises. I'm finding it all really stressful at the moment, if its not one thing its another.

Also can I have a big fat rant!! Why do people who should know better ie grandparents (DH's not mine!) rile up our LO's!! My FIL was bouncing leorah up and down in his lap singing songs and playing with her new fróg and then she started turning away and had a little cry so what does he do but start shaking it and squeaking it in her face! Cue the hugest tantrum ever that I had to sort out, followed by general miserable behaviour all evening!! Then they have the cheek to start laughing about what a little madam she is :evil:

Ok rant over :lol: Daggers I would definitely give a nap routine a go, it may help with the night wakings. I only put Leorah routinely down for the morning nap. The success of this nap dictates our whole day and night!! If she has at least 1½ hours (but preferably 2-3 hours) she will usually take regular naps all day and get to bed early. If that first nap is only 30/45 mins she gets grumpy and overtired and evening is hell!! I picked up loads of tips from the Baby whisperer site even though I don't follow her instructions for naps. I learnt about sleep cycles and the importance of napping and it helped change our evening sleep problems.

As for the sickness Daggers Leorah has always been a bit sick after feeds and sometimes an hour after. I sometimes wonder if she has a touch of reflux but as it doesn't seem to bother her and she packs on the weight I didn't worry too much about it after all her other digestive problems! it does mean we can't do much tummy time or she starts throwing up, I have to let her lean on a BF pillow so she's a little upright. Do you think Otis drinks more at the breast now? I think Leorah has started taking much more, maybe for comfort while she's teething and most of it comes straight back up, so frustrating :roll:

How are the other babies doing? I do hope Tina and family are on the road to recovery. I hope you are all enjoying your weekend :hug:
had a few amazing days with jack after changing his milk by now hes teething!! ive been holding him sice 3am this morning because he screams unless hes upright! hes in his baby carrier now cos i had arm ache! i used some bongela at about 9 and he was smiling and even laughed for the first time! but it only lasted half an hour then he started screaming again! is there anything else i can do?? its my first experience of teething and im really not liking it! he sounds like its really hurting him and its making me really upset! help....i need some :sleep:
Kelly I do sympathise, we have had a terrible day too. Have you given Jack some calpol or something? It hasn't completely worked for Leorah today, this is the worst she's ever been. Also you could try Ashton and Parsons powders, i use them but am not sure if they work :?

Definitely use medised at night, it really helps bubbas sleep. I didn't give leorah any the past few nights and she cries and screams in her sleep so last night I gave her some around midnight and she slept until 6.30am.

I hope you have a better night tonight :hug:
thanks skatty, i wasnt sure about using calpol cos i thought this was just to lower a temperature and i checked jacks and he was fine. hes been fine this afternoon and went to bed really well, hasnt stirred at all so im hoping my night wont be to bad! hope you and Leorah are well, that goes to all you mummies with troublesome children!!

im wishing :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: for everyone
hi girls :wave: sorry for my abscence from this part!!!!
well we've been ok, Louie has finally got over the nasty cold he had for 2 wks!
hes still gnawing on anything in sight, with his teething!
havn't had to use any medicine for a bit-so thats good.

skatty-about relatives commenting on Leorahs behaviour they caused :roll: i will scream at the next person that just walks into my house & withing 1 min picks up Louie without talking to him 1st & then moans their head off that he cries :roll:
i mean what do they expect? its always someone who hasn't seen him for a week or so & they expect him to remember them? :doh:
he needs someone to be here for a bit & just talk to him from afar 1st.

anyway, i hope you are all ok, hope Tina is better & Jack is going to be a bit better for mummy tomorrow.
hugs to all of you :hug:
Hi Foxymum, glad Louie's cold is better, Leorah's cough has been better at night since using the vicks too.

Leorah for the first time ever fell asleep for the night at 7.30pm last night! She must have been feeling bad :lol: She woke up crying a really sad miserable cry at 10.30pm and her sheet was all wet friom dribble and she had a dirty nappy. I changed her and the sheet, gave her some medised and a cuddle and she slept until I woke her at 6.15am! I couldn't believe it, I was prepared for her to be waking all night like she has been doing but she obviously really needed her sleep. I had to get her up at 6.15am as usual because I need her to of had her nap and be fed by 9.30am as I have an appointment. If she doesn't get that morning nap right we are b*ggered the whole day!

I hope Jack slept well Kelly and feels better today.

