***June 2016 Mummies***

Bunny I am so so sorry, thinking of you sweetheart, I am here to talk if you want to send a message anytime xx

Blueclass I am so glad to hear that everything went well today and I hope you can relax a bit knowing that all is well xx
Yeah I feel so much better. It still does not feel real though maybe the 12 week scan will make it feel real x
Up and down, honey. Still waiting for it to actually happen which will hopefully be soon so I can stop worrying about when it will happen xx
I had a raspberry leaf tea to help tastes mingin though. And a hot bath I found helped as well.
Glad everything went well at scan Blueclass, only a couple of weeks until our 12w one and hopefully it'll be a much better pic xx sorry you're feeling so rubbish Kanga - hopefully not for much longer. I have good days and bad days - today has been a nauseous one! lots of love to the ladies that have received bad news - I hope to see you all back in Tri1 soon xx
Hi ladies,
Kanga I'm wearing seabands and they seem to be helping to reduce the nausea, but i just can't seem to function...have spent all weekend on sofa...
Just read that lucozade can help, so I'm going to try that now x
Up and down, honey. Still waiting for it to actually happen which will hopefully be soon so I can stop worrying about when it will happen xx

Thanks for your kindness. I'm in the same place as you at the moment. I've started a June Mummies loss thread in the loss forum. There seemed to be so many of us I thought it would be nice to have a spot to chat.
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Thank you ladies. I think the stress of hubby's car crash on Friday plus I missed an anti sickness pill yesterday afternoon hasn't helped. Also I'm stressing about the bleeding and returning to work tomorrow :( my boss has been less than sympathetic and I feel forced to return when I'm not ready so worrying about it. Luckily hubby is off all this week so can watch the boys for me during the day.

Blueclass I'm glad your scan went well even if the pics aren't great. I felt a bit sore after my scan at 8 weeks so I know they can be a bit rough. Hope your not too sore now. xx
Kanga I know how you feel about work and bleeding. You have had a really stressful weekend! Can you sit down at work or take it easy? It's good hubby is off hope he is ok now?

I had been resting lots when I had my bleed so I don't think anything would stop it and sometimes it doesn't matter what u do these things can still happen. Has your bleeding stopped now?

Could you ring your EPU tomorrow and see what they say? X
So pleased for you, blueclass!! Its nice to see some good news in the June Mummies thread:-)
Sorry you feel rough kanga. Do you feel like your time off work has helped your nausea and tiredness? Could you maybe get a couple more weeks off? Scary re the bleeding but very reassuring to have a doppler.
Lou, ive just seen your bleeding scare. Really pleased all is well. This little bubba certainly likes to keep you on your toes;-) xx
Hope you feel better soon kanga!

Can't wait for my scan next sunday!! Xx
Blue class it's great all was good at your scan you must feel better now. And not too long until 12 weeks and great you will get to appreciate the difference! Xx
I can’t believe my scan is one week today!! Feeling excited about it…. But also really scared at the same time, nice to see some good news, also thinking of the other ladies for their loses xxx
Kanga I know how you feel about work and bleeding. You have had a really stressful weekend! Can you sit down at work or take it easy? It's good hubby is off hope he is ok now?

I had been resting lots when I had my bleed so I don't think anything would stop it and sometimes it doesn't matter what u do these things can still happen. Has your bleeding stopped now?

Could you ring your EPU tomorrow and see what they say? X
No chance to sit down or take it easy really as I'm a cleaner in some offices. I only do 4 hrs in the evening so it's not loads but enough to worry me. Hubby is doing fine, just annoyed at the guy being an idiot and crashing into him and then blaming hubby.

All I've done this weekend is chill out and still got the bleeding so it is worrying that doing more will make it worse. I know I have a subchorionic hemorrhage so possibly the cause of the bleeding. Still got a bit of brown blood on wiping today so it is easing off.

Don't know whether to phone the mw for an epu referral as my scan is Friday? Plus I can find the heartbeat on my doppler. This baby is a little pickle already! xx
So pleased for you, blueclass!! Its nice to see some good news in the June Mummies thread:-)
Sorry you feel rough kanga. Do you feel like your time off work has helped your nausea and tiredness? Could you maybe get a couple more weeks off? Scary re the bleeding but very reassuring to have a doppler.
Lou, ive just seen your bleeding scare. Really pleased all is well. This little bubba certainly likes to keep you on your toes;-) xx
The time off work does help as the more tired I am the worse the nausea and sickness is, especially working 7pm-11pm doesn't help when I'm in bed at 8:30-9 pm lately so wonder how is going to work. I would love more time off but my boss has been pestering me to return since I first went off sick, he has another cleaner off this week as well as me and he is covering the hours. I will do this week and if I can't cope then I will get signed off again. Even hubby hates me being off even though I'm struggling to do any house jobs even without working! xx
It's a tough one Hun and I think both of us need to be careful not to make it worse!! At my scan the lady said it would either continue to bleed, reabsorb and go or re fill and get bigger, she said if it gets very big it can cause premature contractions but it has to be v big, but if we do too much do we risk it getting bigger? I think u should phone because if they scan u now they might be able to see the area and measure it then on Friday they can re measure and see if resolving which would give u peace of mind? Plus they could sign you off work?? I am going in but I will be sat all day doing paperwork and I know my team won't letme do anything so I feel ok. About that but still a bit nervous!! Xx
Thank you Lou, I decided to phone up after getting another big load of brown blood. Been referred to the epu and should have a scan either today or tomorrow xx

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