***June 2016 Mummies***

Is anyone showing yet? Today I've had so much stretchy pains going on and now have a little bump I can't suck in lol! Xx
Thanks for the support ladies. I will post in the miscarriage and loss forum with my whole story, what there is of it, when I get the chance. In the mean time I'll pop in here from time to time to see how you are all getting on. Try to enjoy your pregnancies and not worry too much. Surely all the bad news for June mums must be over by now! I had actually managed to feel more relaxed about this pregnancy and didnt do the constant knicker checking symptom analyzing etc. I dont regret it because I feel like we enjoyed this pregnancy as much as we could instead of waisting it on worry. Not sure if I will be able to be so relaxed next time but will try my best. Please dont let my sad news stop your daily June mums chatter. If it gets too hard to read about the daily joys and niggles of other June mums I just avoid this thread for a while but at the moment I somehow get comfort from life going on. Despite the tears our two children can still bring smiles to our faces.
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Hey BunnyN I'm sorry it was bad news. We was all thinking you would be one of the lucky ones that just has a bit of bleeding. Sending you lots of hugs and hope when your ready ur next baby will be your forever baby. Xx
Bunny, i'm so sorry it was bad news:( You seem like a very strong person so with your strength and positive thinking you'll get through this. Take your time to heal emotionally and I hope you have lots of support around you. Big hugs xxx
Millie, I look about 5 months pregnant and have done for a while. I used to be able to hold it in (although i couldnt breathe lol) but now i'm struggling to hold it in. 1 more week until scan and then i'll let it all hang out lol!

Kanga, congrats on the new car:) How handy to have a hubby who is a mechanic. Must have saved you a fortune!

Blueclass, good at your scan! Really hope there will be no more bad news for June mummies now. Lots of scans coming up in a week's time!!

My nausea is still easing off which makes me a bit nervous. With DS it didnt go until week 14. It comes in waves so i'm back to how I felt at 6 weeks. I told my midwife at booking-in and she said "oh good, your hormones have peaked and are now descending". She wasnt worried at all so i'm trying not to be. Just shows how each pregnancy is very different. Hope everyone has a nice Sunday. We're off to buy a new dining table & chairs. Our current one we've had since it was just the 2 of us in a small flat.
That's as exciting as it gets on a sunday;)
eeeeek!!! just realised I have only 8 days left in tri 1!!! I start tri 2 the day of my scan. I cannot wait! so nervous about scan though. my symptoms disappeared 2 weeks ago and I have been worried since...im just clinging to the fact that all was good at 8 weeks... :)
Good morning ladies hope everyone is having a nice weekend. I won £80 at bingo last night lol wad great fun. Next time im going to win the £1000. Now im preg i dont go to the pub or club so i went bingo. Surely we can't have any more bad news for us June mummies. It's exciting to be so close to tri 2. I can't wait then my worrying will ease.
I have my private scan at 2pm today really hoping it will be good news. I will let u all know. Keep everything crossed for us. Xx
Click on someone elses ticker you like and it will take you to their site. Then you put in your dates and it gives you a code that you can copy and paste in your signature.
Hey ladies, I'm having a pretty rough day with nausea and feel like throwing up constantly :( so chilling on the sofa watching films with the boys, Lion King was my choice and now Cars for Harry's choice.

Had quite a bit of red bleeding just now when I went to the loo which has shocked and worried me. Found the heartbeat straight after though so fingers crossed all is ok!

Good luck with your scan in a bit Blueclass, excited to see pics.

Love87 I can't believe we are getting so close to tri 2. I will have to make a new thread for us all :)

Babymaker it is so handy hubby is a mechanic, saves us so much money and earns us pocket money as he works on friends cars for them xx
Hi ladies my scan went well we saw the and heard the heart beat and baby gave a wave which was so so cute. I was a bit gutted as the quality was not great and you can't really see anything in the pictures which il attach. At 10 weeks you should see a baby and the pictures are crap it doesn't look like a baby yet. Also she pushed rather hard got a bit of a belly ache now. Anyway let me know what you think.
Hope your be ok kanga its good you can pick up the heart beat as that's really reassuring. Xx
So here's one pic xx


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