Keyan Andrew Evans 7lb 7oz

being a mummy is the bestest isobel you will love it im telling you. Even getting up at all times at night as soon as you see his wee face it makes you smile and doesnt bother you being out of bed. Keyan is really good only wakes up every 4 hours or so for a feed and nappy change he never cries at all he is such a good boy.

haha annie i know no pain relief you are so brave seriously 1 of the reasons i got an epidural aswell was because i was induced the contractions are much stronger and come more regular i could never have handled the pain xx

i guess you cant understand until he is here how it will feel...
yeah i couldnt understand it before i had keyan but now i know exactly how it feels amazing there aint any other word to describe it i would go through all that labour again tomorrow just for him hes perfect xx
3 weeks isobel are you getting excited? You could go anytime now xxx
im most fed up to be honest haha i want the reward!! :love:
Fab birth story! You done so well, he's gorgeous! Perfect weight too xx
ahw well done adele!!! he is gorgeous and i'm so pleased you got the natural delivery too - it's great to hear successful stories of induction... i loved reading your story and your pics are beautiful.. well done x x x
aww kevan is beautiful! i love the bottom picture with you in, you are gorgeous! xxxxxx congrats xxxxxx
Huge congratulations on baby Keyan - what a lovely birth story
He is gorgous and has such a grown up mr Serious look about him- bless

Enjoy every minute X JJ

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