July mummies!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Hi guys! How r u doing? Who's next to pop?! I still go about 11 days so I don't think it's me?! X

Hey :) I've a bit longer too , feeling better today , you ? Who's next xxx
Hey girls - I've got about 19 days to go and I'm starting to get a wee bit impatient! Everything is done and ready for baby's arrival! I can easily keep myself occupied during the day, but the SPD is excruciating sometimes and the thought of going overdue is awful! - I don't think my Birthing Centre will give me a sweep until 41 weeks either :(

I need methods to speed things up! What are you girls up to? xxx
i mean this in the nicest possible way... but it had better be me next!!!!!
Lol! Bless! It's odd I do feel like I'm in tri one again knicker watching and pain spotting but it's odd cause I want it to happen lol!! X

I want to POP asap.. but still got 17days :'( how's everyone feeling? I still don't feel any pressure down below :S
Well I've still got a couple of weeks, but dtd last night (when did sex become robotic and not romantic, lol), and ive got chronic back ache today, but nothing else, getting very impatient.
packed hospital bags this morning, nothing like leaving it to the last min ey :)
Im going in tomorrow for a c-section so could likely be me if no1 pops b4!! x
Kay u must be our next July nummy then unless anyone else pops today!! Lol xx

Exciting! It must be nice to know when you're going to meet your LO, if a little scary!

I've got 18 days to go - can just see myself going into August which I REALLY don't want to!!! I feel very different though, she's moved so low and I've been nesting like a crazy woman! Keep getting aches and pains, fingers crossed we'll all be soon!!!!

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I better pop soon too im going crazy never been overdue b4!!!!! lost my plug n been having mild irregular contractions but nothing to shout about really! xx
As far as due dates go looks like I'm next in line apart from the two girls who are overdue! 4 days till due date!! Can't see anything happening any time soon though. I get the occasional period-like pains and think oooh this could be the start of things but I'm starting to think now that I'll end up having to be induced.
I feel bad for complaining now :( you poor overdue ladies xx
I've got 8 days left till due date :)
Have to be honest I don't feel like it's going to happen any time soon lol
I've gone from feeling like I'm going to be early to feeling like I'm going to be at least a few days over due lol
My OH is driving me mad saying I'll go early . I keep telling him to please stop because its only going to frustrate me
Lol yeah I'm blaming everyone for the fact baby hasn't come yet, they have all been telling me I'll go early the whole time
Leibiloo thats sounding positive! Its been nice change knowing how long is left this time as i was overdue with Ethan so i sympathise with all you overdue mummies! Hope you all enjoy the last of your pregnancies and i'll keep you all updated on little ones arrival tomorrow! x
I better pop soon too im going crazy never been overdue b4!!!!! lost my plug n been having mild irregular contractions but nothing to shout about really! xx

Aw no way I was thinkin other day if u had ur Lil one yet!!

Fingers crossed u go soon, I'm so glad I went early but I just knew I would, not long now tho if u have lost ur plug x x x

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