**** july mummies 2018 *****

I loved having a surprise time, lots of people near us still do but it makes sense for us to find out plus I think DD will be happier knowing, I don't really want to surprise a brother on her haha
Morning ladies x I have been awake since 3.15 am (2.30 am yesterday)?! What the hell is going on?!?! Anybody else??

I did the soda test, not a single bubble, just like with DD. I am telling you ladies this is another princess for us :love: However ring test still says boy x
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I was sleeping like that last week but thankfully the last two nights have been better
I slept terrible with dd with nightmares. This time I can sleep anywhere anytime aha. It'll get better in the next trimester :)

Ohh I wanna do it so bad, but I am not walking to asda in this weather!
KHTW if I wake up for any reason I'm screwed at the minute. Ooh so interesting I can't wait to see if you're right! Is it just the soda you need, I'm sure I have some in the cupboard xx

GG I love that you aren't finding out! I'm sure it's the surprise of your life but I couldn't do it haha xx

Feeling so sick today. I feel like it's gotten worse this week. :/ I am totally looking forward to the point where I can open my fridge and cook without heaving haha. Also the highlight of my week so far has finally not being constipated anymore as of this morning. Feels like a major victory lol. This pregnancy thing really is a glamorous business eh? :roll:
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KH, I'm much the same this past week. Struggling to get through days as nights are so bad. Just really bitty sleep, stuffy nose meaning it's felt like I haven't taken a full breath for a week...even through my mouth. I can't even yawn fully...had me in tears of frustration last night
Guess we're all in the same boat with sleeping!! Last night I feel like I didn't get a wink and must have seen every hour :(
Normally get up at 6:45, but today I got up at 5 because I was so frustrated, think I was using more energy to try and sleep than I would if I just got up. So annoying though as I'm so exhausted. The tingling in my leg is stopping me drifting off to sleep and then when I'm asleep I can't stay asleep x
God! It is definitely not just me then! Sucks so bad. Hope things get back to normal soon or we all are screwed! :cry:

I am so happy I am on half day Thursday and off on Friday!! With a staff party to go to on Friday but I'll survive that lol :D

Shan, you only need 2 table spoons of soda in a cup x
Seriously is everyone just on the path to upsetting me today?! I'm so pissed off. I saw an offer on Facebook for an early gender scan £47 at 16 weeks. Said to my sister that I wish I had the money at the moment so I could book it (only 5 days left on the offer).

She told me that I have been negative throughout the whole pregnancy, not excited at all and I need to "cheer up". I told her that every pregnancy is different and just because she had an easy ride doesn't mean that I will. I have had a tough time so far with being in pain and now the tingling in my legs stopping me sleeping. Ever since the beginning of my pregnancy my GP told me I'd probably have a miscarriage, so no I won't be over excited until the 12 week scan and I know everything is okay.

I don't see how wanting an early gender scan is a negative thing. Anyway I'm not taking any shit today. Told her I don't need anyone telling me that I am not excited about my baby and that I need to cheer up and she can just leave me alone and I won't be discussing my pregnancy with her anymore.

So angry today!! x
Oh and she also said "well count yourself lucky that you haven't had a miscarriage yet if they said you would" .... F*** OFF!!!!
oh Jemrose you're not having an easy time of it. just ignore your sister; it won't be long until you get to 12 weeks

just did the bicarb test, no fizzing at all
Your sister told you WHAT?!?!?! Honestly, so insensitive. Just ignore her! If she has any sense in her she will come back and apologies. I also don't see how wanting a gender scan is negative? If anything it is showing your excitement! xx
oh Jemrose you're not having an easy time of it. just ignore your sister; it won't be long until you get to 12 weeks

just did the bicarb test, no fizzing at all

Did you do it with your first pregnancy as well? I can't wait to find out how accurate it is lol x
Your sister told you WHAT?!?!?! Honestly, so insensitive. Just ignore her! If she has any sense in her she will come back and apologies. I also don't see how wanting a gender scan is negative? If anything it is showing your excitement! xx

My thoughts exactly!!! Honestly won't be talking to her about it anymore!! x
Wow the miscarriage remark is absolutely uncalled for. She should know better. Some people have breezy pregnancies, some don't. Personally dd was easy and this one I've been miserable too. It doesn't mean you aren't excited for baby just that weeks of bleeding, sickness, tiredness, pain on top of working can take its toll!! Not to mention hormones making us insane.

Me and oh are trying to build DDs vespa thing my mum bought Ivy for Xmas while she's at nursery. I've literally been losing the plot like a mad woman over it. Hormones lol what can you do, not everything is rainbows and unicorns everyday. Try not to let it bother you too much. But I hope your sister apologises for the "at least you haven't miscarried l" remark. I'd have went mad.

Also I have a friend that went for an early 16 week scan to find out she was having a boy. Went for her 20 week and it was actually a girl lol. It can be hard beforehand 20 to see accurately. So if you can get told the gender at the NHS scan I'd wait for that.

Basically my point is don't let missing the offer bother you that much hun. Though I know some ladies on here are having gender scans cause they aren't allowed to be told the sex at the NHS one. But do whatever you bloody want :hugs: xx
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oh Jemrose you're not having an easy time of it. just ignore your sister; it won't be long until you get to 12 weeks

just did the bicarb test, no fizzing at all

Did you do it with your first pregnancy as well? I can't wait to find out how accurate it is lol x

Right so exactly what so we do with it ??? I'm away to see if I have some!!
I'm not that bothered anyway as it is a 4D scan too and I don't personally like those! It's more the concept and how she's acted with me. If I had the money I'd probably do it, but I don't and I can wait. Would just be nice to know as I want to know now haha!

I think this forum is amazing because we're all going through the same things at the same time, I'm sure that when we are 38 weeks pregnant we'll forget how we felt at 10 weeks. So to talk to someone who's been through pregnancy so long ago isn't quite the same as people who are currently going through it!

I'm sure you all think I'm a negative, miserable moaner too haha x
Jem sisters think the shit they say wont offend you. Mime tried comparing her abortion to my first mc (which I was hospitalized). Then every mc after she just went on about her abortion. Just ignore her and don't bring up your pregnancy to her. I'm sure when your showing she'll change her way cos she will want to see the baby. You want a gender scan because your excited to know what your baby isz I don't see how that can be perceived as anything else imo.

I think the first tri makes everyone miserable, I havnt had any symptoms, expect being really tired and I'm a moody bitch aha. X
I'm sure you all think I'm a negative, miserable moaner too haha x

Yep but it's fine we're mostly all miserable moaners haha so it's fine! Lol. I've never been on a forum pregnant before and it is nice to have people going through the exact same stage who can relate and celebrate with you.

Honestly Jem it does get so much better in 2nd tri. You feel better, the baby starts to move, you find out what it is, buy pretty baby things, get a cute bump. Not long now for all of us xx
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Exactly, I think it's a wonderful thing that we all moan together. And it almost feels like we have our bad days at the same time haha x

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