***June 2016 Mummies***

Thanks kanga. I do hear a whooshing sound debut didn't know what that was. Thought it might just be a weird belly noise haha x
Are you on the website or tapatalk?

Tapatalk - there is a little circle with ^ symbol then you click on the camera icon then select the picture. It will insert some text to the bottom of the post and converts into a picture once posted.

Website - at the bottom where the quick reply box is click go advanced, then the paperclip icon and a new page will open called manage attachments. Chose your file then click upload, repeat if more pics to add then close the window and finish your post then submit reply.

Hope that helps sjenkins xx
Odd pains here too! Well, not so much pain as weird discomfort, especially if I'm in bed and stretch out my legs too much, I have some odd sensation in the belly. Bluegrass, sorry to hear about the bin vomiting! I haven't thrown up at all, just felt sicky. With the boobs, it might just be because mine were tiny things to begin with and now need to grow to catch up lol - gone from a to d! Maternity jeans were from h&m by the way - spent ages in the city (leeds), asked in several shops if they had maternity wear and h&m was one of the only places. I love the jeans I bought though, got a couple of pairs that are the style I usually wear and i think I'll just wear them forever now, they're so comfy! X
Pearl999 beautiful pic by the way :-) does the midwife do the Doppler thing in the normal run of appointments guys, or is that just when you go for the first scan? 10 weeks and I'd like to at least hear there's something in there lol
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And blueclass sorry, my tablet always corrects you to bluegrass ahaha
Thanks Kanga going to try and show you my little bump that has just come out!! I'm also getting sharp pains on the top of tummy when I eat and drink!! Any clues to what that could be?? xxx
First time I got to hear the heartbeat at a mw app was the 16 week one. You can see it on the 12 week scan but I don't think I heard it then. I feel sick today and been vomiting every morning and night since 6 weeks I'm so over it all. 7th Dec il be 12 weeks can't come soon enough x
I will defo try and use the tips. I heard mine couple days ago at a private scan was really nice to hear it and not just seeing it. Made it feel more real xx
Had my flu jab today so feel like I've been hit in the arm. Last time I felt rubbish and couldn't lift my arm up for a couple of days afterwards so hoping not to get that this time as I think I've got enough already with nausea and exhaustion.
Blueclass, after saying I definitely wouldn't get a doppler because it would just stress me out, I caved a few days ago! I heard the heartbeat the first time I listened, but haven't been able to hear it since. I'm putting the doppler away until later in pregnancy as I am going to drive myself crazy.

I have a private scan booked for tomorrow evening so I'll see what that brings. My symptoms disappeared almost completely last week and I was panicking, but this week mild nausea has returned and I fainted (this was one of my early symptoms) a few days ago. So we'll see...
Actually, stupid question - is a scan at 10 weeks ish going to be a tummy scan or a vaginal scan? I'm guessing tummy scan but don't know if I need to try and frantically tidy up my bikini line just in case (TMI?!).
They then did internal though but that was for closer look at my ovaries etc xxx
I had a 6 weeks abdo scan so def should be at 10 weeks Hun. When I booked my private at 6 weeks I didn't even think internal luckily they did it externally otherwise would have been so embarrassed! X
how is your bleeding kanga? have you had a scan?
My bleeding stopped last night thankfully but didn't get a call from the epu til 3pm today. Got a scan at 10am tomorrow so wondering if I should move my 12 wk scan on Friday to next week or still go to it even though it's just two days later? xx
Decide after the scan Hun see if they see anything if they do then keep Friday to see how it's progressing? And if nothing is seen then I guess it would not matter x

I asked the midwife today about resting and work etc and she said no physical activity!! My job is physical! They had no real advice as to how careful to be etc you could still see area on scan but it does look like its clotting. So I decided to take today and tomorrow off just to be extra safe, plus my tummy feels sore in certain positions did yours after the bleed? X
Damn, one of my work bosses just outright asked if I was expecting. I haven't been down to that office for a while and he spotted it straight away. Told him I wasn't telling people yet as I'm only 10 weeks and he said 'I think you're further along than that' (which I'm certain I'm not!). I'm now paranoid that I'm bigger than I should be at 10 weeks... heh... my partner keeps joking about twins... it no longer feels like the bloating I was having a couple of weeks ago. Is this normal at 10 wks? I was always quite slim build and flat-bellied, perhaps this is why it's more noticeable?

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