I have SPD, and I have been given exercises, told me the support belt I spent £30 on was useless and then gave a random cutting of a stretchy bandage to use as a support belt (which really itches and I ended up throwing it away after a week!) and crutches by the physio but personally felt like she didn't have much of an idea about how to treat the condition and just went for the easiest, quickest option and also instead spent most of her time telling me how to lean on the wall to relieve pressure. I have a physical job and can't just lean on a wall for most of the day, I ended up working reduced hours and I'm now on Maternity Leave (my originally planned date). The only thing that really helped me was reducing my hours and therefore aggravating the pain less! I use my crutches now if I'm going long distances but the rest and gentle movement rather than being on my feet all day has really helped. Wish I'd sought the help of a chiropractor myself as people on here have written loads about positive experiences with them! Will see how I go once baby is born, but the past week or two it has gotten worse instead of better but I think that's down to baby being bigger and becoming more engaged! (I am 36+3) X