Cats vs Babies?

I've had my cat since DD was a toddler and he's more of a dog than a cat!!! He loves cuddles but is also independant and his temprement is so laid back and, despite DD picking him up, accidentally standing on him, playing dress up with him and lots of other things he has never ever scratched any of us. I've let mickey sniff every thing we've bought for Seb and, after initial sniffing, he's not been interested (which is weird because the Moses basket is exactly the type of place he'd head for to sleep in!). We're not bothering with cat nets but I can see why people do have them! The only thing we're doing is making sure we're not leaving baby alone with mickey, just as we wouldn't leave him alone with any animal
x we want another cat but we're going to wait until after Seb arrives to add any more to our family x I have been told ridiculous things like 'cats suck the breath of babies'-seriously?! It's ridiculous! Mickey is a part of our family and I couldn't imagine life without him!

We have 6 cats and i'm also a childminder so I always have kids around the house. Only 1 of mine pays any attention to the kids I care for and would happily sleep in their cot if I let her but I think it's only just coz she knows it'll annoy me lol.

Apart from her not liking baby cries she's not that bothered by them once she's had a good sniff! lol

My cat LOVES cuddles. Wont leave me alone, always draped over me in some manner heh. He is an indoor cat, Scared of outside, Im his security blanket heh. Im more worried about the dog to be honest, She is very insecure when im not around and with strangers and can get excited and bouncy. Wouldnt be too much fuss.. but she is a german shepherd O.o
i have 4 cats and apart from keeping them out of my room im not making any changes cats smothering babies is an old wives tale there not stupid most of my cats just sniff other peoples babys when they visit then bugger off lol im more worried about scratches from them as baby gets a bit older

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