Keeping cats away from baby stuff

I'm just overly paranoid about anything to do with baby being asleep, due to family medcal history. I think it's ok if people are comfortable with it, I personally am not. I don't mind cats and wouldn't mind one, but know I'd be forever watching it. x
I've got 3 cats and have never had any problems. They aren't allowed in either our bedroom or LOs bedroom, so no clothes or bedding ever have cat hairs on them. When he was tiny we had a Moses basket in the living room and not once did any of them attempt to climb in or sit on him, or anything else we were worried about. We didn't have any nets either. In my experience the noise a baby makes is more than enough to deter a cat from getting too near!
Nat, tbh I think the best thing is obv to jus get the nets and see how amber is with baby. I totally understand and agree with you. I would never toss my cats out like u say the cats didn't ask for a baby and I'm sorry but I won't wait what may be 20 years for my cats to die before having a baby lol!

It is a myth and people say things about cats sitting on faces I've heard due to the milk smells oh and jealousy and then there was the one due to the heat of the baby its total nonsense, look at the people who grow up with dogs cats around them and they are totes fine.

You know amber and she will know baby is part of you theyr not daft and as long as you are prepared with the nets just see how she gets on! Like I said my two cats aren't going to be in our room or babys and will be kept an eye on but the best thing is just to take things as they come. She may be protective of the baby when comes orr scared of it or anything.

We are obviously smart not to leave baby and cat unattended so I doubt they would "harm" the baby xxxxx

It isn't a myth. Yes there are plenty of people who grew up with them and are fine but whos to say it won't happen? I'm sorry but if I had a cat and had to choose between the safety of my baby and the cat I would choose the baby every time.

Excuse me but I don't think I said I'd chose a cat over a baby, what I said was I wasn't going to wait 20 years

and at the time of me getting my cats I didn't want a baby so didn't think that I would ever need to get rid of cats. There may have been cases were cats have attacked or sat on the baby but I highly doubt that the ratio of that compared to people who have grown up safely around cats is very rare.

As I have said I won't be leaving the cats unattended around my baby, they won't be in the room or babys room and as far as I'm concerned my baby will probably do just fine.

I understand that you have ur own opinion and that's obviously the reason you don't have a pet but those of us who have cats would find the way you put that across as if us having cats in the same house as he baby something bad will happen.. Xxx
I'm just overly paranoid about anything to do with baby being asleep, due to family medcal history. I think it's ok if people are comfortable with it, I personally am not. I don't mind cats and wouldn't mind one, but know I'd be forever watching it. x

I am sorry Em I realise that there are circumstances which make you personally very worried and concerned so please don't think I was being rude.

Also I have no intention of letting cat be anywhere near baby at night-time (or in the day-time if she doesn't want to be).

I'm not going to overthink it too much - baby will be here eventually and cat will have to deal with it. As long as she has somewhere peaceful to go and doesn't get in the baby things we'll be just fine

I think every cat owner knows their cat best, cats have their own personalities and quirks just like people do. We have different concerns for each of our cats, and again for our parent's cats because we know their personalities.

For example, my Ollie is too cute and loves everyone and everything. He'd quite happily snuggle with the baby if he was ever let near, so we're going to have to keep an extra eye on that. He already knows he's not allowed in the baby's room or near the moses basket, I've had them set up ready and waiting on purpose and now they're so used to it they don't bother. My Dora is so aloof (as girl cats tend to be!) that she will go in a huff before coming near baby. My concern with her is when baby becomes a toddler and gets curious, so that's when we'll have to be on alert for her. They already sleep downstairs most nights, so baby will not be endangered in any way at night time, and will always be under a watchful eye during the day.

I think it's unfair for anyone to assume that cat owners are not aware of the common sense procedures for having babies and pets in the same household. They made a conscious decision to get a pet and have a baby, and to shoot them down for this is just uncalled for. Many of us were brought up around cats as babies, which is probably one of the reasons we have cats now! Yes cats are very independent and have minds of their own, but they can be trained to do/not do certain things but we will always make sure that our beloved pets are not tossed to the side because of a new addition to the family.

It doesn't really matter what's a myth and what's genuine fact when it comes to cats and babies, every cat will be different and every household will be different. People will deal with it in their own way and I think it's fairly safe to say no one is going to purposefully endanger the life of their baby, or threads like this (looking for help and information) wouldn't be appearing on the forum.

Sorry for the long post!! xx
I'm just overly paranoid about anything to do with baby being asleep, due to family medcal history. I think it's ok if people are comfortable with it, I personally am not. I don't mind cats and wouldn't mind one, but know I'd be forever watching it. x

I am sorry Em I realise that there are circumstances which make you personally very worried and concerned so please don't think I was being rude.

Also I have no intention of letting cat be anywhere near baby at night-time (or in the day-time if she doesn't want to be).

I'm not going to overthink it too much - baby will be here eventually and cat will have to deal with it. As long as she has somewhere peaceful to go and doesn't get in the baby things we'll be just fine


I didn't think you were being rude. No need to apologise! :hug:

I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I'm just going to dip out of this thread now...
Yep cat nets. They do have different sizes. We have indoor cats n they don't go in Henry's room at all (they r used to that as it used to be a dumping ground n thru would've got lost in there!). We started locking them out of our room in December n Henry was due February. They have adjusted well to it. Not had them try to get in bouncer yet but we only get it out when we need it n makes sure its in Henry's room when it's not bein used x

Using tapatalk so can't see tickers :(
I'll watch close too as we have
Pressed send too soon!
We have 2 cats, mainly indoor, one is about 7kg and a gentle giant, the kitten is luckily smaller but has quite sharp claws and teeth
Hoping they will be scared by the baby crying making them wary, they sometimes get shut out now of the bedroom so think it won't be much hassle shutting them out, problems start when we shut them in... :(
We have two.

I'm not too concerned over how they'll be. I'm not going to buy any nets or anything as baby won't be left unattended.

My big boy will avoid a baby like the plague and my tiny lady cat loves babies so we'll keep an eye on her when they're in the same room. She's very meek though so will soon learn to avoid a baby once it can grab and make lots of noise.

I won't let the cats in our bedroom at night and will use common sense the rest of the time.

The cats are my babies too and I know we'll all be happy together.

I'm very excited to raise kids who love cats as much as DH and I do. As they're so loving and special I think it's a real benefit to have pets in childhood.

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