Labour question

you know more than me then, i have no clue on c sections so i would never try to advise lol
lol how many more you got planned??

We are having one more after Coby, and thats it
i have relented to one more and thats it. i will of had four c sections and i think that that is enough for my body to cope with.

do they go in through the same scar every time?
yep, thats the problem why it weakens the skin.

Tracy M is supposed to have an upright section this time as her placenta is stuck to the old scar, mind you she said that it had moved slightly so fingers crossed for her.
how does an upright section work?

i posted you something in the "off topic" forum

i'm not sure how high it runs to but the scar on my bikini line is only about 5 or 6 inches wide, so i presume that the scar going upwards would be about the same. not sure where it starts from ie belly button going up or going down.

i will check the off topic now
ah right, never heard that before.

wonder if rosieroo did go in to labour, hope shes ok
she is nearly 38 weeks so she could well of gone into labour.

fingers crossed for her

i do and i dont.

i do coz i want to meet him so badly but i dont coz he will come when he is ready.

there is a girl/mum at teh school who has been taking rasberry leaf tea, pinapple and everything else possible since she was 35 weeks pregnant, she is due in about 2 weeks i think, it really bugs me, why try to get a baby out that early when its not ready or is in danger.

sorry ranting a bit today!
A lot of people on this forum use raspberry tea and pineapple. i suppose people just want to get them out without being induced. i do doubt that they work sometimes. i think the baby will come when its ready.
oh yeah to use it right at the end is fine, im sure i will be too if i get to that stage, but to me, 35 weeks is a bit early to try and induce yourself
when i was pregnant with Joshua, a midwife told me not to use it before 36 weeks at the earliest as raspberry leaves used to be used to cause miscarriages years ago.

i never used it and ended up with another c section. maybe i should have listened to her and gave it a try. might try it at 36 weeks, but then i have only got two weeks for it to work as c section is 38 weeks. mind you joshua was 9 12, do i really want to push out a whopper for my first natural birth :?
If hospitals won't induce before 39 weeks unless they really have to then there has got to be some good reason for it.... you're not considered full term till between 37-42 weeks, which means baby is still growing.

I don't get it either. As much as a pain sleepless nights, back back and rib pain is, I'm sure most of us would rather suffer that for a few weeks than watch our poorly baby in SCBU trying to finish developing outside the womb.
Sami said:
I don't get it either. As much as a pain sleepless nights, back back and rib pain is, I'm sure most of us would rather suffer that for a few weeks than watch our poorly baby in SCBU trying to finish developing outside the womb.

excatly! i know i should let it but things like this really bug me, hell i know by 39 weeks if i havnt gone in to labour i will be trying everything i can to bring it on, but there is no way i would risk my babies health at 35 weeks just coz i was fed up and wanting him/her out.
aches and pains are all part of pregnancy, you have to deal with them untill the time is right for the baby to come.

grrr sorry, im a really shitty mood today
i totally agree Sami

unless there is a medical reason you may as well wait until the baby is ready to come into the world.

thats why in a way i am slightly worried about having the section at 38 weeks, as i had kieran at 42 weeks and joshua at 41, so they were full term.

i know its silly to worry, but i am still worrying about my boys and they are 10 and 3.

just think of the foo fighters and that should get rid of the mood layla. :D

i am cheering up i finish work at 5. whilst i am typing to you i am supposed to heading this clinic. it is so boring and the voluntary helpers are just not my cup of tea. need to get home to my hubby and kids


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