I've just read through all your posts and wanted to say thank you so much for thinking of us and offering support
I feel a lot more positive today. Ellie Bump is really happy where she is, she's been awake and kicking since 6a.m
When we had the scan yesterday, she was sitting with her bum in my pelvis and her legs tucked in with her arms around her knees, she looked so comfy... I don't think she has any plans on leaving the big mumma house yet
I am drinking lots and lots and I just hope that the fluid levels stabilise and start going up as the fluid being too low is one of my main concerns as she obviously needs the fluid to help mature her lungs.
I am starting a new job on Tuesday - only 15 hours this week in the office but after this week I will be able to do it from home and that's the plan. TBH if i wasn't working I'd only be worrying about money which wouldn't do me any good either. Plus I don't want to be sitting around feeling sorry for myself
I won't be doing anything strenuous and JP looks after me when he gets home from work so after work I can put my feet up
To answer the questions that I can remember....
It was a Midwife in the Day Care Unit that I spoke to yesterday. I will be seeing my GP on Monday and have an appointment with my Consultant on the 27th, I'm sure they will be a lot more helpful and positive than the Midwife was yesterday.
Debeccaaaaaa and Sherry, I am going to discuss with my GP transferring care of me and baby to North Staffs Hospital, even if it is only temporarily so will let you know what she says. The only family we have that aren't local live in Guernsey and as wonderful as that place is, they fly you over here in emergencies. I would love to live there one day though
Sarah, the authority I come under is Mid Staffs NHS Trust
Thank you so much to all of you for being so lovely