About the relatives picking up our babies, this also gets my goat. Leorah doesn't mind being picked up but when she keeps getting passed around she finally gets cheesed off and overstimulated. I now put her in the sling after she has had enough and noone can take her and if they are in her face she just turns to me, it really works :wink:

I hope everyone is ok :hug: Tina I hope you are better :hug:
Hello Ladies :wave:

Thanks for your nice messages. We are still a bit poorly but so much better than we were. Neil (DH) went back to work today and really shouldn't have. Gabriella still has a nasty cough but she seemes happier in herself; although the teething pain has come back with a vengence. Poor thing if it's not one thing it's another. One good thing though is that her eczema seems to have cleared up; she has a couple of dry patches on her legs and arms but her face and chest look brilliant. I really do hope that this is the last of it :pray:

Oh Skatty poor Leorah and poor you. Sorry you had a bad few days with Leorah. That is great that she slept that long last night. How is she doing today? I really do feel for you; you have been through so much and you have sacrificed so much; you really do deserve a medal, you are fab. :hug:
How is her skin now?

Foxymum, I am glad that Louie is over his cold, bless him. That is good that you haven't had to use any medicine for the teething.

Daggers I hope Otis is not being sick anymore, bless him.
The daytime routine thing is hard isn't it? My days are never really the same so that doesn't help. Gabriella is napping again for the 2nd time now though but that may be because she is ill.
She has a comfy chair (that reclines right to laying down position) that I tend to put her in to chill out or sleep.

Kelly I hope Jack is doing better and had a good night last night. It's horrible to see them in pain.

Girls I am wondering if Gabriella is ready for more (i.e weaning). She is still waking frequently in the evening and she now watches me intently whenever I am eating. I was eating a yoghurt earlier and she was staring at me moving her mouth. It still seems too young to me but I think I may try her with some baby rice and see how she goes. Anyone else experienced/experiencing this?

Take care everyone and big :hug: to you and your bubbas

Happy 4 month birthday Leorah :D
if Gabriella is tryin to imitate u eatin then Id def give her some baby rice Tina!!
Jamie does it all the time, we have now got him on pureed fruit and veg cos he was just hungry all the time!

hope all mummys and babies are well!! :wave:
hi everyone :wave:

aww Tina thanks for the nice things you said :hug: I'm glad you are all feeling better and so happy Gabriella's eczema has cleared up, I hope it stays away. Hve you tried vicks rub at night for Gabriella's cough, I don't know how it works but Leorah doesn't cough in the night anymore!

Leorah has been dribbling and biting her fists all day but just for once I thought i'd keep her medicated and wow what a difference it made. She has been napping regularly today, probably catching up on the restlessness she's had for over a week and she has been generally smiley and giggley. As the medicine wore off early this evening we had some crying but she had her EBM and we have given her some medised. I hate giving her medicine but when I see what a difference it makes for her I think I'm doing the right thing.

I have changed Leorah's travel system from pram to pushchair and she loves it as she's a real nosy parker! anyway the bonus is that I keep her slightly upright and she seems to nap better and her dummy doesn't fall out! She was so cute today she was all wrapped up in her snowsuit and cosy toes and was in our conservatory which is cold and the sun was shining on her face and she was lying there sucking her dummy with her eyes shut making these appreciative mm mm noises. She was so content and after the week of horrors it made my heart glow.

As for the weaning Tina, I say go for it, it may well help Gabriella sleep better. Leorah has started watching us but not in a way that I think she's ready yet. Saying that when she is in a lot of pain with teething i give her frozen pear in a baby safe feeder and she LOVES it! Let us know how gabriella takes to the rice :hug:

Sending sleepy dust to all mummies and babies :hug:
had a lovely day with jack today, i had a moment like you did skatty where you just look at them and relise its all worth it! took this picture of jack having some tummy time, thought it was really cute!

hope everyone has had good days too! and wishing lots of sleep to all of us tonight!
What an adorable little boy! Gorgeous eyes.

so glad you had a good day, fingers crossed we will all have a good one tomorrow. I have mother and baby group so I am praying for good behaviour :pray: :lol:
yeah my too! and the club runs along side weigh in clinic so there will be health visitors there to! i used to hate feeding jack there cos he would scream with wind! could feel their eyes burning into me! hope u have a good day xx
Iv been keeping my little guy drugged up too and it does make a world of difference i feel guilty for making him into a wee babi junky but its helping him and hes alot happier

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