Scan didn't go very well :( Help Needed


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
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Had a scan today to check fluid level after the leakage on the weekend. Amniotic Fluid has gone down from 3.1 cm to 2.4 cm :( I was really positive that it would have gone up to atleast 5cm as I havent leaked really this week and have drank loads of water thinking that would help.

They also noticed that I have a Grade 4 Placenta Praevia (the placenta is completely covering my cervix) so if I went into labour before it moved I would need an emergency C-section. Normally a low lying placenta isnt a worry this early on, but because my pg isn't progressing normally, not only is there a high chance of premature birth, but also the uterus won't grow as much due to lack of fluid so the placenta might not move up

We then went onto the daycare unit for blood tests and swabs etc, all of which is fine atm. We asked her all the questions that we have been waiting to have answered all week and the news isn't great.

When I asked what my chance of going to full term is I was told that they are just hoping I reach 28 weeks. When we asked why 28 weeks we were told that they wouldnt give me steroids to mature baby's lungs before then.

Also our hospital havent got the equipment to ventilate/care for a 24 - 30 weeker and she would have to be transferred if she was born before 30 weeks, but that they might not be able to get her a cot anywhere as it depends on cot availability at the other hospitals (North Staffs, New Cross and Nottingham) and also whether they want to accept a baby of only 24 weeks who doesnt have as much chance as a 28 week baby :( (because of costs basically)

We are desperatley trying to scour the internet and find out where we stand on this. Can they let her die if she is born at 24 weeks? Becuase at 24 weeks she is legally viable but she said that they couldn't neccesarily help her :(

If anyone knows anything that can help us, we'd really appreciate it :)

Thanks for reading :hug:
Honey, this is so awful to hear, mainly because of how doom and gloom they are being. You are nearly 24 weeks and haven't leaked anymore so start believing you can go full term! In the meantime, why don't you speak to your GP, who may be able to advise or refer you. Also maybe consider going private. But the main thing is stay positive. You have done a great job so far and 24 week babies stand a better chance of survival than ever. Try to take it easy, relax and keep telling yourself you will go full term. You have got this far,you can do it!

Thinking of you!

Hun, you must be having a rough time!
I don't know legally where you stand, i've always hoped that no matter what the doctors would do all they could to help an early baby.
Private care is very expensive but I don't know what your financial situation is and it is sad that that might be the only way.

But keep positive and look after yourself, things can still be ok.
oh my goodness :hug:

if you went into labour at 24 weeks they would do everything possible to save your baby. unless you refuse care they are obliged to save the baby. im not certain on this but i think 24 weeks is the limit although it may be 23. anything before that and baby's quality of life would be so poor it would almost be cruel to keep them alive - their chance of survival would be extremely low, theyre just not ready to be born.

as for the steroids, they may not give you them until 28 weeks if things go as planned but if you went into premature labour at 24 weeks they would give you steroids immediately, drugs to slow/stop labour and would be transferred (time permitting) to a hospital with the facilities to accomodate extreme prems. its always best to transfer baby in utero than when they are in the harsh world.

a 24 weeker would be very poorly but the chance of their survival is increasing everyday. a 28 weeker is a lot lot stronger, their stay in the NICU is usually a huge amount shorter than that of a 24 weeker.

if you have any questions or anything please feel free to PM me. you must be so worried. mine was spontaneous premature labour so i had no idea until it happened, you have been told now so you have all this time to worry about what might happen. it must be awful for you :hug:
i dont want to read and run hun :hug: i have no clue how you stand on this, but it sounds exteememly unfair. youve cooked this little cookie all this way, dont lose faith now. You had a scare the other day, but nothing since right?! you got to stay strong for the both of you. if you are happy and enjoying pregnancy and carrying on as normal bubs will too. I had placenta praevia too, but gave birth naturally, and at 30 weeks too - impatient sod :D

theres so many stories out there of little ones who have gone on to lead full and fantastic lives despite being extrememly premature. I really hope everything goes fab for you. take care !

:hug: Chel x
Thanks for your replies :hug:

Private care unfortuantely isn't an option for us.

Grace1983, thanks so much for your reassurance :hug:

The lady I saw today told me that if I went into labour before 28 weeks they wouldn't give me steroids at all. Their policy is only to do this after 28 weeks (although she said if we were only a couple of days off 28weeks they might administer them, at their discretion).

She said they would transfer but she also warned that hospitals they call don't have to accept our baby, and that if they only have 1 cot available and it is needed by a 24 weeker and a 28 weeker then the older baby would get the bed, as they wouldn't need as much care (money).

She then told me the best thing I could do would be to stay positive, we are trying but it is so hard when they are so negative :(
Gosh-you must be so worried-so sorry for your bad new hun.
I can't really offer any advice-just wanted to give you these :hug: :hug:
I agree with what becs said-you have done a great job so far and your not in labour now-so they don't know for certain if it'll be sooner rather than later. Keep us posted and best of
i forgot to say, when the lady said to you that if baby is born at 24 weeks 'they may not necessairly be able to help her' i think she meant that she may be too weak to survive - not that they wouldnt try. they will definately try hun :hug:

and the hospitals you mentioned WILL accept baby if they have a cot free. regardless of the gestation / chance of survival. if baby is fighting they will try everything they can :hug:
they cant do that and say that about the cots, i dont belive it, sorry.

