**** july mummies 2018 *****

Thanks PB.

Shan, yeah...I went a bit overboard last time and had to go let a little out while I was waiting or I fear I'd have left a puddle on the table at the tiniest press of the US thing, lol.

I've just polished off 10 chicken nuggets and large fries after leaving the pub. Has no appetite when I was working but went to get some firewood and my body just screamed at me to eat, so I did. Bugger it... I'm doing better on the healthy eating now so I will allow myself a naughty night. My back is in bits though. Got a lavender heated pad thing behind me on the sofa and I'm not sure it's helping at all physically, but it's making me feel better knowing I'm at least trying something, lol.

Scan is at 12.30 but I then have to go to Haematology to get loads of bloods done as nurses, midwife and GP are all now refusing to put me through the repeated stabbings for nothing more than a sniff of blood. Part of me os praying the staff at the hospital can't get much either so that I can have a permanent line put in for the duration of the pregnancy. The midwife joked and said they should just leave it in for life, lol.

Hope you're all getting some quality sleep. I'm camping out on the sofa tonight to see if it helps my back at all.
Just turned over in bed....not doing that quickly again. Just had my first experience of round ligament pain...OUCH! It only lasted seconds but bloody hell!
argh awful awful awful night. DD woke before 1 (couldn't see all of my clock) and didn't go back down properly until 230; I think it had something to do with the cold, poor me didn't get back to sleep until well after 4 only for DD to wake again at 6 :( I'm so tired, I was nearly crying in bed. oh got up with her but i could hear her being whiny due to tiredness so at 645 dad must have gpt sick and said "go and see mummy" i could have killed him! sorry for the moan but i need to get it out; ttoday is going to be a long grumpy day

good luck to those having scans today
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GG god that round ligament pain really hurts doesn't it? Haha I drank too much with dd too. And they press hard too lol I thought my bladder would explode. Got a great pic of her though xx

Shepherdess sounds rough hun hope you both get a better night tonight. TBH I would have been like nope you can sort out dd for the night. Haven't slept much either dd came into my bed at about 3 and rolled about all night. And I've woke up the the runs and a dodgy stomach. :/ Think I'll join you in a pissy mood today lol xx
Edit Why does my phone always post double posts. Can we delete these?
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Double digits yay! I think we all get like that - worried. I know I am but trying not to think about it too much.

I booked a privet scan on 23rd Dec when I am 12 weeks (well 11+6). And I have NHS dating scan on 4th Jan when I am nearly 14 weeks x

Eek that’s soon! Not long to wait. You’ll get really good pics at those weeks too, it will look like a proper baby. Mine almost did today, hopefully that’s an arm not a really big nose lol

Oh, beautiful scan Katybaby. I'm 10+3 tomorrow and having a recurrent miscarriage scan but really hoping for a picture like yours.

I'm also petrified about mmc but trying to keep it together.

I've also been stupidly emotional and annoyed at tiny things this week.

One sleep and hopefully my scan will put my mind at ease and help me chill out a bit.


It’s amazing how different they look compared to 8 weeks!

It’s funny how an approaching scan makes all the nerves come back. Hopefully after today you’ll have a lot of reassurance

I’m definitely emotional this week too, partly I think because I’m so tired. Took ages to fall asleep and then woke up at 2:30 hypo and couldn’t get back to sleep again
What time are your scans?
Oo you've got it already to, it's shit hope it's gets better!
I also had to get up early dd woke up for food at 3 for some reason, hasn't done that since she was 1 month. :/ watching Xmas films since on the sofa.
Awh shepherdess, hoping you have a better night sleep soon!! X
I swear I woke from quickening in the night. I didn't realise it could happen so soon, but lt the same as when I first felt dd at 16 weeks. X
Mine is at 2. I'm so fucking nervous seriously. :/

What is with our children right now? Think they've been speaking to each other lol

I felt slight quickenings at 16 weeks but my midwife actually laughed when I told her and told me not to be stupid. I swear my blood boils when I think of her. Xx
I think I’ve had the round ligament pain too GG especially when twisting in bed or sneezing!

