July mummies!!

Yea very tired and sleep is so crap but counting down the days! I also think I'm starting to waddle!!! Lol! I did do most of my hossie bag but then needed the bag for our weekend away at the baby show so gotta repack lol x
I'm not feeling too tired but everything hurts down below if I roll over in bed or walk far :( and my feet are killing me lol.. atleast we don't have long now!!

I've done most of the hospital bag tinytoes but still got some bits and bobs to get, hopefully get the rest this week :) what size is your bag? I feel like mine is huge haha x
I've done mine n babys bags, got the changing bag for baby n just a jd bag for me, what ever I've forgot people can bring me but thinking got it all,
I'm major fed up just want baby here, every thing hurts but it's just lack of being settled that's stressing me, i know lifes going to be turned up side down in 4 weeks n I just want it here now so I can get in routines,

Other then that alls good odd period pains n pressure down there, n bk ache, still hoping I'll come early x
im tired and fed up now girls :( just want my little guy here and to feel normalish again anyone else feeling the same?

as for my hospital bag its got wheels haha is that too OTT? its like a holdhall on wheels its cute... nearly got it packed just need to wash little mans clothes and some new pj's for me.

I feel the same! Everywhere I go people say you look like your going to pop. I'm like I feel like it!! Hosp bag almost ready gotta wash baby's clothes and put done stuff in for fella but just counting down the days! X
your bump is very cute constantstar... getting nursery finished and my hospital bag finished this weekend for definate then the 4 week countdown is on!

p.s i need a text buddy still... any offers? my due date 8th july xxx
Stacey I can be yours too if u need someone as I'm due 2 weeks later! Just pm me if u would like :)
Definitely ready to get Kermit out! It's been over 100 degrees for the past two weeks. I feel like a turkey baking in the oven. Not to mention the girls are out of school for summer break and want to go to the pool everyday. Just packed his bag last night. Not sure when I'm gonna do mine. I'm so tired it's a shock I can get anything done. Hope all is well for you ladies.
i still need a text buddy?? i not been on hear recently becouse had a bereevment in the family xx
i still need a text buddy?? i not been on hear recently becouse had a bereevment in the family xx

Hope your ok hun :hugs:

Chubbie Love, Merfairy and confuzed still need buddies i think! x
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How we all feelingggggg??

Fed up my self, times draggggging so much a day feels like a week, I no I need to snap out of it coz I could poss have 6 week left if I go over? But I finding it impossible with the constant BH n pressure nouns down below
It's like every time I just try n get on wi it I get a reminder she there n could come any day!!!! Gr haha x x

Hope ur all feeling good x
I'm def counting down the days ;) went to antenatal class today with oh which was interesting and got to look around hospital too :) my mum lives abroad so she is over in 3 weeks too so just counting down the days :) can't wait to meet him.. Keep thinking who will he look like, how big will he be, can I get through labour on gas and air.. Etc so many questions I won't know the answers until it happens!! X
Just wishing everything would hurry up now, can't wait to meet him :) got the final bits for hospital bag the other day and finished for mat leave on Friday, dunno what im gonna do to keep myself busy.. I can't stop cleaning :lol:

Hope everyones well xxx
Just wishing everything would hurry up now, can't wait to meet him :) got the final bits for hospital bag the other day and finished for mat leave on Friday, dunno what im gonna do to keep myself busy.. I can't stop cleaning :lol:

Hope everyones well xxx

I'm same it's like just waiting now, I feel like I've been pregnant 3 years!! Hurry up babyssss

We might av some early arrivals u never no x

I've ad loads of signs but I bet it's just wishfully thinking but I'll be texting u letting u no haha x
I'm same it's like just waiting now, I feel like I've been pregnant 3 years!! Hurry up babyssss

We might av some early arrivals u never no x

I've ad loads of signs but I bet it's just wishfully thinking but I'll be texting u letting u no haha x

Haha i know it feels like sooooooooo long!!

Hopefully your signs are real ones hun, can't wait for some more labour watches!! :dance:

Wonder who will be first from the july mummies :) x
I'm same it's like just waiting now, I feel like I've been pregnant 3 years!! Hurry up babyssss

We might av some early arrivals u never no x

I've ad loads of signs but I bet it's just wishfully thinking but I'll be texting u letting u no haha x

Haha i know it feels like sooooooooo long!!

Hopefully your signs are real ones hun, can't wait for some more labour watches!! :dance:

Wonder who will be first from the july mummies :) x

Jld is the official one as she was due 5th July I think n already had lil Edie

But yep I wonder who will be up against each other, will we have late June babys up against julys bunch n who if anyone in July will go in June hehe so excitinggggggh x x x
Doesn't look like we're going to have many June babies arriving in July nadine! Their all popping out :lol:

How's everyone feeling?? :)

Ho i no, there all being good Lil babys n comin on time, let's hope julys bunch r as well behaved x
Im also 4th july same as you nadine do you want to be text buddies?? as we r allready friends on facebook ill just message you my number I wonder which one of us will pop first lol my last was 8 days early :) xx

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