My Boy Jake - 6th June 2011 - PHOTO'S ADDED!!!!


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Aug 8, 2010
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I was taken in for induction on saturday 4th June where I was given the 24 hour pessary. I was examined at about 11 am the following day where I was told I was 1cm dilated at best and would b taken to labour ward shortly. However, it seemed that as soon as the mw said that everyone else in the hospital decided to either have their waters break or go into established labour so I was left to wait.

At 6.30pm I was finally taken on to labour ward and to my delivery room. They managed to break my waters at about 7pm and I went for a walk. Contractions started pretty much straight away and I wad getting all the pain in my back and down my right leg.

At 8pm ish I was put on the drip and was getting about 2 contractions every 10 minutes ish. I was examined at about 11 ish was at 3-4 cms. At this point the pain in my back and leg was unbearable so I asked for epidural. Luckily they were able to come straight to my room and just as they were about to start giving me the epidural an emergency came in and I had to wait an hour longer. So I started on the gas and air which worked for a while.

Finally got the epidural, which stopped my back pain but I was still in excruiating pain in my leg so after a while they called him back and he tried to Adjust the epidural but nothing worked. He was just about to start the epidural again when I got the urge to push. The mw decided then to examine me and I was 9cms. I had gone from 3-4 to 9 in less than an hour. I couldn't get the epidural then .

It took another hour to get to 10 cms and I started pushing at 1.30am. I pushed for over 2 hours without getting anywhere. I was begging for the doctor to do anything for me to get the baby out- sections forceps the lot! Finally at 3.30 they decided to help me by using ventouse. Jake was finally born at 3.44am weighing 9lbs 5ozs. He had the cord wrapped twice around his neck and needed a little help before being handed to me.
I had to be cut but am not in too much pain with the stiches at the moment.

Jake is is perfect and we r both completely besotted with him. Pics to follow asap.
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You did so well honey huge congratulations :hug: can't wait for piccies xx
Aw well done hun and congratulations x
Congratulations! he is so beautiful.... im thankful to say that looking at him has made me broody..which is great because ive not felt like that when looking at another persons baby. wishing you a quick and speedy recovery after the stitches xxx
Congrats!! He is gorgeous!! Our babies share the same birthday! xx
Riotfox- I saw you had had your baby but my mind is so fuzzy at the moment I couldn't remember what date you had your baby on.

I am so totally in love with my little man, I spent hours just staring at him today and didn't get bored. I didn't want to hand him over to OH when it was time to start cooking tea!! I could eat him all up!!

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