
Im stalking this thread now!! Looks good Emma. I knew someone's sweep had to do something!!
I'm bouncing away. My ball is at the window so if anyone can see into my living room window they can just see my head bopping up and down haha. Everyone pray for my pains to get worse haha xx
Fingers crossed this is something for you. You can have my due date and I will have yours. We will just swap!! xx
:pray:I'm praying! oh this is so exciting.. lol. I'm more excited than you probably.. I'm stalking this thread now...:shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:
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In the nicest possible way I hope you get more pain!!! Sounds promising xx
Fingers crossed this is something for you. You can have my due date and I will have yours. We will just swap!! xx

Did you not predict I would go today! Aww thanks I'm happy to swap.

I thought the pains had died away but defo still in my back. Had a bowel movement too, think that's a sign. Aaaaaaah imagine this is it.

Oh i need to calm down. If this is just BH I will not be happy xxx
nooo dont calm down just be excited!! :lol: sorry I'm not much help.. haha
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oooooooooooooohhh how exciting! really hope it's the start of things for you!

Everyone is desparate for a labour watch so won't hold it against you for queue jumping!!!! lol!

keep us posted!!!!
I've still got the back pain and niggly feeling but I kinda feel like it's going to just die down soon. Doesn't seem to be getting worse :( x
give it chance i hate to be a part pooper but this could go on for a while before established labour kicks in :( but if it is the start then at least your body is getting 1 step closer :)
I know, I have this horrible feeling this could go on for days. Yeah at least it's showing signs of doing something. X
bring on more pains. lol. (in a nice way obviously) oooh so exciting.

im just about to dye my hair so if you can hold off anything else happening for abit that would be great cos im joining in the stalking of this thread. lol. xxx
I know, I have this horrible feeling this could go on for days. Yeah at least it's showing signs of doing something. X

when you notice them being a bit more painful start to time them again xxx
Will do :) Think I'll go play with my steriliser set and learn how to work it to give myself something to do haha.

And don't worry nmf, I think it will be a while before anything exciting happens! Xx
its ok im back. lol. hurry up now pains and baby. xxx
I'm still here stalking, must move my butt and leave work to go home now though - Don't do anything else until I get there! haha.
oooh this is exciting!!!

hope this turns into something more .....
I really hope so too. Just now the mild pain is pretty constant with my back sore every 5 mins or sore.

My headache is getting worse though, it's making me feel really yukky :( xx

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