***June 2016 Mummies***

Congratulations kanga, it's nice to be moved forward rather than back like I was!! X
Has anyone else read millielauras journal? It sounds like she is losing her baby again :( it's so sad I feel so sad for her.... It's so unfair! X

Ive just seen it and commented. How awful:-( i cannot begin to imagine what she's going through.
Omg how awful for Millie :( I really thought this was her take home baby. Thinking of you Millie if you see this xx
Good morning ladies hope your all well? Iv had a busy few days. I told one of my close friend that we are expecting last night at dinner by giving her a envelope with the private scans in. Just praying everything is ok in there and my baby is going strong. I hate having to wait till 2nd Dec feels ages away. It's also crazy to think I am now 11 weeks so nearly 3 months.
I did not sleep at all well last night I get really awful dreams which are so real like they are terrifying lol. Woke up about 4 times! I also think I'm coming down with a cold as I'm snotty, can't breath and feel a bit poo. Thought I'd been lucky not getting ill so far but looks like it is coming. I can't afford to go sick yet as need a sick day in December for husbands 30th haha. Anyway I'm pregnant so I shouldn't be moaning. Iv not read millies journal but I will do. I hope she is not losing this baby. Surely there can be no more bad luck for us June mummies not when we are so close to tri 2 xx
Hello.....I've been stalking this thread and July mummies as unsure of weeks. As I heard the hb yesterday on my doppler it's looking like I might belong in here.
I hope you're okay, it seems like there's been some sad stories.
Hope you don't mind me posting, despite being unofficial.
Hoping mw books me a scan at appt next Friday.
All the best to everyone xxx
two more weeks until 2nd Trimester. Can I ask when did everyone get their letter with scan date?
In my previous pregnancies I got the letter just before 11 weeks. This time I hadn't heard by 11+2wks so phoned up my mw to find out they hadn't sent the referral to the hospital. Managed to book a scan that day over the phone after several more calls xx
Hi umbongo, congratulations. I remember you around when I had my daughter in sept 2013.

I got my letter at 8 weeks along with my booking in letter appt. xx
Hi I got mine around 8 weeks or so maybe. I got my booking in app and my 12 week scan in the same envelope x
My scan is tomorrow at 9.30. I'm dreading it. The I'm so nervous something is wrong. No pain and no bleeding is surely a good sign though ya? Anyone else with scan tomorrow?
Good luck with your scan tomorrow morning Love87. I think babymaker and sjenkins have afternoon scans tomorrow. So excited to see all the pics xx
Hey umbongo welcome to the group :) how you feeling? Xx
Thanks for the welcomes everyone.

I've been pretty queasy although not actually sick and last time I was sick daily for a fair few weeks. I do feel less sick the last day or two. Exhaustion has been a killer, running round after a toddler is exhausting anyway! She also doesn't sleep through ever.

Hi CCbunny, your name is familiar! My daughter was born Sept 2013 too.

I'm hoping for a homebirth again. Last time I ended up with an emc due to the baby's heart rate dropping. Had an awful time in hospital despite my daughter being fine.
Anyway, anyone else considering a homebirth? X
My scan is tomorrow at 9.30. I'm dreading it. The I'm so nervous something is wrong. No pain and no bleeding is surely a good sign though ya? Anyone else with scan tomorrow?

Mine's 11:30 but if it's anything like last time I probably wont be seen till 12/12:15:wall2:
All depends on the scans before mine. Im a bit nervous but fairly certain there's something in there as ive been getting alot of round ligament pains the past week or 2. But im most nervous about the Downs test results.
Good luck tomorrow love87 and sjenkins! Look foward to seeing your pics:-)
thanks babymaker! I know mine will not be at 9.30 as here in Ireland your scan and booking in is done on the same day so it is going to be a long morning of bloods, urine, scan etc.... best of luck to you and sjenkins tomorrow. exciting times. I will update as soon as I can as I have a parent/tutor meeting tomorrow for DD at 1! long busy morning. xxxxx

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