Latest News on EllieBump


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
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Haven't been on as much this week because I started my new job on Tuesday. I really like it there :) but i've missed PF and all you girlies... I can't keep up!

Had another scan yesterday where we got mixed news...

The fluid level has gone up from 2.4 back up to 3 so that's a great sign. The placenta is moving up from my cervix and the doppler flow through the placenta was spot on :cheer:

Unfortunately though it seems we have a new worry. Ellie has actually lost weight in the two weeks since she was last measured. Her HC (Head circumference) and BPD (Head diameter) measurements have risen but her AC (abdominal circumference) has reduced which is why her estimated weight has gone down.

Myself and JP are hoping that this is because she has been using so much energy producing fluid.

It really is just one thing after another at the minute, and it feels like every post I make is a moan :(

We have another scan on Monday to check the fluid and the placenta and there has been talk of referring us to a specialist hospital for a second opinion.

We celebrated reaching 24 weeks because we thought she was safer at 24 weeks but she is only measuring 22.4 weeks.

They are going to measure her again in 2 weeks so we will know more then.

Awww you are not moaning so please don't think that :hug: :hug: :hug:

It must be difficult as things are not progressing quite as you had hoped, but the good thing is the doctors are aware of these new things so can keep an eye on them. And like you said, if your fluid has gone back up, hopefully she'll be able to put on a bit of weight now.

Don't forget all babies grow at different speeds, so it might be Elliebump is just getting a bit longer atm, and will put on a bit in the next couple of weeks.

Have they told you to eat anything in particular to help with her weight gain? Maybe you need a bit more good carbs or protein? Is it worth asking the doctor if there is anything you can do to try to help diet wise?

Thinking of you all :hug: :hug: :hug:
AH SWEETIE :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good new on the fluid levels going up
hopfully the weight loss in only temporary and now she has done all that brilliant work to increase it she is such a fighter
Elliebump can now concentate on growing agian

dont think you moan at all you carry on updating us hunny we are all hear for you and care about you and you Elliebump
we'd tell you off if you didnt :shakehead:
all the best hun fingers crossed she gains some eight :pray:
and let us know how the next scan goes
love sarah
:hug: :hug:
your not moaning, were here for all your ups and downs! glad to hear the good news. hang in there, were all rooting for you sweetie. xxx
Glad hear the fluid levels have gone up.

Surely she can only get bigger and stronger now that her fluid is sufficiant. Grow baby grow :pray:

I'm sure everything will turn out just fine you and baby :hug:
Never listen too much to how the decide weight. They told me at 36 weeks, my son was going to be over 10lbs (based on the measurements)...

When he was born at 40 weeks he was long and slim and 8lb 1.

They said the same to my mom when she has my baby brother.

It can depend on who is scanning and how accurately they measure at the time. So, please (as much as you can) take scan measurements with a small pinch of salt.

We are all thinking of Elliebump and you (and OH of course!) xxx :hug:
:pray: keeping my fingers crossed for Elliebump, bet she grows loads by your next scan.

Great news that the fluid levels have risen :cheer:
Great news about the fluid levels, lets hope Elliebump strts growing again soon-I'm sure she will-we're all thinking of you and hoping she'll be ok. :pray:
Take care hun!!!!
aww andrea, so glad to hear that the fluids went up :hug:

in the next few weeks babies are supposed to grow really quickly, putting on loads of weight, so i honestly wouldn't worry at the moment sweetie. i bet by the next scan she'll be back on track, she's a tough little lady, getting her fluids back on track :cheer: clever girly :hug:

glad you're enjoying the new job too, hope you're not over-doing it though hun :hug: :hug:

take care :hug:

sarah xxxxxxxxxx
good luck monday hun, great news things are getting better xx
Thanks for keeping us updated with Ellie its great news that the fluid levels have gone up thats a really positive sign. Hopefully when you go back she will of grown and caught up with dates.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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