**** july mummies 2018 *****

Survived the work Christmas do being much more sober and well behaved than usual... I sort of tried to ensure it was a less noisy affair than usual by organising an escape room followed by a meal so at least the first hour or so people weren’t drinking because they didn’t want to fail at the escape room.

Home now and absolutely shattered! So excited to hear there are more scans soon! Feel like I’ve hit a milestone today, this is when my mc started last time and all seems well..
Aww ladies that was me for 3 days with ruined sleep, it sucks but it goes away, hang in there xxx

Thanks Shan for opening the Tri 2 thead, I think we all equally look forward to transferring over there :D

This forum is amazing and offers all the support. I was here with DD and after she was born we moved onto a privet group on facebook (quicker access) and I swear to God it was sooo great as we all had milion questions and worries etc when babies were born. Now our kids are toddlers but we still keep in touch almost daily. It really is nice to have support of people who go through the same stuff at the same time as you xx

this is a great idea, we should do this
there is a lot of negative press about dopplers which it totally understandable. I do have one though and plan to use it with DD so she can listento baby and be involved

eek for my 12 week scan at 930 tomorrow! I'm so nervous. so excited though. one of my very best friends lives in Wales and I've just written her Xmas card and signed it "lots of love from *, *, * and bump". I can't believe I've managed to keep it a secret from her, I've made her a Christmas hamper so all being well tomorrow I'll pop to the post office tomorrow after the hospital and post it off. I wanted to keep it secret until she visits in two weeks but I don't trust my other friends not to accidenntly blab when I tell them tomorrow

that's a lovely idea
It is a lovely idea and I'm in.

We have this evening, cooked the first turkey crown. We do this to get the juices for gravy as we actually put our Christmas turkey on the smoker so it's stupendously juicy. So...this has meant I've just made up a Yorkshire pudding batter and about to do them, gravy is on the go and we're having Yorkshire, Turkey and gravy for dinner tonight. Fuck the veg, can't be arses, lol. Just a comfort food night :)

Hope all you ladies are feeling okay. Can't wait for the next lot of scans xxx
GG that burger looks amazing and I would love a Turkey dinner. I've got a whole chicken in the fridge for a roast but can't actually be bothered to cook it and all the veg. maybe I'll have a chicken and Yorkshires night haha
GG that burger looks amazing and I would love a Turkey dinner. I've got a whole chicken in the fridge for a roast but can't actually be bothered to cook it and all the veg. maybe I'll have a chicken and Yorkshires night haha

Do It, why go the whole hog...just cook the best bits :)
Hey everyone :) hope you don't mind me joining in again. Still feeling a bit tentative here as I know you guys all know each other well by now. I vanished because I've been really really ill basically since my last post a few weeks back. I don't even seem to be able to function and cry all the time.

I read all the posts I missed... About 300+ haha it has been amazing to see that all the symptoms such as nausea, actual sickness, banging headaches, exhaustion,, random waking up in the night, insomnia, and the random pains in my side aren't abnormal and that as sucky as it is that we feel crap it's nice to know I'm not suffering alone. Was beginning to beat myself up as I'm just not coping well and was thinking why am I such a moany cow and why can't I just pull myself together. Feels so much better to know the symptoms aren't just me overreacting and are actually common in tri1.

Those scan pics are amazing and congrats to everyone who has had their scan and I'm so pleased it was all positive! I'm really excited for our scan but I'm only 8+2 and haven't had a booking appointment date confirmed yet.

My mum outed me to the rest of my family even though she asked me if she could tell them and I clearly said no. She then set it up that they were all suspicious and then said things like "oooh ask your sister she might have some news" so I ended up having to tell my brother and his gf now and God knows who else knows. My mum is a blabber mouth and also very controlling so I'm not even surprised she didn't listen to me. Haha

Hope everyone is feeling better.am I right in thinking that the symptoms may get betterish about 10 weeks? Is there hope? Haha I'm losing the will to live xxxx

Sent from my G8141 using Tapatalk
Hey everyone :) hope you don't mind me joining in again. Still feeling a bit tentative here as I know you guys all know each other well by now. I vanished because I've been really really ill basically since my last post a few weeks back. I don't even seem to be able to function and cry all the time.

