Up and down, honey. Still waiting for it to actually happen which will hopefully be soon so I can stop worrying about when it will happen xx
No chance to sit down or take it easy really as I'm a cleaner in some offices. I only do 4 hrs in the evening so it's not loads but enough to worry me. Hubby is doing fine, just annoyed at the guy being an idiot and crashing into him and then blaming hubby.Kanga I know how you feel about work and bleeding. You have had a really stressful weekend! Can you sit down at work or take it easy? It's good hubby is off hope he is ok now?
I had been resting lots when I had my bleed so I don't think anything would stop it and sometimes it doesn't matter what u do these things can still happen. Has your bleeding stopped now?
Could you ring your EPU tomorrow and see what they say? X
The time off work does help as the more tired I am the worse the nausea and sickness is, especially working 7pm-11pm doesn't help when I'm in bed at 8:30-9 pm lately so wonder how is going to work. I would love more time off but my boss has been pestering me to return since I first went off sick, he has another cleaner off this week as well as me and he is covering the hours. I will do this week and if I can't cope then I will get signed off again. Even hubby hates me being off even though I'm struggling to do any house jobs even without working! xxSo pleased for you, blueclass!! Its nice to see some good news in the June Mummies thread
Sorry you feel rough kanga. Do you feel like your time off work has helped your nausea and tiredness? Could you maybe get a couple more weeks off? Scary re the bleeding but very reassuring to have a doppler.
Lou, ive just seen your bleeding scare. Really pleased all is well. This little bubba certainly likes to keep you on your toesxx