**** july mummies 2018 *****

oh Jemrose you're not having an easy time of it. just ignore your sister; it won't be long until you get to 12 weeks

just did the bicarb test, no fizzing at all

Did you do it with your first pregnancy as well? I can't wait to find out how accurate it is lol x

Right so exactly what so we do with it ??? I'm away to see if I have some!!

I hope I did it right. I put two spoons of bicarb into a cup, wee'd in another then tipped some in. nothing happened
oh Jemrose you're not having an easy time of it. just ignore your sister; it won't be long until you get to 12 weeks

just did the bicarb test, no fizzing at all

Did you do it with your first pregnancy as well? I can't wait to find out how accurate it is lol x

Right so exactly what so we do with it ??? I'm away to see if I have some!!

I hope I did it right. I put two spoons of bicarb into a cup, wee'd in another then tipped some in. nothing happened

Yup that's what I did.
No fizz = girl and foamy fizz= boy... apparently :D
Has anyone had a fizz before? does it definitely fizz?

I bet I get a fizz when I want no fizz :roll:

Do I have to be 10 weeks?
Has anyone had a fizz before? does it definitely fizz?

I bet I get a fizz when I want no fizz :roll:

Do I have to be 10 weeks?

I was asking myself the same question and went on youtube to see. The fizz some people are getting is unreal!!!

I read somewhere 10 weeks but we are doing it for fun anyway and baking soda is cheap so you can try anytime really x
Oh is just getting ready to go to work, the look I got taking my little contraption into the bathroom. He was like wtf are you doing haha

So idk what mine was. I didn't fizz exactly but had a beer like thin layer at the top. What is that classed as?
Oh is just getting ready to go to work, the look I got taking my little contraption into the bathroom. He was like wtf are you doing haha

So idk what mine was. I didn't fizz exactly but had a beer like thin layer at the top. What is that classed as?

yeah I had that too. That is not fizz. The fizz you would expect is like the one you get from quick pouring of coca cola into a glass x
Ooh Interesting ! So my test is girl then! I'm still saying boy for me lol. i just have a feeling. xx
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Ooh Interesting ! So my test is girl then! I'm still saying boy for me lol. i just have a feeling. xx

This is just for fun, I wouldn't bet my money on it haha! xx I am booking gender test 1st week of Feb, all going well x
I shanivy theres always one! had to laugh at your little bit of fizz haha

good luck for your scan btw, it's tomorrow right?

does anyone feel like they can't quench their thirst? my mouth constantly feels like it does when I first wake up, I've already had 8 glasses of water today and brushed my teeth three times. I keep trying ice cold water to get that refreshed satisfied feeling but my mouth still feels minging
Lol I know it's fun but damnit I want to know haha. Oh KHTW that's right you don't get told at the 20 week. So unfair! xx

Shepherdess thank you! Yes at 2, I'm so nervous I'm not going to be able to sleep. Can't believe it's actually here already. Also I'm so thirsty all the time xx
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Aaaaa so exciting!! You are our 1st dating scan, correct?! Can't wait to see the pic xx

I am not thirsty at all...in fact I keep forgetting to drink :(
Feel like I have a bump today - very strange. My skirt is proper clinging to my lower abdomen, it's all hard and firm. I still can't shake the feeling of twins!!!
KHTW I think so. Trying not to think about it lol just hoping everything goes okay. I always think of the worst with things like this.,Who's next after me? Xx

JR Chances are one of us might do you never know! Did they say anything at your scan? As long is it's not me haha. And no I'm just feeling fat right now. :/ xx
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They said it could still be twins, but 80% sure it's one x
I have a bump for sure and add bloat on top of that I look 5 months pregnant by lunch time!!!!

Yeah I am the same with twins... as long as it's not me lol :D

Mine is on 23rd but I am sure somebody else is before that x
Awhh we need someone with twins!
Arghh I wanna do this, I used all my baking soda cleaning my drains couple weeks ago lol.
Has anyone done the Chinese gender chart? Mine says boy. Was right with my daughter lol.
Mine says boy too, most of the oldwives tales point at boys only a couple point at girl x
ill be next for dating scan mine is on Friday! can't wait

Chinese gender one was wrong for my DD

My friend did the "ring over your tummy" thing and said boy, but she'd also predicted I'd have two miscarriages ��
So, how does this bicarb test work exactly? Lol. Might have to give it a go and find out in July if it was accurate, lol.

JR, I'm sure one of us should be having twins! How awesome if your feelings are real. Xx
ill be next for dating scan mine is on Friday! can't wait

Chinese gender one was wrong for my DD

My friend did the "ring over your tummy" thing and said boy, but she'd also predicted I'd have two miscarriages ��

Ohh yes that's right hun. I thought it was you but just couldn't remember when. So soon eek!

I don't believe in that kind of thing but my mum does it so I don't know. She always knows people are expecting before they do and tells them what it is too. She called me and asked me was I pregnant literally five minutes after I tested. She's freaky xx

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