***June 2016 Mummies***

Yay great news kanga! So you're officially in Tri 2!! Whoop whoop xx
Omg babymaker, that is scary to think! I will hide in tri 1 until the rest of June Mummies start having scans and moving over and I will do a new thread on tri 2 for us all xx
I will set up our tri 2 thread on Friday after my scan, seriously can't believe we are approaching tri 2 though! I'm still struggling to believe I'm pregnant let alone have another baby lol xx
Great news Kanga! Glad it all went well.

I had my private scan this evening at 10+5 weeks. Despite the fact that my symptoms have almost completely gone, there is a baby in there measuring bang on for dates and with a good heartbeat.

However, my new worry is that the sonographer mentioned that the baby's bowel is still outside the abdominal wall. Apparently it develops outside the body and then goes in at around this time. She said it should be within the abdomen by 11 weeks and that chances are it would be on my next scan. However, 11 weeks is only 2 days away!! I initially wasn't worried at all when she said this, but she went on to bring it up another couple of times before my appointment finished and then I began to wonder why she kept discussing it... I'm now petrified and googling hasn't helped.
Try not to worry Siskin. I'm sure on your next scan all will be where it should be xx
Excellent news Kanga, glad scan went well. Good news on your scan siskin, try nt to worry about things , I
bet at your next scan everything will be normal and STOP googling, it always brings up the worst �� xx
<div><a target=_blank href=http://www.pregnology.com/pregnancy/06/04/2016><img border=0 width=450 height=185 src='http://www.pregnology.com/preggoticker2/777777/000000/My%20pregnancy/06/04/2016.png' alt='Pregnancy%20ticker'></a><br><a style=font-size:9pt;color:#444444 target=_blank href=http://www.pregnology.com>Make a pregnancy ticker</a></div>
Hi ladies, sorry I've missed bits my shifts mean that sometimes I don't get to catch up. I had my scan today all appears well and due date now 3/6/16 so I'm 12 weeks tomorrow. Hope your all ok xx
How's everyone feeling? Glad all went well bunny that's good news. I'm still feeling very sick and tiered but am ok. Xx
Iv been getting waves of nausea today. I'm not sick just start heaving then it goes or feel sick for a short while. Can't wait till my scan on the 2nd I'm tempted to go private again lol next week but I know my husband will think I'm nuts x
Yay so glad your scan went well CCbunny.

Keeptrying I am still feeling quite rough but doing so much better now I'm 12 weeks. Really hope your sickness starts easing up soon too.

Blueclass I understand the need to have lots of scans. In my 1st pregnancy my 12 week scan was my 4th one, in my 2nd my 12wk scan was my 3rd and in this one it will he my 4th scan tomorrow too. It gets so much better once you can feeling baby move. I say if you have the money go for another private scan, you can't beat having the memories to remember rather than just worrying if all is ok.

I'm sat at work and should be working but I have no energy tonight and really can't be bothered. Wish it was home time already, another 2hrs to go!

Scan is at 11 am tomorrow morning so I will see if I stay a June mummy or become May one officially. Although I'm still going to stick with the June Mummies group xx
Oh blueclass the nausea is hard work, I had some this time but had lots with my daughter in 2013, I found the sea sickness bands helped. I've had 2 private and my NHS scan so far at only 11+6 and I know I'll book more!! But once I feel movements in happier.
Good luck with your scan tomorrow kanga xx
I don't know if I've done it right but I've tried to attach my scan photo xx


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Thankyou! I'm glad it's worked! The little wriggler didn't stop moving so they was struggling to get a picture!
Aww fab photo CCbunny. Are you finding out the sex? I love having guesses from scans xx

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