some advice please- about inplant bleeds!!!

:lol: I had the girls on display and he said you've a dark vein. Then the tingles started and I knew I was :)
wow how sweet love that butterfly feeling when you just know!!
bet you cant wait for your little boy i have one of each the boy being the youngest and he is a mummys boy. In my eyes it doesnt matter what sex but one of each is lovely, it was very strange doing the first boy nappy tho!!!
I am going to have to practice on my nephew I think! It's daft because obviously it's 50 50 but with having girls I just thought I'd get another one. I really, really cant imagine being a mum to a little boy!
yeah its different but you will love it!! get the practice in lol
decided im going to do a fmu and :test: tomoz morning!!!! a day or 2 early but cant wait :) plus this morning my sickness was even stronger and couldnt drink my normal morning cup of tea!! also had a few pains in my stomach( hoping they are not pains in a bad way!!) just got to wait till the morning now:rotfl:
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just an update didnt do a test this morning as planned as ended needing a wee twice in the middle of the night thought that would be a good sign:dance: but woke up this moring with bad pains in my stomach and a few spots on my face so thinking this maybe a sign of the:witch:hope not :mad:
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Cramping is very common early on, and spots are too - I never get spots but when I'm pregnant I get them all over my face :lol: so you've still got a chance!
oh i hope so never had pain before when i found out with my other 2 but think its more the fact i have more time on my hands what with them at school to think about stuff more and i wanted it more than ever!!
getting all excited as im going to do a :test: in the morning (sunday) cant wait just hope its a :bfp: but still no sign of the :witch: so all good roll on tomoz!! will let you all know, will be having an early :sleep: tonight
OMG, I'm on the edge of my seat reading this thread. Fingers crossed!!!!!!!!
tell me about it cant wait any longer myself:wall2: just wanna do a :test:NOW!!!!! but think im doing it early as it tomoz who knows!
Oh hope this is it for you :yay:

I never get spots either but I have done just right before I found out I was pg :)
is it best to wait till the morning for :test: so early on?? wanna do it now :rotfl:
What sort of test do you have?

I got a bfp with my youngest 5/6 days before but it was twins. It was 2nd morning urine though. I tested with a first reponse
its first reponse havnt had a drink for an about an hour only got the one test so wondering if i should wait or do it??
If you want to do it today hold your wee in for a few hours :lol:

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