***June 2016 Mummies***

I wouldn't worry about his comment. People will always comment on the size of your bump, either that it is big or small but pregnancies really do vary a lot. I would imagine that you might show sooner than some others due to your slim build. I just look fat, lol!
I had my reassurance scan tonight, thankfully everything is progressing nicely and heard little heartbeat which was lovely, my husband was moaning about the cost but I think it was £80 well spent x
Blueclass, after saying I definitely wouldn't get a doppler because it would just stress me out, I caved a few days ago! I heard the heartbeat the first time I listened, but haven't been able to hear it since. I'm putting the doppler away until later in pregnancy as I am going to drive myself crazy.

I have a private scan booked for tomorrow evening so I'll see what that brings. My symptoms disappeared almost completely last week and I was panicking, but this week mild nausea has returned and I fainted (this was one of my early symptoms) a few days ago. So we'll see...

Well iv not found mine yet but I did hear it at my scan. I will keep trying every other day. I do think you can use it to much but I think if you just use it every now and then it's fine. At 10 weeks it should be a tummy one if your going private because there not mw. Usually only mw would do internal if they was looking for something. I would not have the other type in a private scan. Plus 10 weeks the baby is big enough to see. Xx
Maud, ive got my flu jab next tues. Not looking forward to a dead arm lol! Hope yours gets better.
Walkergirl, great news re scan! i always think you cant put a price on peace of mind;-)
Good luck tomo kanga!! If i were you i'd go to the scan then see how you feel afterwards whether you want to change the next one or not. 6 days and counting till mine. Providing everything is ok (touch wood) one of the things im most excited about is telling our DS. Just hope he doesnt say something like "no thanks, dont want a bro/sis" lol
Blueclass just wanted to say I've had an internal scan by a private scan clinic as ours is run by ultrasound technicians that also work in the hospital. I've had the same lady scan me several times at both a private scan and at the hospital.

Although a 10wk one would be an abdominal scan. Good luck Siskin.

Thank you baby maker and lou, I think I will keep the same dates save the faff of trying to change it, especially as I had to do enough to get it booked in the first place.

So glad your scan went well this evening walkergirl.

I'm still at work at taking a 5mins sit down for a drink before continuing. So ready for home and bed though xx
How poor women who get morning sickness all through pregnancy copy I don't know! finally starting to be able to drink fluids and eat bits again. have been wearing sea bands on my commute and didn't realise how well they were working till I forgot them today and vomited as soon as I got through the door.
Stephylou did u go to hospital in the end? I did teply to ur other thread about cyclizine. Hope ur feeling ok xx
Good luck kanga xx everything will be fine :) every time I have a scan I am so nervous! Even when there is only a few days in between! Enjoy Hun xx
Good luck kanga let us know. I feel horrible today sick as anything and just took me half an hour to shower as I find it easier to sit down when I'm feeling sick. I hate it feel like such a rubbish mum at the moment sorry for the rant xx
All was well with baby :) they were very active and they struggled to get the measurements lol apparently I'm measuring at 12+6wks so 6 days ahead!! Not sure how! And due date of 26th May, although I'm not leaving June Mummies :)

Keep trying don't worry about ranting I understand completely. I'm having some more ok days than really bad at the mo but this weekend was awful. Hubby is off work this week so doing everything for the boys which is good. I feel like a bad mum at times but I just remember it's for a short time and they won't remember it xx
All was well with baby :) they were very active and they struggled to get the measurements lol apparently I'm measuring at 12+6wks so 6 days ahead!! Not sure how! And due date of 26th May, although I'm not leaving June Mummies :)

Keep trying don't worry about ranting I understand completely. I'm having some more ok days than really bad at the mo but this weekend was awful. Hubby is off work this week so doing everything for the boys which is good. I feel like a bad mum at times but I just remember it's for a short time and they won't remember it xx

fantastic news Kanga, hope you have a good weekend with plenty of rest xx
They measured a small area while doing the scan but never mentioned it and they didn't put anything in the report I have. So not sure what to think. Just taking it easy at home until work later, so fingers crossed I won't get any more bleeding now, maybe the bleed I had over the weekend was the subchorionic hemorrhage emptying and it hasn't refilled xx

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