Thanks for the support ladies. I will post in the miscarriage and loss forum with my whole story, what there is of it, when I get the chance. In the mean time I'll pop in here from time to time to see how you are all getting on. Try to enjoy your pregnancies and not worry too much. Surely all the bad news for June mums must be over by now! I had actually managed to feel more relaxed about this pregnancy and didnt do the constant knicker checking symptom analyzing etc. I dont regret it because I feel like we enjoyed this pregnancy as much as we could instead of waisting it on worry. Not sure if I will be able to be so relaxed next time but will try my best. Please dont let my sad news stop your daily June mums chatter. If it gets too hard to read about the daily joys and niggles of other June mums I just avoid this thread for a while but at the moment I somehow get comfort from life going on. Despite the tears our two children can still bring smiles to our faces.