Unplanned scan and no foetal heartbeat seen

I had an early scan at 4 weeks and 6 weeks due to pain and bleeding and they had to do a vaginal scan both times the first all they saw was a 4mm sac and the second a sac with a baby and a heart beat, then I had a scan at 8 weeks 5 days de to bleeding and the differance in a matter of weeks was amazing the little baby was jumping about the screen, try not to worry xx
Thanks again everyone - really good to know that I have people to talk to.
Went back to the hospital yesterday after more bleeding through Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. They were great there and said to come in as many times as I needed to. Had another internal exam (no scan though cos they can't do internal scans at the weekend). Everything was ok with the cervix, it was shut tight so they think it is a threatened miscarriage but not an imminent one. Went to work this morning, talked to my line manager and got sent home again! Feel all over the place at the moment. Still having bleeding which they said I would cos there was some left in that needed to come out. Can't wait till Thursday but dreading it at the same time.
I really hope you will get some good news on Thursday!! :hug:
Thinking of you today,Beanster- pls make sure you stay off work and put your feet up and rest, as you never know what a difference this could make between now and thursday X
did they run blood test beanster ?
normally they run blood to check levels and then do them again at later date to see if they have risen
i had an external scan at 5+4 and seen the heartbeat but i am extremely skinny so they get a really good view they checked my cervix and that was shut tight just try and rest (easier said than done) and thursday will soon be here
and as some1 else said period dates are not always reliable you could of ovulated late and then the egg could of easily taken 10 days or even more to implant so you could easily be 3 weeks behind that what you thought fingers crossed for you hun but the cervix behind closed is a good sign and also i was gushing blood and now have a healthy happy 2 year old xx
Big hugs x I hope that everything is ok with you and your little bean x I hope that Thursday arrives quickly x x
Really don't think things are looking very good. The hospital rang yesterday and called me in for a scan instead of thursday. It was inconclusive and i have another one booked for 2 weeks time to see if there is any signs of growth or if things have stopped growing. Last night I had a lot of pain and cramping and then passed some big clots when I went to the loo, also a lot more blood. Really scared - couldn't ring the hospital this morning to go in because I don't want them to say that I have lost the baby. I'm going to go in tonight when my DH comes home to get checked out. Trying to stay positive but I really think that i have lost it.
Hope you get definate info tonight either way Hun :hug:

Thinking of you tonight X
Thinking of you, Got my fingers crossed for you too

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