We were informed everything was fine for a bed for Romi and he could stay at preston hospital as there was a spare bed. when it came to it, a baby of 25 weeks was born about 20 mins before him and there was nothing they could do, they transferred him to manchester instead so he could get the correct care as 'first come first serve' thats the way it should be with everyone, surely if it was the way you described, the other child would be transferred as Romes cost less.

It must be so difficult knowing this is going on, just try and take it easy, enjoy the rest, get your LO's to run round after you etc. and Take Care! :hugs: hugs and kisses, Chel x
surely if you went into labour at 24 weeks they would give you steroids? what kind of bloody hospital is it? she must be wrong. a peadiatrician would give you steroids straight away. i was supposed to have 2 lots and only got 1 before she arrived, if it hadnt been for that one i dont think she would have made it at all. it was the first thing they gave me.

i really think she is mistaken.
bellybump said:
they cant do that and say that about the cots, i dont belive it, sorry.

We were informed everything was fine for a bed for Romi and he could stay at preston hospital as there was a spare bed. when it came to it, a baby of 25 weeks was born about 20 mins before him and there was nothing they could do, they transferred him to manchester instead so he could get the correct care as 'first come first serve' thats the way it should be with everyone, surely if it was the way you described, the other child would be transferred as Romes cost less.

It must be so difficult knowing this is going on, just try and take it easy, enjoy the rest, get your LO's to run round after you etc. and Take Care! :hugs: hugs and kisses, Chel x

i agree with this too. its first come first serve. thats what i witnessed when i was in NICU. they would not turn your baby away. its not allowed.

i think this woman you have spoken to has made a couple of mistakes and got you all worried. i would double check it all with somebody else, maybe your GP? honestly, it sounds like she has her wires crossed. :hug:
Reading this has really upset me, firstly i hate the fact that hospitals dont have the facilities to care for such prem babies, and secondly it's angered me that the lady would suggest that if your baby was born before 28 weeks they wouldnt get the care they deserved!
You can only hope that as you feel ok, and you know your not leaking much anymore your baby will hold on in there for as long as possible.
I didn't think they could do that either :?

She just kept mentioning costs which is completely wrong to start with. It should never be about that :(

Maybe they tell you all this so that if baby does come along early you'll give up without a fight, I really don't know. As far as I'm concerned I am almost 24 weeks, therefore my baby is viable and they should do everything they can for her.

I will fight for my little girl, my aim is 36 weeks but if I do go into labour before 28 weeks I shall scream the place down until they give me steroids, they have to give her the best chance they possibly can surely.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
when i was pg with my second i started losing fluids at 24 weeks, when they found out i was amitted streight away and given steroids one on that day and one the day after, i stayed in for a week (even though they wanted to keep me in but i discharged myself). then a week later they scanned me again and said fluids still have not gone up (they wanted to keep me in and i said no). i was having fetal monitering every day till 30 weeks and scans every 2 weeks, they didnt think id go to full term but i got all the way to 38 weeks and went into labour (the fluid levels had improved at 29 weeks but were still quite low) and now shes a happy healthy 3 year old.
Good luck hun i really do hope you get to at least 30 weeks plus.
take care
you do that, you and your baby deserve more thsan this stupud cow thinks. she was probably wanting to go home. she is bang out of order saying these things and i would speak to someone else and be considering complaining to go on about hospital resources to you is bang out of order!
I agree and after 24 weeks i would expect and demand they did everything to help and save my baby. They are viable after then and deserve to be given every chance. I hate it when people do things like this and be so negative as it only upsets people. I had what i now know to be stretching pains when i first found out i was pregnant and some nurse told me to expect a miscarriage!!
Sometimes they can be so insensitive but i'd hope for something like sarah said and be able to hold on as long as possible
You never know theres every chance you'll end up having a very boring and normal deleivery
Thanks so much for your replies :hug:

I am going to go and see my GP on Monday and ask her everything I asked today.

I am worried about the fact that because the placenta is too low they will rush in for a C-Section without administering steroids or trying to stop things becuase of the risks involved.

Therefore I am going to ask my GP if there is anyway of being able to have steroids asap just in case as reading up on them they wont harm me or baby wether she comes early or not.

I bet now I will go to 42 weeks and need to be induced :rotfl:
Thanks Sarah (113) :hug:

I'm glad your little one stayed tucked in despite the odds :) I'm sure mine will too
I can't believe they've sent you home - for 23 weeks, a fluid level of 2.3cms is unbelievably low! Have they reccommended you rest? Women who have low fluid but more than you have are advised to stay on bedrest because you don't want to rupture the membranes any further - Even when I was diagnosed at 20 weeks mine was about 5cms and they told me not to do anything too stressful.
Keep drinking water, hun. I know they say that there's nothing you can do to increase the fluid levels but you never know, it's not going to do any harm. Also, levels can rise dramatically. Mines gone from being borderline Olighydromanios to just above 10cms in the space of a few weeks.
Awww I'm really hoping things improve for you :hug: :hug: :hug:

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