I read all the posts I missed... About 300+ haha it has been amazing to see that all the symptoms such as nausea, actual sickness, banging headaches, exhaustion,, random waking up in the night, insomnia, and the random pains in my side aren't abnormal and that as sucky as it is that we feel crap it's nice to know I'm not suffering alone. Was beginning to beat myself up as I'm just not coping well and was thinking why am I such a moany cow and why can't I just pull myself together. Feels so much better to know the symptoms aren't just me overreacting and are actually common in tri1.

Those scan pics are amazing and congrats to everyone who has had their scan and I'm so pleased it was all positive! I'm really excited for our scan but I'm only 8+2 and haven't had a booking appointment date confirmed yet.

My mum outed me to the rest of my family even though she asked me if she could tell them and I clearly said no. She then set it up that they were all suspicious and then said things like "oooh ask your sister she might have some news" so I ended up having to tell my brother and his gf now and God knows who else knows. My mum is a blabber mouth and also very controlling so I'm not even surprised she didn't listen to me. Haha

Hope everyone is feeling better.am I right in thinking that the symptoms may get betterish about 10 weeks? Is there hope? Haha I'm losing the will to live xxxx

Sent from my G8141 using Tapatalk

Oh Laura, you poor thing...for all of it. First of all, you have every right to be angry at your mum's behaviour. Very narcissistic and controlling, not actually telling them but planting the undeniable seed. Allows her to act the innocent and even victimised party if you have a go at her, despite her behaving entirely consciously! I have a mother in law like it. So few people understand how manipulative these people can be.

I think it would be fair to say most of us saw improvements in nausea around week 9-10 But most of us have had it come back on and off along with other things as you've read. It will get better for you but please don't worry about having a damn good moan if you want one.

Big hugs xxx
Hey everyone :) hope you don't mind me joining in again. Still feeling a bit tentative here as I know you guys all know each other well by now. I vanished because I've been really really ill basically since my last post a few weeks back. I don't even seem to be able to function and cry all the time.

I read all the posts I missed... About 300+ haha it has been amazing to see that all the symptoms such as nausea, actual sickness, banging headaches, exhaustion,, random waking up in the night, insomnia, and the random pains in my side aren't abnormal and that as sucky as it is that we feel crap it's nice to know I'm not suffering alone. Was beginning to beat myself up as I'm just not coping well and was thinking why am I such a moany cow and why can't I just pull myself together. Feels so much better to know the symptoms aren't just me overreacting and are actually common in tri1.

Those scan pics are amazing and congrats to everyone who has had their scan and I'm so pleased it was all positive! I'm really excited for our scan but I'm only 8+2 and haven't had a booking appointment date confirmed yet.

My mum outed me to the rest of my family even though she asked me if she could tell them and I clearly said no. She then set it up that they were all suspicious and then said things like "oooh ask your sister she might have some news" so I ended up having to tell my brother and his gf now and God knows who else knows. My mum is a blabber mouth and also very controlling so I'm not even surprised she didn't listen to me. Haha

Hope everyone is feeling better.am I right in thinking that the symptoms may get betterish about 10 weeks? Is there hope? Haha I'm losing the will to live xxxx

Sent from my G8141 using Tapatalk

Oh Laura, you poor thing...for all of it. First of all, you have every right to be angry at your mum's behaviour. Very narcissistic and controlling, not actually telling them but planting the undeniable seed. Allows her to act the innocent and even victimised party if you have a go at her, despite her behaving entirely consciously! I have a mother in law like it. So few people understand how manipulative these people can be.

I think it would be fair to say most of us saw improvements in nausea around week 9-10 But most of us have had it come back on and off along with other things as you've read. It will get better for you but please don't worry about having a damn good moan if you want one.

Big hugs xxx

Thank you GG, big hugs! I'm glad I don't just come across as harsh and nasty but it's just cuz I'm sick of my mum controlling everything that's not hers to decide and it's been for my whole life :( even at 28 she tries to dictate my life and is actually quite verbally abusive if I don't do as she demands. She's had a few outbursts and has told me twice now, the latest time was this morning, that she feels bad that this baby has me for a mother :( I'm currently having to live with her so I'm trapped too and have nowhere really to go :(

I'm normally strong enough to deal with her but another downside of feeling fragile and ill and emotional is that her biting comments are getting to me more and upsetting. At least I have my wee hubby to look after me. He's been a total star and practically waits on me hand and foot haha makes me feel bad cuz I don't want him acting like the staff but honestly I'd not even cope as badly as I am now without him xx

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Caught up and read 2 pages of burger posts haha ladies !!!
Hey everyone :) hope you don't mind me joining in again. Still feeling a bit tentative here as I know you guys all know each other well by now. I vanished because I've been really really ill basically since my last post a few weeks back. I don't even seem to be able to function and cry all the time.

