Lighter life


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Hello all, I am going to be starting lighter life shake and soup diet in the next few weeks. I want to loose about 3 stone. Shall I tell my councillor I'm ttc? Thanks x
I wud poppy because I don't think it's healthy wen ttc & especially wen pg. Lady at work has done it & you're losing weight

Yep def tell her Poppy!

Best of luck with your weightloss and TTC journey

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Yes I would tell her, and if u do get preggers make sure you stop x
I would speak to the councilor and or the GP just to be sure.

Luck :) xxxx
Would be interested to see how you get on, I've been looking into it too! At the moment I've just stopped eating bread, pasta, crisps and chocolate
Yes! That diet only gives u about 500 cals a day. I wouldn't be surprised if u weren't allowed to do it when ttc. Is there not a healthier way to lose weight? I know someone that did it and lost 6 stone. She would go a fortnight between bowel movements, her skin was awful and she knackered. She lost the weight but at what cost?? An extreme low cal diet can stop ovulation.
I have spoken to her and she said it's ok to do while ttc but as soon as I get a bfp I need to stop right away. I have decided I want to loose a stone and go from there. Thanks for your replies ladies x
Hiya, getting on really well thanks. I feel really good and have loads on energy! I'm in a bad mood today but nothing to do with the diet it because af arrived. I'm not even hungry so that's a plus! X
Glad to hear ur getting on well poppy! Sorry to hear about the witch! X

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