Keeping cats away from baby stuff

I had a net and it didn't stop my cat :(
He liked the Moses basket so just had to keep him out of the room when it wasn't in use, he never went near it when the baby was in it, found him in the cot a couple of times but that was before she moved into her room and now and again he'll sleep during the day on the changing table (it's in a sunny patch) or on the chair next to her cot

Our cat stays well away from her especially now she's mobile but then he does have his own room, until we have another baby anyway lol
We have 2 gorgeous cats who are both indoor cats. They used to sleep on our room with us bit I'm twitchy about the cat smothering the baby. Ronnie (our British short hair) comes for a cuddle every morning and sits on my chest! but by god she's heavy! So if she's causing me to struggle she could easily suffocate my baby!
I started just shutting them out o the bedroom but they would cry and scratch at the door at stupid o'clock. Now I've decided to shut them downstairs so they cant get up to the bedroom at night! But theyre funny little buggars, they properly ignore me and my husband in the mornings now, like it's punishment for keeping them downstairs!!

We have done the same, we have a british blue and he normally sleeps in the bedroom but since we have shut him out so he has time to get used to it he's just scratched and cried at the door, our other cat doesn't seem too fussed though.
My furry baby George hates children/babies - he doesn't cope well with the noise. My pram has the net And I'm thinking about having to shut him in one of the other bedrooms when baby is in with us. Although realistically its all George can do to escape the house when kids are present, he's not even keen on some adults. Will have to play it by ear-don't want to be to mean to him though, I'm his mummy and he was there first-just have to find a way of living in harmony together! Lol xx
My cat never bothered with the baby stuff. He did try to hide under the cot in the nursery as there is a big thick carpet in there and he likes it but I told him off and he doesn't go in there anymore (well I don't see him in there)

I shut him downstairs at night now so I can keep the doors open and hear the baby .

He hates it when she cries though, he runs a mile. I feel a bit sorry for him actually, he's been a bit neglected since the baby came and has spent loads of time outside.
Bedroom door was closed to the cat as soon as the cot was put up and he knows he's not welcome anymore . He's never shown any interest in the pram or any of baby's things I think he goes by smell if it smells like baby he doesn't wanna know . He is very good with our two year old and has learnt quickily to find himself good hidey holes for peaceful sleep. xx
Problem is we're in a one bed and if I close off the bedroom cat losses as lot of space as it's a massive room (she'll also lose somewhere she can go and escape guests / a screaming baby) so I don't really want to shut her out? It doesn't seem fair.

So we'll have to try the cat net over the crib.

By the time crib goes up I'll be on maternity leave though so I can spend some time geting cat used to what she is not allowed to do (because my cat is that obedient LOL yeah right!)

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awww thats so cute, she didnt ask for a baby. Im sure she'll love it when little one comes along.

we have started to keep our cats out of our bedroom at night as the baby will be in there but we are not too bad as we have a second room which they have never been in and know theyr not allowed this will be baby's room so were just doing the bedroom just now, so all of the things will be in the room. Our cats are quite sociable like when we are in the livingroom they are and with guests but our hall is quite big and they have like a cat tree so they kind of escape there.

Could you not get her a new wee bed and have her asleep maybe in the hall or living room? it is hard isnt it, i feel bad when david goes right get out bed time, usually Suri sleeps right under me under the bed lol

As for the pram and cot I think its going to have to be maybe just warn her if you see her going near it but its hard for me to say where to put her lol I would keep the door shut and let my cats in the hall etc - i dont know what your flat is like xxxx

PS cat nets sound good and bells, need to invest in these lol!
Hallway doesn't have any nooks and crannies and I don't want to force her to be int he same room as baby until she wants to!

Amber is fine with us but she is really timid around visitors and always hides when we have guests.

She has lots of hidey places in bedroom and knows she won't be bothered in there....

Sadly we're not in a position to move until I go back to work so we're going to be in a one bed until at least October 2013 (it's a massive bedroom but there is no way of patitioning)

I don't have a cat, but we have thought about getting one. If we did it wouldn't be allowed anywhere near any of the bedrooms, not just because of hairs but also the risk of cat sitting on LOs face when asleep. It's not a risk I want to take.
I don't have a cat, but we have thought about getting one. If we did it wouldn't be allowed anywhere near any of the bedrooms, not just because of hairs but also the risk of cat sitting on LOs face when asleep. It's not a risk I want to take.

I've done a lot of reading and it's a bit of an urban myth about cats sitting on babies faces :shock:

That said I have no intention of leaving baby and cat unattended together.

We'll use a cat net for crib and cat will know from moment crib goes up that she is not allowed in it..

I am pretty sure cat won't want to be anywhere near sure a sqaurky, noisy baby anyway so I imagine she'll go into hiding to begin with!