I read all the posts I missed... About 300+ haha it has been amazing to see that all the symptoms such as nausea, actual sickness, banging headaches, exhaustion,, random waking up in the night, insomnia, and the random pains in my side aren't abnormal and that as sucky as it is that we feel crap it's nice to know I'm not suffering alone. Was beginning to beat myself up as I'm just not coping well and was thinking why am I such a moany cow and why can't I just pull myself together. Feels so much better to know the symptoms aren't just me overreacting and are actually common in tri1.

Those scan pics are amazing and congrats to everyone who has had their scan and I'm so pleased it was all positive! I'm really excited for our scan but I'm only 8+2 and haven't had a booking appointment date confirmed yet.

My mum outed me to the rest of my family even though she asked me if she could tell them and I clearly said no. She then set it up that they were all suspicious and then said things like "oooh ask your sister she might have some news" so I ended up having to tell my brother and his gf now and God knows who else knows. My mum is a blabber mouth and also very controlling so I'm not even surprised she didn't listen to me. Haha

Hope everyone is feeling better.am I right in thinking that the symptoms may get betterish about 10 weeks? Is there hope? Haha I'm losing the will to live xxxx

Sent from my G8141 using Tapatalk

Oh Laura, you poor thing...for all of it. First of all, you have every right to be angry at your mum's behaviour. Very narcissistic and controlling, not actually telling them but planting the undeniable seed. Allows her to act the innocent and even victimised party if you have a go at her, despite her behaving entirely consciously! I have a mother in law like it. So few people understand how manipulative these people can be.

I think it would be fair to say most of us saw improvements in nausea around week 9-10 But most of us have had it come back on and off along with other things as you've read. It will get better for you but please don't worry about having a damn good moan if you want one.

Big hugs xxx

Thank you GG, big hugs! I'm glad I don't just come across as harsh and nasty but it's just cuz I'm sick of my mum controlling everything that's not hers to decide and it's been for my whole life :( even at 28 she tries to dictate my life and is actually quite verbally abusive if I don't do as she demands. She's had a few outbursts and has told me twice now, the latest time was this morning, that she feels bad that this baby has me for a mother :( I'm currently having to live with her so I'm trapped too and have nowhere really to go :(

I'm normally strong enough to deal with her but another downside of feeling fragile and ill and emotional is that her biting comments are getting to me more and upsetting. At least I have my wee hubby to look after me. He's been a total star and practically waits on me hand and foot haha makes me feel bad cuz I don't want him acting like the staff but honestly I'd not even cope as badly as I am now without him xx

Sent from my G8141 using Tapatalk

If she pulls that line on you again, tell her to stop projecting her own guilt on you. I know it's not easy while you're living with her but fuck me...that's just bloody cruel. Alternatively, just giggle to yourself every time she says hurtful things. If she asks why you're giggling, say, "Because it amuses me that you still think your opinion matters to me"

Anyway, try your best to ignore her and focus on your little bean. You'll be away from your mum soon enough and honestly, if she's that bad, when you are living elsewhere, you can dictate just how much...or little you have to do with her.

LuckyLaura that's definitely not on at all. Any of it! She certainly had no right to announce anything that wasn't hers to announce. And her comments are outrageous hun. I'm sorry you're dealing with that but I'm glad to hear your hubby is a good support for you :hugs: xx
Ikno you're living with your mum, but if my mom said anything like that, she can get fucked if she thinks she'll see me or my baby. What a nasty thing to say. & if she announced it is be really pissed off, wouldn't speak for a while. Just sounds she's trying to be a dick on purpose.
Laura i am sorry you haven't been feeling so great lately, I hope it improves for you soon. First Tri has been a ride for all of us but it is now coming to an end which means we should start feeling better! My symptoms started to improve from week 8, I still get an odd shit day but not everyday x

You mum has a problem, not you. She should seek help for her toxic behaviour. I suspect you are forced to live with her but best thing would be to distance yourself from her and as soon as you can xxx
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Laura please don't feel left out either or that we all know each other so well, I think it's just because we all seem to constantly be on here lol.