Good luck to everyone having scans today!

I’m in to double figures now which is wonderful and also scary, I miscarried in my tenth week last time... but last time I had lots of spotting and had almost no symptoms throughout the pregnancy. This time has felt very different.

I have to say that my nausea seems to have really subsided now and my main symptoms are tiredness and sore boobs. Hope this is still ok at 10 weeks... has anyone else found that their nausea has stopped or got much better?

Hope everyone is doing ok! We are so close to the finish line for tri 1!
Oh yes grow the sneezing! So painful it catches me out every time!

I can’t say my nausea has gone completely, and it was really quite bad yesterday, but I definitely think I’ve started getting more better days than bad days so fingers crossed it’s on it’s way out
I think I’ve had the round ligament pain too GG especially when twisting in bed or sneezing!

Good luck to everyone having scans today!

I’m in to double figures now which is wonderful and also scary, I miscarried in my tenth week last time... but last time I had lots of spotting and had almost no symptoms throughout the pregnancy. This time has felt very different.

I have to say that my nausea seems to have really subsided now and my main symptoms are tiredness and sore boobs. Hope this is still ok at 10 weeks... has anyone else found that their nausea has stopped or got much better?

Hope everyone is doing ok! We are so close to the finish line for tri 1!

Congrats on 10 weeks Fela. I must have missed that! We're almost at the same point.

Mine has got worse this week. As well as sickness. I'm hoping it eases soon though. It's killing me. The tiredness is ridiculous lol. And my boobs aren't really that sore. It's weird how different we all all xx
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Is anyone peeing themselves yet?! Maybe it's cos I have 2 close toghter, I was lay on the floor last night, and coughed and bam just little bits but do much for not wearing pads for 9 months!!

Maybe they can sense somethung shan well the older ones anyway.

Wth, glad you don't have that midwife again! I've read loads of people saying they've felt at 16 weeks or sooner.

Fela it's normal for nausea to go away around then end of tri one. Your placenta starts taking over.

My dry mouth has started, ugghhh x
Ha it is weird shan, I think I'm the best out of all our symptoms. XD
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10 weeks today :D

2 more weeks to go until I feel happy, but like all of you I'm so worried about MMC :/ although my abdomen is growing at a rapid rate!! My OH looked at me this morning and said omg I can see it (surely it's far far far too early). Poking out like no tomorrow haha! So it does calm my nerves about MMC a bit. 17 days until my scan, still feels like forever!

My sickness is here and there, tiredness is killing me too, boobs are almost normal again but at times nipples are sore.

Good luck for your scans today, can't wait to hear how they go :) xx
PeanutButter Do your pelvic floor exercises lovely. I didnt have any bladder weakness when I was pregnant with dd BUT I had it a little after she was born. I swear it stopped from doing pelvic floor exercises.. Could be since you've just had the little one.

I know she was awful but this one seems lovely. Xx

JemRose happy 10 weeks :dance: Double digits yay! Oh touching my nipples feels like I'm using sandpaper!

Quickenings are the first baby movements you feel. Feels like little gas bubbles xx
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Oh ladies how are your dreams?

Last night I had the most graphic disturbing dream about escaping from a serial killer :/ what on earth....
Yep last night I had a dream that my best friends sister died, but I could still see her (ghost I guess), I woke up this morning and had to check Facebook to make sure she hadn't!! Now I feel like my dream has jinxed her life haha x
Congrats on reaching 10 weeks JR and Fela! So exciting!

Ladies, all the best for scans today, let us know asap, can't wait for the pics!!

Can I join the sleepless nigh club. DD was tossing and turning like a maniac! x
10 weeks one day today for me :) and I am definately growing haha. JemRose I thought exaclty the same surely it's too early..............oh christ what if it's twins lol!!

Our boiler decided to break down last night, very annoying!! I told them I was pregnant so they put us as priority hehe! They are coming today hopefully they fix it!

Good luck with your scans today, looking forward to seeing the pictures.
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