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It's just what I think personally. I wouldn't feel comfortable even with nets, as someone else said, they can still get past them. x
It's just what I think personally. I wouldn't feel comfortable even with nets, as someone else said, they can still get past them. x

Well I'm going to have to see how I get on as I am not about to toss my cat onto the street :shock:

I am sure all will be fine

Sorry Carnat I realize it's really difficult for you, but the cat may not sit on baby but if cat was to cuddle up to baby in the crib/cot and baby should make a sudden noise are you sure baby wouldn't be harmed ? that's my worry as cats will offen use their claws if their scared . As I say sorry to put that out there, also babies are very sentensive things like cat hairs so having cat near babies first things should really be avoided if at all possible. I know it's hard though .xx
I have 3 indoor cats who love sleeping on everything however I will just have to lock them out of the bedroom when the baby is in there. I'll put a sheet over the moses basket/crib when they go in there and if they sleep on the sheet it's not the end of the world although if I see them I'll shoo them off. Also going to be buying a cat tree and letting them all out once we move to a more countryside area so they'll enjoy roaming the garden instead of being stuck indoors all day.
Sorry Carnat I realize it's really difficult for you, but the cat may not sit on baby but if cat was to cuddle up to baby in the crib/cot and baby should make a sudden noise are you sure baby wouldn't be harmed ? that's my worry as cats will offen use their claws if their scared . As I say sorry to put that out there, also babies are very sentensive things like cat hairs so having cat near babies first things should really be avoided if at all possible. I know it's hard though .xx

This is the main reason I am thinking not to shut the cat out of the bedroom - as then she'll be forced into being in a room with a baby and that could be upsetting for her.

As I say when we have guests or the cat wants some peace she heads under the bed or onto one of the windowsills (or the bed) where she knows she won't be disturbed.

In the very early days I will have baby in living room with me in the daytime anyway (andnight-time we'll both be in bedroom). Cat can be shut out a night, I am sure she'll actually be grateful for that LOL

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Nat, tbh I think the best thing is obv to jus get the nets and see how amber is with baby. I totally understand and agree with you. I would never toss my cats out like u say the cats didn't ask for a baby and I'm sorry but I won't wait what may be 20 years for my cats to die before having a baby lol!

It is a myth and people say things about cats sitting on faces I've heard due to the milk smells oh and jealousy and then there was the one due to the heat of the baby its total nonsense, look at the people who grow up with dogs cats around them and they are totes fine.

You know amber and she will know baby is part of you theyr not daft and as long as you are prepared with the nets just see how she gets on! Like I said my two cats aren't going to be in our room or babys and will be kept an eye on but the best thing is just to take things as they come. She may be protective of the baby when comes orr scared of it or anything.

We are obviously smart not to leave baby and cat unattended so I doubt they would "harm" the baby xxxxx
Nat, tbh I think the best thing is obv to jus get the nets and see how amber is with baby. I totally understand and agree with you. I would never toss my cats out like u say the cats didn't ask for a baby and I'm sorry but I won't wait what may be 20 years for my cats to die before having a baby lol!

It is a myth and people say things about cats sitting on faces I've heard due to the milk smells oh and jealousy and then there was the one due to the heat of the baby its total nonsense, look at the people who grow up with dogs cats around them and they are totes fine.

You know amber and she will know baby is part of you theyr not daft and as long as you are prepared with the nets just see how she gets on! Like I said my two cats aren't going to be in our room or babys and will be kept an eye on but the best thing is just to take things as they come. She may be protective of the baby when comes orr scared of it or anything.

We are obviously smart not to leave baby and cat unattended so I doubt they would "harm" the baby xxxxx

It isn't a myth. Yes there are plenty of people who grew up with them and are fine but whos to say it won't happen? I'm sorry but if I had a cat and had to choose between the safety of my baby and the cat I would choose the baby every time.
It isn't a myth. Yes there are plenty of people who grew up with them and are fine but whos to say it won't happen? I'm sorry but if I had a cat and had to choose between the safety of my baby and the cat I would choose the baby every time.

I appreciate your point but I do think you are being a tad melodramatic :eh:

Nowhere have I said I am choosing my cat over my baby!!!

If I am going to worry about my cat suffocating my baby then surely I should also worry about all the other things that have a very remote chance of happening? Like me and pram being hit by a car / hit by lightning?

I am not belittling your opinion but getting rid of my cat on the basis that there is a very minute chance she may get in with the baby is just not going happen.

I am sure most cat owners will agree.

I will keep cat out of bedroom at night when we're in there to futher make sure my cat wont sit on my baby :shock: :roll:

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I am pretty sure nat with some common sense and maybe some cat nets you will be perfectly fine.
I have a feeling that the cat will want to be anywhere near a noisy poop smelling bean lol.
I worry more about hair all over with my dog (or cat if I had one) rather than they will harm the baby
Not sure if this article would be of any use

I know plenty of people that have pets and children that all seem to leave fairly harmoniously and the children have not ended up being mauled/suffocated - I think it may just take some time for the cat to adjust at first but that is to be expected. Hopefully all will be fine ad cat and baby will end up BFF's :lol:

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