**** july mummies 2018 *****

Well I finally got an unbroken sleep last night, so relieved!! Still exhausted, but happy I got at least some sleep!

Hope everyone is okay today.

Who's scans are next ? :) x
Glad to hear you slept well JR! Sleep is so important! I went to bed with DD at 7.30 and only woke up a couple of times which is good!

Mine is on 23 Dec... 9 days to go! xx
Eek exciting, mine is 30th .. So 16 days :( feels like forever x
So exciting to see scan pics! They're so cute! And I'm glad the scans went well. Mine isn't until January 4th, which is ages away.

After a few days with no symptoms I was panicking but everything has come back and hit me hard again: nausea, sore boobs, mad mood swings, crap sleep. Got a stinking cold to top it all off too. Sorry for the rant but I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself atm.

Got all my blood tests to do tomorrow with the midwife as well so not looking forward to that. Trimester 1 is a whole barrel of fun! When does Trimester 2 start, is it week 14?
Hopefully it passed quick!! Honestly Tri 1 is always dragging so bad! x

There is a lot of waiting to be done in near future: 9 days until privet scan, then after that I will have another 12 days until nhs scan. And after that another month (!!) for gender scan. I HATE WAITING!!! :D x
So exciting to see scan pics! They're so cute! And I'm glad the scans went well. Mine isn't until January 4th, which is ages away.

After a few days with no symptoms I was panicking but everything has come back and hit me hard again: nausea, sore boobs, mad mood swings, crap sleep. Got a stinking cold to top it all off too. Sorry for the rant but I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself atm.

Got all my blood tests to do tomorrow with the midwife as well so not looking forward to that. Trimester 1 is a whole barrel of fun! When does Trimester 2 start, is it week 14?

Yes, we can move over when we rich week 14 (can't wait!!!) x
Although the waiting is a nightmare, it is nice to have things to look forward to! In normal life I just live day by day waiting for the next day, but this at least gives something to look forward to. Each Wednesday I'm relieved another week has passed, I have Christmas coming, then my scan, then New Year.

All very exciting times :D x
Definitely makes the process easier having Christmas breaking up our last few weeks

JR I'm glad somebody got a good night sleep haha! Xx

Shepherdess that's crap but at least it all *should* be easing soon. Not helpful at all sorry lol but :hugs: xx

I absolutely hate when people say that. It's unfair to do that " Id be so grateful to be pregnant and they moan about it like it's an inconvenience " stuff. I know some people struggle conceiving. I did with this one. But I don't like pregnant women shamed for struggling though their pregnancy. We love our babies but it's hard!!! Xx

Well I was outed today at nursery. Had DDs appointment to discuss how she's been doing and one of the teachers was like "hey did I see you at the hospital yesterday at maternity? I was visiting someone and saw you both leaving." Thanks love :roll: Maternity is all one department at my hospital so was very clear I was coming from the ultrasound department :/
Oh well.
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Well I was outed today at nursery. Had DDs appointment to discuss how she's been doing and one of the teachers was like "hey did I see you at the hospital yesterday at maternity? I was visiting someone and saw you both leaving." Thanks love :roll: Maternity is all one department at my hospital so was very clear I was coming from the ultrasound department :/
Oh well.

Why oh why would you even ask a person this question?!?!?! Honestly some people are dicks :D
FFS!!! That would make me so angry!!!

WTF is wrong with some people? You just wouldn't mention it would you. Shan that's really annoying! x
Awh shan, how disappointing she should have kept her mouth shut till you annonced it.

Gg we all have a moan, dw basically what were all here for aha.

Tri to is just round the corner! Exciting I think it's gone super fast.

Still no call from the midwife. Gonna ring now.
Used my Doppler, herd the HB for like 1 second then loads of movement sounds from baby having a wiggle. Was having abit of a panic, that there wasn't a HB anymore. IDK why. Feel better now. C
Apparently reception has sent her a message to call me. They make you feel so stupid. She was basically like, why aren't you calling her... How the fuck do you do that... I haven't seen her this pregnancy.
Hey PB - I used to work in the Maternity Unit in a hospital - they always used to say using home Doppler's isn't a good idea because they're not always reliable.

Not that I know anything about them lol, only going from that advice they always used to give patients. I kind of want one, but it panics me hearing what the midwives and obstetricians used to say about them x
They're OK in the first tri, it's just that you can't trust them if your using it if your baby isn't moving. Cos theres so many different noises. I used it so much with dd I can tell the difference, but still wouldn't trust it if baby stopped moving or anything else was wrong always go in and get checked.
Ahhh okay that's what they meant then!!! I might get one :) what's the best ones? x
I just got mine from Amazon was about 30-40 pound. If you watch YouTube videos shows you how to use and different sounds x
Lovely to see all the scan pics :)
I was also thinking of getting a Doppler but worried that I will worry if can't find a heartbeat, still tempted to get one though.

Still feeling paranoid as I just don't feel 'pregnant', got a scan next week when I'll be roughly 11weeks. I am getting some crazy dreams though :)
The reason midwives don't like home doppler is that many mums have felt changes in babies movements, worried, used the doppler to find a heartbeat and then delayed going to the doctor. There's nothing wrong with using them, but if you notice any change in the normal movements, they should never be used in place of seeking medical help.
Shan, you are a better person than me. I'm afraid my response would have been, "and I trust you haven't shared that with anyone else as it's nobody's business but mine and if it had been bad news, you'd be making it ten times worse for me".

I have zero tolerance for crap like that though...sometimes, a short sharp reminder to keep your trap shut will make that person forever remember to think before they speak. It's an unwritten rule that if you see someone at the doctor or hospital, you never ask or assume what they're there for.

It was so good at the scan yesterday that they did the end scan in a different ultrasound department because it was an rmc scan. I thought that was wonderfully sensitive as last time, I had a scan to confirm a loss and had to sit in a waiting room with a load of pregnant women.
There were clearly other women there yesterday who were not in a good place so Dan and I just sat quietly before and after the scan, hiding out excitement until we knew it wouldn't make things harder for someone else.
All it takes to be kind is to have a little thought for others.

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