lets share 12 week+ scan dates and photos!!

I've just got back home! OH took me on a road trip...

So... it was all good! I was petrified so they immediately told me that the baby has a heart beat (phew!) and there is only one in there :)

It was in a good position and moving round lots and everything is where it should be so signs are good at this early stage.

What a relief, just goes to show that even if your preg symptoms disappear it's not necessarily a bad thing.

Thanks for the thoughts everyone :)

:yay::love::love::yay: so glad all was well. do they give you a due date at the 12 week scan? how many pictures did you get? bet your on :cloud9:

Thanks hun :D

They estimated my due date 1 day differently to what I have worked it out below which is good! I got 3 photos :dance:
thats good then!! i dont want my date too change unless its pushed sooner hehe
3 pictures how cute how much did they charge thinks its £10 for 4 at my hospital xx
Gald it went good for you hun least thats some good news for us all :)
thats good then!! i dont want my date too change unless its pushed sooner hehe
3 pictures how cute how much did they charge thinks its £10 for 4 at my hospital xx

That's really good! We have to pay £5 for one at ours, and don't think you're allowed more than 1 even if you offer to pay. Didn't get offered a pic at my scan yesterday, even though we had money! I think it's horrible, I wanted a little picture of my bub to look at!!! xx
mine is 14th may at 3.30pm roll on next friday!!
thats good then!! i dont want my date too change unless its pushed sooner hehe
3 pictures how cute how much did they charge thinks its £10 for 4 at my hospital xx

That's really good! We have to pay £5 for one at ours, and don't think you're allowed more than 1 even if you offer to pay. Didn't get offered a pic at my scan yesterday, even though we had money! I think it's horrible, I wanted a little picture of my bub to look at!!! xx

thats alot just for one even tho i would pay anything for a picture :wall2:
when i had my scan like yours they didnt offer me a picture but when i saw the midwife after she was sticking 2 of them in my hospital notes and i said could i have a look and she said i could have one for free!!
not long now and you will have one to stare at :dance:
I didn't have to pay anything for my photos - apparently donations were welcome but I was so over-whelmed by it all we just ran off giggling like school children.

The fun and games started when we realised that the next scan is when my OH is on a stag do... i told him he would have to come back 1/2 day early but he said no way... he went and chatted up the ultra-sound receptionists and got them to change it to a day later. Typical man!!
lol at your oh chatting her up too change the date!! maybe i can get oh to do the same and get free photos lol xx
my scan is May 20th at 08:20

problem now is how to get the kids to school at 08:40 think mil will be getting a call
thats the problem when you have other kids shame they dont ask beforehand mines at 3.30 so got to get my mum to pick up them
enjoy your scanxx
Hi, I've been to my booking in appointment today... got my scan date for 28th may.. only 3 weeks away. cant wait !
all the best too the girls who are having scans tomz make sure you pop on and share how it went and picture!!
mines at 3.30 so going to go to town first to kill some time!! really cant wait xx
Hope todays scans have gone / going well... Cant wait to see piccies :D
Hope these all go well- can't wait to see all of your bubba's pics later! xx
hi ladies,

my scan was fan-flippin-tastic!!!

i told the lady that i was nervous and she said dont worry there is one very active little baby in there then i was like :shock: yey!!

my edd from 1st day from my last period (15th feb) is the same date as the sonographer said the baby was due, 22nd november, so that was great,

at my hospital we could only have a max of 2 pics (both the same because it was wiggling that much! lol like its dad) but had to pay £2.50 for each of them, i have photocopied them at work the pm for all the family, my parents, grandparents & OH's parents, sister and grandparents, so the pics are free flowing, got my 20week scan date today to see if we have a little mister or a little lady on the 6th july,

il try and upload pic now for you all, just need to work out how to re-size it and make it smaller to upload it onto here.... :wall2:

good luck for the next few days you ladies with up and comming scans,:wave: i couldnt beleive what i saw when it was there, i keep rubbin my belly now :-) :dance:


So glad it went well and bubs is all happy and well in there Amy
scan pics are great, a couple went a little dark , but you have a really clear one there showing head and body - just perfect!

Looking forward to some more photos on here, was there two more scans going on today with you guys ?

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