Honestly don't understand why people, including family members feel the need to completely shit all over people's happy news. She has taken the power away from you being able to share your amazing news, what a bitch. My OH's twin has done that for us and my sister has also been a cow about it (think it's jealousy as her boy is 1 now and guess the attention isn't on her). I have decided I am no longer going to be talking to anyone about my pregnancy anymore as they don't deserve it. Your mum certainly doesn't deserve anything!!! Don't even think about believing her stupid words about feeling sorry for the baby having you as a mum, clearly by experience you will know everything that a mother shouldn't be! You will be a wonderful mum :)

We're all here for you!

As for symptoms, I would love to tell you they go away (you might be lucky). For the past week or so my nausea has gone, but the tiredness seems to be ramping up a level every single day!! Since last night the nausea is back in full force and worse than ever, if I eat anything it feels like it just sits on top of my stomach threatening to come back up. Keep getting heart burn (I think??? no idea what it feels like) and this morning I had to pull over on the way to work just to get out and breathe the fresh air and I could see myself vomiting all over my windscreen lol.

How is everyone today? Hope some better night sleeps were had last night xx
I was up at 3, for god knows why :(
Dd has her jabs today! And I have the Drs, hubby finishs work today for Xmas so that's great. Gotta vax all the carpets tho and have a massive headache. Sorry having a moan lol
Moan away PB. We are allowed. I was told the other day not to feel guilty about moaning by one of you lovelies so I'm running with it.

Laura, tiredness may become your worst enemy. I think, aside from my back, it's the one symptom that's got progressively worse. My back is a pain but I'm kind of getting used to occasionally walking around like en extra from The Walking Dead.

Please don't worry about us all being so chatty...you are absolutely part of this group and I guarantee you, we all come on here from time to time and think WTF have these women been taking and where can I get some...because it's like a million posts have been typed, lol.
You don't need to keep up, just know we are all here for you.

I also think you and I could have great fun over Christmas with mutual moaning about controlling/manipulative, selfish, childish relatives.

Me and Dan have been anxious for the last two months about his family coming for Christmas. I'm genuinely excited to tell them about the baby, his mum will scream, cry and it'll be really lovely for about 5 minutes. After That, we'll be wanting to pack their bags and send them home.
His sister aborted twins many years ago...but felt it acceptable to tell me she knew exactly how I felt after losing my pregnancies this year. She totally understood. I totally understand what a difficult decision she made and hold no judgement, she did what was right for her, but telling me she knew exactly what I was feeling, losing 3 babies, 4 including one in my 20's, that were very much wanted and longed for is not exactly the same!
She Will, at some point, be fed up with the attention not being all on her and I fully expect her to do or say something to ruin it for me and Dan. Her mum and dad don't know about the twins, so she'll probably let slip (on purpose) and set in motion a whole drama between her and her mum about it all. It will put the attention back on her.

His mum will be endless as always. She's approaching her 70's but will sit on the sofa, lift her arms in the air and clamp her hands like a baby trying to be picked up...because she wants a hug. She won't get off her arse to come to you, she won't use those things...you know, words, out of her mouth, to ask. She'll just sir there like a Weeble (who remembers those) arms outstretched, like a toddler, eyes closed, waiting for you to lean down and give her a hug. When you do...she doesn't fucking let go.
I just walk by and ignore it now. When she gets upset and asks why I didn't cuddle her, I say, "sorry, didn't see you...perhaps if you used words I'd know what you wanted!"

I've just lost all ability to hold back now. They're all toxic and selfish and both Dan and I quite happily face it head on now.

His mum: Are we going to the Christmas Market then?

Me and/or Dan: No point, it's 4pm and it shuts at 5.

His mum: (dramatic sad face and sticky out bottom lip, talking like a child) Awwww, but I was really looking forward to It.

Me and/or Dan: Well, you didn't get out if bed til three and spent an hour in the shower, so maybe you should have woken up earlier.

His mum: (mad face, angry tone) Well I did ask you to wake me up at 10.

Me and/or Dan: We did, at 10, 11, 12 and 1...and you kept saying you'd get up in a minute but didn't.

His mum: My CFS is bad today. Good job we can't go I suppose as I'm not sure I'd cope, it's really bad today. I might go back to bed.

Literally 5 minutes later...

His sister: shall we go anyway...we can catch the end of the market and then do some late night shopping.

His mum: (makes miraculous...could make Jesus jealous...recovery and is at the door, full of energy) Yay, let's go.

I swear, if we put cameras up around the house and put the videos online, people would be absolutely gobsmacked!
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