
All sounds very promising! going for walk may strengthen the pains x
I would go for a walk but it's raining heavy so bounced on my ball and my back pain got a bit stronger. Nothing much else happening, think it's easing up a bit now. I'm getting stronger pains at the top of my bump every so often though. X
Exciting stuff!! Hopefully this thread is updated to your labour watch!!

I'm considering having sex to try and hurry it along lol. My OH has been hassling me for the past hour :rofl: x
Still getting regular pains then!! :) :)

And regards to sex, anything is worth a try! Xx
Oooo exciting stuff! Go have sex... Now! Haha I'm not your oh in disguise I promise! We neeeed a labour watch! Xxx
The pains have totally died down :( OH is away out getting milk cos I really want a mug of hot milk lol. I should probably reward him when he gets home hahaha. My stomach is still tightening with just mild pains.
Hopefully I will wake up during the night with some pains. X
Well the sex didnt work cos as soon as we started to try it was too sore, don't know what that's all about. Actually feel like a failure, can't even have sex lol x
aw don't feel like that... i'm impressed you even attempted it!

It's naff when you get pains and that lead to nothing...i really thought it was it when i had my sweep and got horrible pains and loss/plug after but still nothing happened and now the pains have gone away alltogether. It's a sneaky sweep trickery if you ask me. Hope you managed to get some sleep and feel a bit better today. Don't feel like a failure - you;'ve done better than me to even consider it at this stage! Especially after a sweep which has already made you uncomfortable.

I just wanted the sweep to work,or if not for all it's nasty pains it produced to go away if they're not doing anything productive...and for me the pains buggered off and now i feel much better again x x
I havent had any nookie for as long as i can remember so i wouldnt worry hun!! Youre better than me at leats you tried!!

Hope ur feeling ok this morning. I got excited at my pains last week after my sweep so i know how frustrating it is when it doesnt lead to anything :-( xxxx
I know I'm surprised i even attempted it too lol I must still have been a bit tender from the sweep. My stomach is still very crampy, it's gotten a little stronger again and I woke up at about 5am and it was sore but that's about it really.

My head has been pounding since I woke up yesterday morning, it hasn't let up one bit, I keep reading you should call if you have a severe headache but at mw on thurs my bp and urine was fine so there's no need to call really is there? It's really getting on my nerves.

Sorry I got everyones hope up about a labour watch. Who knows it could still happen hahaha xx
have you taken anything for the headache if so and it hasnt gone id get checked out to be safe hun
I'm going to take some paracetomol in a bit cos its really sore. I'm currently pretending I'm sleeping cos my MIL has turned up at the door at 10am for the most ridiculous reason, who does that on a bloody saturday morning. It will be an excuse so she could quiz me about twinges. X
No wonder lol she's came up to look at out cutlery!!! Seriously! I'm desperate for a pee and can't get up. X
oh god your mil is a nightmare. lol. sorry its all slowed down.

hope it all starts for real soon. xxx

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