Unplanned scan and no foetal heartbeat seen

I am absolutely past myself now. I rang the hospital to see if I could go in last night and they said there was nothing I could do but wait for the next scan in 2 weeks time. It is killing us all this waiting and uncertainty. I'm still bleeding a lot off and on and can't see how our baby can have survived hrough this. To make it worse we would have been 12 weeks next week and have got family coming for a bbq (it's my mum's birthday) and we were going to tell them the good news. Now they will all be coming 2 days before we have the scan that I think is going to confirm we have lost the baby. Don't know what to do about telling them cos we don't want to raise their hopes that things will be ok and I don't think i could face parents and in laws ringing to see how the scan went, even though they would be totally supportive. Hate this. I am sitting at home trying to find things to take my mind off it. I don't want to go in to work at the moment cos i'm still bleeding quite heavily and it's a bit unpredictable and also I teach in a special school so the children can be active and there is lots of moving around involved, and there are 3 other pregnant girls there that i usually have lunch with (don't really know them well enough to talk about it with them cos i've not been there too long). I know it might sound selfish but I think it would be difficult to face them at the moment.
Just do whatever YOU feel most comfortable with, if u dont want to go to work then dont, you need to relax and dont need any unneccassary worry or stress on top of this so just take some time out... this is not going to be a nice experience and i can only imagine the wait to the scan must be making it horrendous, all i can say is my heart genuinely does go out to you hun, we're all here for you when u want to catch up xxxxxx
Hi Beanster when I was miscarrying I went to A&E and they tested HCG levels to see if they were consistent with pregnancy, if they are dropping it is mc but if they are not then everything might be ok. Maybe u could get this done at your gp's? sometimes they take two tests over a few days to see if levels are rising or dropping. Worth a try and fingers crossed for u xx
Hang in there Beanster, this is such a tricky time for you. I guess the hospital must have good reason to make you wait the two weeks so that baby can grow enought to see the difference by then or so they can confirm anything else without getting your hopes up more or dragging it out.

Try to keep positive and rest as much as you can - don't worry about work X

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