Keyan Andrew Evans 7lb 7oz


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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So as everyone knows I was being induced on Thursday at 2.00 pm. I was in the hospital quite early as I was really excited about evenually meeting my baby boy after 2 weeks being overdue. After a longish wait thinking I was being seen to at 2 I got seen to at 4:00pm. The midwifes inserted one vaginal tablet at 4 pm to start me off and put me into labour but the tablet never done anything so they inserted another one 6 hours later which I started getting really dull crampy pains all night long which started getting a little stronger as the night went on. The doctor was coming round in the morning to see if I had progressed any and if not either insert another tablet or c section which I thought would be the only choice left. The doctor came round gave me an internal and told me I was 2 to 3 cm which I honestly couldnt believe I was over the moon.

After a long wait to go to labour ward I evenually got down to the labour ward on friday night at 12.00am which was the most exciting part of my whole life I couldnt believe what was happening although I was terrified in the back of my mind about giving birth. Arrived in the labour ward and was introduced to my midwife who was lovely she then broke my waters a little after 12.00 am and gave me the drip to start my contractions. I told her from the beginning that I wanted epidural no matter what as I was petrified of giving birth without one. Time went on and about an hour later 1.00am the epidural was done I felt it working right away as I was unable to feel the contractions at over 100 on the drip machine. The midwife says she would give me another check at 4.00am to check how many cms I was. I was praying that I was further on and would have a natural birth without needing a section or forceps. She checked me at 3.30am and told me I was 10cm I was stunned couldnt believe it but really excited as I knew I was so c lose to meet my gorgeous boy. I then had a little top up of the epidural as I could start to feel the contractions a little and wanted to be completely numb for the pushing part. At around 4.15am I was told to start pushing which I thought would be the easy part. Basically because I had 2 epidurals I couldnt feel nothing my legs were jelly and I couldnt hold them up. I tryed pushing once or twice but couldnt get the hang of it as I couldnt feel so didnt know how to push she then told me to calm down and not to worry I would be able to do it its the same as being constripated. Half an hour later of pushing my little baby keyan popped out a lovely weight of 7lb 7oz which I was quite suprised by as I have had loads of growth scans saying he was on the small side just shows you how midwifes can be totally wrong lol. All I can say is the epidural was the best option of pain relief for me as im terrible with pain and defo couldnt have done it without it and totally recomend it to anyone. Best experience of my life would do it all again in a second. Baby Keyan




Also baby keyan has a bump on his head which was quite worrying as I never had forceps or anything with my delivery which usally explains why they have a bump. The doctor checked him over before leaving the hospital and says he is fine and it should go down within a week.

Sorry if I have blabbed a little I havent slept well and its all still a little blurry in my head lol.
thanks isobel for being my text buddy you were wonderful:dance:
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Well done you! Living proof that induction doesn't always end in a section!! He's gorgeous by the way, congratulations sweet heart. X
Yay!!!! Congratulations! He's so cute! x
Adele hes such a gorgeous little boy!! And thats a lovely pic of you and Keyan!
aww you look so proud!

That's a lovely photo of you and Keyan.

Congrats, he is gorgeous xx
He is amazing :love: I'm so glad everything went to plan for you! Well done hun, sounds like you coped really really well :hug: And :hug:'s to Keyan, gorgeous name xxxxx
Absouloutly Gorgeous! Congratulations xxx
awww keyan is gorgeous adele you must be so proud of him, and what a good weight he was too, well done you xxxx
thanks everyone not a very good birth story as i was half sleeping ( first night bk from the hospital) totally loving baby keyan though i just cant stop staring at him he is just perfect
Adele how is it to be a mum!! is it as scary as it seems? Are you up changing nappies and feeding all night long or do you manage to get sleep? :love:
Congrats he is a little sweetheart! Sounds like you had the complete opposite birth exprience from me- will def make sure I get the epidural next time!

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